Natalie Roche
Straight off the plane and into meeting after meeting.
We were in a building that I was unfamiliar with, and I was sitting outside of the office waiting patiently while Mr. Knight did his thing.
It had been hours since we’d landed and so far he hadn’t really needed me.
It made me suspect that he’d asked me here for reasons other than work.
Maybe not.
It was obvious now that he was coming onto me, and I’d made it quite clear that I wasn’t interested.
I’d thought he would give up, but Mason is the type of man who’s used to getting what he wants.
His voice sent a shiver through me.
I looked up at him. He looked like the day had gotten the better of him already.
“Yes, Mr. Knight?”
“I need you to do up a copy of these.” He handed me a stack of papers. “The copy room is down the hall and to the left.”
I took the thick stack of papers from him and held them in my arms. “Sure thing.”
“There’s a coffee shop downstairs in the lobby. I could do with a refuel. Double shot and make it snappy.”
He invited me here to bring him coffee and photocopy things?
I could have had great plans this weekend.
I grabbed my things and got ready to leave.
“Do you want me to grab you something to eat? You haven’t eaten yet?”
I was just trying to be nice, since I was getting his coffee anyway.
“Whatever you’re having.”
Mr. Knight winked at me before turning around and walking back into the office.
The man has no idea that I’m a vegetarian. Imagine his face if I came back with a salad.
Luckily I knew what he liked.
I grabbed my things and decided to get the photocopying done first. I walked down the hallway and into a room on the left.
As I did my work I wondered when we would be getting back to the hotel. It was already after six.
I was exhausted. I just wanted to get back to my room and crawl into bed.
“Haven’t seen you around.”
A man walked into the copying room with a stack of papers in hand.
“Are you new?”
I smiled politely. “I guess you could say that. I’m in town on business with my boss.”
“Mason Knight?”
I sorted the pages from the photocopier neatly and stapled them. “How did you know?”
He raised his eyebrows. “I just came from that office, I’m assisting my boss. Mr. Knight is quite the bull, isn’t he? What’s it like working for him?”
“That’s one way to describe him. He has his moments. I try not to get on his bad side.”
I’d come to realize there was no neutral with Mason Knight.
He’s either gunning to ruin my day, snapping over nothing, or he’s too forward and flirty.
A complicated man.
“Well, at least he’s something to look at. Mr. Blair is late forties and balding.”
I chuckled. “Mr. Knight might be nice to look at, but when it comes to personality I think your boss might just take the lead.”
He smirked. “Possibly.” He extended his hand to shake. “Joshua Benson.”
Joshua Benson was a nice-looking guy with an admirable sense of style.
Better yet, I discovered in just those few minutes, he had the personality to go along with it.
“How long are you in town, Jamie?” he asked as we traded places by the photocopier.
“Just until Sunday, then it’s back home to London. I’m hoping Mr. Knight will give me two days off since I’m working through the weekend.”
“You should make the most of your time. Order room service and make him foot the bill, that’ll show him.”
“He’d have my head for that.” I picked up the photocopies in my arms. “I should get back to it. It was nice meeting you.”
“You as well, I’ll see you in there.”
I left the room with files in hand and walked back to the desk I had been sitting at. I placed the files down. I’d have to get his coffee before I did anything else.
Double shot and make it snappy.
I took the elevator downstairs to the coffee shop and queued up with the late-night workers. After six on a Friday and some were still hard at it.
Finally, I placed my order of two to-go coffees and something to eat for Mr. Knight.
“You again!”
I looked over to see Joshua standing beside me. “Oh, hi! You’re in need of a refuel too?”
“Definitely. But I’m hoping we’ll be finished up in there soon.” Joshua placed his coffee order.
“Here’s hoping.” I was handed the coffees and a takeout bag. Joshua was handed his while I placed the lids on the coffees.
“So I think my boss is planning on going to the Nest for drinks after the meeting. Normally a thing he likes to do after discussing business.”
I pressed the button for the elevator. “What’s the Nest?”
“A rooftop bar with a pretty great view. I think it’s a must when you’re in Seattle. You should come.”
I shrugged lightly. “Hmm, I don’t know.”
My worry wasn’t going out with a man I’d only just met, but going out with my boss.
And I was freaking tired.
We stepped into the elevator—empty. Joshua glanced at me.
“You can tell by now that I’m gay, right? I’m asking you to come for a good time, I have no hidden agenda.”
I shook my head. “That’s not the problem.”
The doors opened, and there stood the problem, right in front of me.
“I was looking for you, Jamie. I need that coffee.”
I stepped out of the elevator before Joshua and handed Mr. Knight his coffee.
“Sorry, Mr. Knight, there was a line.”
Joshua smiled at me and walked ahead of us toward the office.
“I send you for coffee and you make a new friend.” He watched Joshua go. “Another nice guy.”
“Nice guys are my type.” I brought my coffee to my lips and sipped.
Mason smirked and opened the bag I had given him. “How did you know what I liked?”
“Just my job, Mr. Knight.”
We walked back to the office.
The man smells good, I’ll give him that.
“I need you to sit in on the meeting and take some notes, Jamie.”
I’ve been sitting outside at this small desk since we arrived and now he wants me to sit in. At least he’s making use of me now.
“Okay. That’s what I’m here for.”
I glanced down at my watch and saw it was close to 8 p.m.
The bosses were still at the table chatting while Joshua and I sat aside taking notes as we went along.
“He’s looking at you,” Joshua whispered.
I looked at Joshua and followed his line of sight. Mason was sitting at the desk chatting business, but looking at me.
His eyes were fixed on me, actually, like he couldn’t tear himself away.
I pushed my black frames up my nose with my index finger—it’s a thing I do when I’m feeling self-conscious.
Was it the glasses that had him so fixated?
“Mr. Knight…Mr. Knight!” Mr. Blair said, trying to get his attention.
Mason took his attention off me and looked at Mr. Blair. “I’m sorry, I was distracted. What were you saying?”
Their conversation went on and I continued taking notes, noticing Mr. Knight glance over at me from time to time.
Thankfully, the meeting ended not long after, and we packed up.
“It’s been a long day. You’re both joining us at the Nest tonight, yes?” Mr. Blair asked as we walked toward the elevator.
Mason glanced at me and back. “We’ll meet you there.”
We’ll meet you there. He didn’t even ask me if I wanted to go.
Do I even have a choice in the matter?
Would I be going to have a good time and drink? Or would I still be taking notes as they chatted among themselves?
We walked out into the cold. I closed up the buttons of my black wool coat against the breeze.
“See you there, Jamie.” Joshua smiled before parting to go his separate way.
Mason and I walked toward the waiting car and slipped into the back seat. We sat in silence as the car took off in the direction of the hotel.
My phone rang in my bag. I pulled it out and looked at the screen.
Mason glanced over. “Let me guess, Mr. Nice Guy?”
I canceled the call and placed it back in my bag. “I’ll call him back at the hotel. Do I have to go out tonight?”
“Yes, you have to. It’s business. I need you to be there and make an impression.” He looked at me. “Wear a dress.”
“For your benefit or the client’s?” I asked before I could stop myself.
Holy shit, did I just talk back to Mason Knight like that?
He smirked. “If I said mine, would you wear the dress?”
I shook my head.
He apparently found it amusing, but I wondered if he was surprised that I was still resisting.
“The Nest is a fancy rooftop bar. You should look the part. Who knows, you might enjoy yourself for once.”