Mason - Book cover


Zainab Sambo

Under the Flashing Lights


The double doors swung open and we stepped out into a sea of blinding flashes. Reporters were snapping pictures nonstop, and it was all too overwhelming for me. I’ve never been a fan of the spotlight. I felt a wild urge to sprint into the street and escape.

But then an arm slipped through mine, its grip tightening on my elbow. It was a silent warning. I figured he had a pretty good idea of what I was thinking.

“Mr. Campbell, are the rumors true? Are you getting married?”

“Mr. Campbell, can you share any details about your wedding?”

“Mr. Campbell.”

“Mr. Campbell, any comments?”

“When’s the big day?”

“Is the bride Chloe West? The woman you were rumored to be dating?”

Questions were hurled at us from every direction. I felt like a deer caught in headlights.

“Gentlemen, please.”

The crowd fell silent at the sound of Mason’s commanding voice, but the camera flashes didn’t let up. I was sure I’d be seeing spots for days.

“Thank you. I’m pleased to announce my engagement.” He turned to me, his smile brighter than any camera flash. “This is Lauren Hart.”

The cameras swiveled my way, capturing my forced smile. I hoped it looked genuine enough for them.

“Ms. Hart, over here! Have you set a wedding date?” a reporter asked.

My heart pounded in my chest. I was frozen.

“Yes, love,” Mason said. “Would you like to share the news?”

I looked out at the sea of reporters waiting for my answer. I wondered if Beth was somewhere, laughing her ass off.

“It’s in two weeks,” I managed to squeak out, flashing another smile at the cameras.

“How do you feel about becoming Mrs. Mason Campbell? Can you handle it?”

The question echoed one Beth had asked me before.

I laughed nervously, stealing a quick glance at Mason. His eyes were sparkling with mischief.

“I think it’s a dream come true,” I replied, my smile growing wider, “to marry the love of your life. And Mason is mine. So, I don’t think I need to worry about being his wife.”

Mason chose that moment to lean in close, his lips brushing my cheek. A shiver ran down my spine, and a warm tingle spread through my body. He pulled back and smiled at me.

I was shocked. I had to resist the urge to touch the spot where he’d kissed me. I almost gave us away.

I was determined to ignore his allure. His muscular build, his powerful aura, his deep voice, and those piercing silver eyes.

Obsessing over him wouldn’t do me any good.

“Thank you all for coming, but we have to go now. We have wedding preparations to start. Shall we, love?”

We turned away from the cameras and headed back inside the building. I took deep breaths of the cool, damp air until we were safely inside.

I made an excuse to go find Athena and Aaron. I could feel the stares following me. They weren’t friendly.

I preferred the looks I got on my first day. I knew what they were all thinking.

She’s a gold digger.

She blackmailed him into marrying her.

She’s pregnant with his child.

And more.

I was stopped by Jade. She looked furious. I could see the veins popping on her forehead.

“You’re marrying Mr. Campbell?”

I sighed. “Yes, I am.”

She was speechless.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I know how much you like him.”

She let out a strangled cry. “How does a nobody like you get to marry him?”

“Jade!” Athena appeared next to us in the hall. Her face was bright red. “That’s Mr. Campbell’s fiancée, are you crazy?”

“Yes, I’m crazy!” she screamed, her hair flying. “How can she marry him? She’s nothing! He’s out of her league! She—”


Athena slapped Jade across the face. I gasped.

“Athena!” I cried.

“Ms. Walker!” a voice boomed from behind us.

We turned to see Mason, his eyes filled with anger.

Oh my god.

Why did he have to show up now?

Oh god.

“Ms. Walker,” he said again, looking at Athena, who was staring at the floor.

His voice sent chills down my spine.

“You’ve broken one of Campbell Industry’s rules. No physical fights in the building. Do you understand what you’ve done?”

I tensed up.

Athena’s face was emotionless. “Yes, Mr. Campbell, I understand the rules.”

“And Ms. Willow, do you have anything to say for yourself?” His tone suggested he’d heard everything she’d said about me.

Jade tensed up.

“N-no, sir.”

“I’m going to let you both off with a warning. This is your first strike.”

I relaxed. I could breathe again. Jade seemed to deflate at his words.

Mason gave her a look so dark it made me shiver.

“Ms. Willow, who I choose to marry isn’t your concern, nor is it your place to voice your opinion,” he stated. “Lauren is going to be my wife. If you can’t show her the same respect you show me, you’ll be out of a job. I hope that’s clear. Now, please get back to work.”

His gaze met mine briefly before he vanished down the hallway.


“Look who’s home, my famous friend!” Beth squealed as I walked in. She grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the couch and flicked on the TV.

The news was on, and the headline was Mason Campbell’s engagement.

She switched channels, but the story was the same.

My face was plastered on every channel.

I felt a wave of panic. I wanted to hide, to bury myself in a hole.

“How did they get that picture of me?” I wondered aloud, staring at my driver’s license photo from three years ago on the screen. I didn’t look bad, just the same as I do now.

I glanced at Beth and noticed her cheeks were flushed a deep red.

“I sent it to them. Don’t give me that look! They would have found some unflattering photo of you and broadcasted it to the world.

“Imagine if they’d found your yearbook photo. You had braces and a couple of huge zits on your forehead. I did you a favor.”

“Gee, thanks,” I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Did you know my phone has been ringing off the hook since the news broke? Even our old high school friends called. They all want to hang out.”

I snorted.

“Exactly,” she scoffed. “Suddenly you’re famous and everyone wants to be your friend. They tried your phone, but it didn’t go through.”

I glanced at my phone and realized it was dead. “Must have run out of battery.”

“Can you believe people? They’re awful. Everyone wants something from you, even the ones who wouldn’t give you the time of day before.”

She patted my back. “It’s true, babe. How are you holding up?”

I leaned back on the couch, ignoring the TV.

“Overwhelmed. I can’t believe this is happening. It’s all moving so fast.”

“I know, right? I thought when we decided to get married, it would be years from now. But your wedding is in two weeks, Laurie. It’s unreal.”

I sighed heavily. “Tell me about it. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick.”

My eyes landed on a small bag on the kitchen counter.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“I think it’s from Mason,” Beth said. “Some guy in a black suit dropped it off.”

Beth pulled out a black velvet box that looked suspiciously like what I thought it was.

She slowly opened the box and a large diamond ring sparkled back at us. We both gasped.

“Wow,” she finally said, awestruck. Beth held the ring up, turning it in her fingers. “This is real, Lauren. Holy shit. It’s huge!”

I looked away from the expensive ring, refusing to be drawn in.

“I can’t believe I’m not mad that your future husband had the audacity to send his driver to deliver your engagement ring. This makes up for it. God, Lauren.”

I rolled my eyes at her. I hadn’t expected Mason to get down on one knee and propose or hand it to me himself.

I pulled out a beautiful card with his elegant handwriting on it.


Your engagement ring. If the diamond is too small, Coop will take you to get it exchanged to your liking.

Mason Campbell.

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