Her Last Hope - Book cover

Her Last Hope


Berries and Rainwater


It’s a full moon tonight. There’s a breeze that sways the many leaves that dot the tree branches above me. Being here makes me feel at ease these days. Alone and quiet.

I sit on a fallen tree and look up at the moon to soak in its calming energy. My long, fluffy PJ pants stick to the bark like Velcro. I can’t help but close my eyes and sway with the breeze.

School was crazy today.

The new transfer student was Jake. And not only that, but now I can’t get him out of my head!

I had hoped that coming out here would help me relax, but all I can think about is him. I don’t need this. My heart is still in agony after the rejection.

I just want some peace and quiet…

“What are you doing at this place so late?” I turn to see Jake’s strong build in the cascaded shadow of the bunched-up trees.

Oh, great, I think as my heart splutters in my chest.

He steps closer, and I take in all his features. Jake has a strong jawbone and slender lips. His eyes are such a beautiful light gray in this lighting. He has perfect eyebrows and a long, slender nose.

Jake is wearing a simple gray sweatshirt with a pair of dark jeans and biker boots.

His scent smells of berries and rainwater. It’s intoxicating. Lynne is itching to get closer to him.

“Hello?” I was so lost in his physical prowess that I didn’t seem to notice Jake is now just a few feet away from me. He’s bent over to look at me at eye level. I feel my cheeks run hot.

“Why are you here?” I ask him breathlessly. His eyebrow raises, as does a smirk on his lips.

My body begins to feel a need for him. A need to get closer and run my fingers straight through his light-brown locks.

“Oh, ya know, just taking a stroll through the dark and dangerous woods with no one to accompany me and a few rogues along the outside borders,” Jake replies sarcastically. “Sound familiar?”

I cross my arms and sigh heavily, ignoring his question and looking at my feet. I’m barefoot as usual. I can make out hints of dirt and strands of dry, dead grass stuck out from underneath them.

“Okay, okay.” Jake sits down beside me, and my heart skips a beat. “I came looking for you, Moonlight.”

My head snaps toward him. He’s simply looking up at the moon, smiling. As if he takes comfort in it.

“Why are you looking for me?” A realization comes over me, and I stand. “How did you know I was here?”

I was so sure that I masked my scent with a special spray my mother gave me. Just in case someone ever found out about my abilities, and our pack was overrun.

I use it occasionally to get away from everyone and get time alone. My family always scolds me after, but they understand.

“Think, Moonlight.” Jake stands and takes a few steps toward me. “After today, do you really not know?”

Memory of lunchtime, the way his gaze seemed to stake a claim over me. How the energy sizzled and cracked in the air between us.

Just how it is now.

“Your wolf, Moonlight,” Jake is now right in front of me, his face close to my neck as he breathes my scent in deeply. “She’s been calling out to mine ever since then.”

Jake is enveloping all of my senses. His heartbeat, scent, body heat. Everything about him is driving me wild. My body is reacting much like his.

“How is this possible...” Everything is too intense right now. My heart is on the fence between agony and happiness.

Jake reaches forward, and his fingers brush against my arm. A thrill runs through my body, and Lynne whines to be closer to him.

“Please, wait,” I say, taking a step back.

“I can’t get enough of you...,” Jake whispers huskily. “Ever since that night... I can’t stop thinking of you... My Moonlight.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask softly.

When a wolf is rejected, they only focus on that pain. It consumes their entire being. This is why most turn rogue. They go out of their mind and lash out.

I was in too much pain to notice that another bond was forming. Another mating bond.

My second chance.

“I saw the betrayal mark on your shoulder starting to develop. I knew that night that your mate had marked another.” Jake sighs and looks at me, his face plastered with want and need.

“It would have sent you over the edge. I’ve seen it happen. It would have been too much. You and your wolf couldn’t have possibly dealt with so much in so little time.”

“I still can’t deal with it,” I say. “I can’t do this, Jake...”

He takes a step forward, and I step back.

He opens his arms invitingly. “Please, Lake,” he says. “We can be happy together.”

Hope blooms in my chest. Lynne begs me to step into his arms.

And I want to. I want to feel safe and warm in his arms.

But I can’t risk it.

I won’t survive another failed mating bond.

I turn and sprint away, ignoring every instinct to turn around and run into Jake’s arms.

“Lake! Wait!”

I tune him out and sprint home, tears running down my cheeks.

I’m better off alone.

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