C. Swallow
“Fire burns in my soul…mm…hmm…oh…I despise you so…” I trace my painted finger along the cave wall, leaving a charcoal streak on the gray stone. I hum softly to myself.
I’m carrying twins for the most feared Twin Dragons, Dragon Lords Hael and Lochness.
Currently, I’m confined in a secluded birthing chamber they locked me in when I was three months pregnant. That’s when my belly started to show and others could see. It’s also when my emotions began to run wild.
I’m already a whirlwind of feelings, but now I find myself crying at everything, absolutely everything. Chains clink as they drag along with my ankles, secured to the iron embedded in the walls. Normally, I would wear a collar for my mates, but it’s been removed for my comfort.
My skin is caressed by a special soft leather bra, wrapped around my breasts. My skirt, made of velvet emerald green material, falls to my ankles, resting over my small baby bump. I can move from one end of the chamber to the other, as far as the chains will allow.
I’m at the farthest end, kneeling at the cave wall where I can paint. Sunlight filters through a gap if I want some sunshine, but right now, it’s only the moon that shines above me. I recall the words of the mage, the one responsible for my medical care.
“Dragon Lords are fiercely protective of their first offspring. Don’t judge them for their instinct to hide you away.” She tried to reason with me, saying things I don’t want to hear and choose to ignore.
As far as I’m concerned, I’m going to be stuck here until it’s time to give birth to my babies. Lochness and Hael have betrayed me, tricking me into this cell just yesterday! I hadn’t realized how much freedom I had wandering around their mountain complex until I was put in a chamber I couldn’t escape from.
With paint in the bowl, I absentmindedly mark the wall. Images of Lochness’s sword-length fangs, a giant grin for those he would consume. Hael is already depicted, wings spread wide in flight.
I’ve been humming a tune, a ward against my mates. I’m angry. When am I not?
But more than my anger at being hidden away from my friends and treated like their most precious possession—which I suppose I am—I’m furious at the emotional turmoil reaching new heights. If my mates are feeling overly controlling, needing to protect me? Well, I’m feeling defiantly rebellious.
I’m already crying, and I don’t even know why. Maybe it’s just the desire to annoy them, and I can’t because I’m chained away in some remote part of the Requiem mountains. Completely at their mercy! Utterly and entirely!
It’s also the desire to run, but I’m shackled permanently. All my games have come to a sudden halt. My tears continue to fall, and I use them to moisten the ground-up paint, so I can smear dark black charcoal into Lochness’s scales.
I can’t sing with my throat choked up. My wet fingers drag down the painting as moonlight illuminates my face and a light breeze sweeps down the hole, ruffling my long red hair. The wind swirls around my chamber.
I inhale the fresh air for a moment, and then the breeze is gone. I almost whimper, but I stick to silently crying, a fresh flood of tears streaming down my face as I rest my forehead against the cool stone. I’ll have to stand and drag myself back to bed soon.
I sob for my lost freedom. And I can’t stop. Once the tears start, my hormones won’t turn off the faucet.
It’s honestly embarrassing. I must look so pathetic to my mates when they visit me. I used to be so strong and wild.
Now I create puddles with my tears. Maybe they could drown in my tears—I wish.
“You need to eat dinner, my sad little one,” a softly cruel voice echoes above me. A large, lithe hand appears in my vision, one finger adorned with an onyx ring and green emerald. A wedding ring—that I gave to my mate just a week before he’d lock me away!
Lochness’s fingers wipe my cheeks, his hand so large he can wipe both cheeks simultaneously. I close my eyes, savoring the skin-to-skin contact. My brand heats and my skin trembles, but I quickly push away the tender thoughts.
I lean back into him, realizing he’s crouching behind me after misting in. I look up at Lochness, fire in my eyes. “I despise your stupid face,” I whisper. “I was fine out there with my friends—I was free—and then you—”
My voice breaks into a squeak as another sob threatens to escape. I try to suppress it, not wanting to feed his sadism. At least not too much.
Lochness holds my face, his fingers across my chin and jaw, simply watching me glare up at him.
“And don’t call me an ugly crier or an ugly rat,” I growl, anticipating his words. “You lying bastard.”
Lochness blinks, not even angry at me. I’ve noticed that my pregnancy-related tantrums have gone unpunished lately. So at least I can vent my frustrations and he’ll tolerate it.
“On the contrary, you’re beautiful when you cry, Madeline,” Lochness smirks slightly, his thumb pressing against my swollen lip, parting it from my top lip, feeling its fullness, “and I wouldn’t put a rat in gold chains…you’ve definitely upgraded to at least a well-groomed rat.”
Lochness watches my twitching lips as I struggle to pull away from his seductive touch. He doesn’t let me escape. Instead, his hand slips down to my bare neck, where a collar should be.
It’s funny how I miss that damn thing. But now Nessy can squeeze my throat, and he does, making me choke for a split second. I slap my hands against his wrist and he’s staring at my trembling mouth.
“Aww…little love…pregnancy is so hard, isn’t it, sweetie?”
“Mm,” I agree with a moan. “Yes—you handsome bastard. Kiss me and get me dinner. Now.”
Nessy hates it when I give orders. His green eyes spark as his hand tightens, choking me just a bit longer as he leans down to kiss me anyway—only to bite my lip and glare into my eyes.
Six more months of the sweetest torture and isolation. By the end, you’ll be compliant for me, won’t you, brat? His thoughts brush against my mind like a soft whisper.
“Never,” I murmur as Lochness releases my tender lip and his fingers abandon my throat to tangle in my hair, tugging gently. “I hate your kisses too,” I lie blatantly.
“Never.” Lochness echoes me before adding, “You love my mouth, Maddie.”
He uses the brand to control me, heating it against my back and causing my legs to clench together as I slump back into his chest, my eyes closing as I try to steady my ragged breath.
“Dinner is after you serve me, my beautiful wife…please…cry for me, darling.” Lochness lifts me up and positions me on my knees as he pivots around me and steps out of his leather pants.
Standing gloriously naked, he places a hand on my head and lays his velvet hardness against my cheek, while I pout and place my hands on his thighs.
“Before you get any lazier, rat…” Lochness throws down a challenge with his playful glare.
I scowl and punch his leg.
He growls deep from his chest. “No more misbehaving.”
He takes my wrists and lifts them above my head, restraining me.
I lean closer to his body, seeking refuge.
But I end up crying against his shaft, while he grows even more rigid.
I glare up at him again and he’s licking his lips.
Better, Lochness whispers in my mind. ~I love you, teary-eyed and vulnerable for once.~
“Enough, stop toying with the mouse,” Hael growls from the shadows, and Lochness quickly releases me with a wicked laugh.
“I’m watching you, brother. She’s pregnant. Stop stressing her out.”
Lochness moves to stand beside me, having the audacity to look slightly guilty.
He even takes a step further away from me.
I can’t help but stare at his enticing hardness which was so close just a moment ago.
I bite my lip and wince when I accidentally bite the tender flesh from before.
“Brother… Madeline is simply breathtaking like this—completely at our mercy and serving us every moment. Can’t you sense her vulnerability?” Lochness toys with my emotions, teasing me.
“As she becomes a…mother?”
“Shut up,” I growl. “Stop looking so smug as I get fatter.”
Lochness raises a sharp brow, taken aback.
He clearly doesn’t think that’s the case.
It makes me blush that he genuinely thinks I’m being silly for even suggesting that.
Now I’m just more embarrassed.
Damn it! I hate my mind right now.
“Come here,” Hael orders Lochness quietly.
“Madeline. Dinner. Come. Unless you have an objection to eating food?” Hael sounds extremely protective and calm.
I can see Lochness and Hael both glaring at each other.
Usually so brotherly.
Now they clearly have different intentions for me.
Hael wants to protect and pamper me.
Lochness wants to overwhelm me with earth-shattering orgasms.
He has been fascinated with how I keep bursting into tears with all the recent lovemaking we are engaging in.
Every climax makes me cry.
To be fair, it is the best distraction being trapped in here, honestly.
I stand and walk back to Hael with Lochness at my side, his gaze raking over me and leaving trails of heat on my skin.
I haven’t been communicating with Hael that much.
I am angry at him too.
The dinner looks and smells amazing, though.
I sit down at the table and I pick up the fork and knife.
Hael sits opposite me and his eyes are sharp. With one look I know he wants me to wait.
“When do you think you can begin, Maddie?” Hael asks, enforcing discipline.
“When you say I can. You said I could eat before so…”
“No. When you’re at the table. You’re still in training. You can eat now, darling…slow…yes?” Hael’s eyes burn.
“Put down the utensils…”
I’m confused but I obey just to annoy Lochness.
“I’m feeding you tonight, sweetheart.” Hael takes the fork and the knife, stabbing the fork into the greens.
“Because I want you to look at me. Stop thinking. Just relax and calm down, my love.”
Hael holds the fork next to my lips, and I reluctantly open my mouth and take a bite.
What a good girl. Hael sounds so proud of me.
I smile and when I glance to the side without turning my head, Lochness is leaning against the wall, silent as a statue.
Hael cuts a piece of meat and offers it to me. I take another bite, chewing and pressing my hands between my legs.
“For your obedience, you’ll get a reward,” Hael surprises me.
“Cheer up, darling.”
Is this the first time I’m getting a reward in how long?
I’ll take it.
“Tonight… I want you to make love to me and I want Lochness to watch…and then I want him to wait until the next day…I’m ~your~ good little mouse, Hael. I’ll do anything for you.”
I can’t help but smirk as I say this, sounding a little wild – but I am going stir crazy being stuck in this stupid chamber.
Hael stabs the fork into more vegetables, twirling it in some sauce.
“No, I can’t give you that. We don’t reward bratty behavior. You will be shared between us as usual.” Hael shakes his head, offering me more food.
This time my mouth stays shut as I just glare.
“Maddie…,” Hael growls, seeing my defiance.
“A counteroffer.” Lochness saunters over and stands behind.
“Eat your food, darling.”
“Or?” I pipe up, curious what he’ll say.
“We’ll go flying.” Lochness’s fingers thread through my hair, while I open my mouth.
I start to eat even faster than before.
“You love it, don’t you, you little sky nymph?”
I swallow the food and I admit with some cheekiness, “I do love being your little nymph…when I’m in the mood for you, Nessy,” I respond with a grin.
“He was talking about flying. Specifically, he said the sky, oh darling,” Hael chuckles, winking at me.
I stop chewing on my next bite, suddenly paling.
You love it, don’t you…you little sky nymph? He h-he does mean flying. Nessy isn’t talking about pleasure…and…I—
I—I just inadvertently admit to Nessy…that I enjoy his twisted games of pleasure.
Damn it.
I hesitantly look over at him.
Lochness is standing behind me, looking surprisingly gentle and adorable—which is always a warning.
He doesn’t even pull on my hair, he strokes through my curls more tenderly.
“Called it,” Lochness murmurs above me.
“At last, I get to hear how you truly feel, darling.”
Damn it! No!
He knows.
He is never supposed to really know.
I am never supposed to truly confess it to either of them; how much I love it.
But I can’t unsay what’s been said.
Curse this damned birthing chamber! In this prison, I am crumbling for them quicker than ever.
If I’m not cautious, day by day, month by month, I’ll eventually turn into the ideal submissive little mouse. The obedient slave they always desired.
Oh, gods… the mere idea is terrifying.