My Brother's Boss - Book cover

My Brother's Boss

Heather Teston

Age Rating


Kat and her brother grew up under the shadow of an abusive father. Despite their difficult childhood, Kurt has become a successful businessman while Kat is retreating from the world. After a toxic relationship Kat meets her brother’s boss - a powerful man who seems captivated by the young woman. But this new relationship is intense. Can it heal her or will she just be plunged to more turmoil?

Is it finally time for a future filled with love for Kat?

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Chapter 1

Kurt pressed a farewell kiss to his wife’s cheek before heading out for the day. He had a quick stop to make at his sister’s apartment before work. His sister, Kat, had been having a tough time since her ex-boyfriend had left her for another woman. He rapped on her door, waiting for her to answer.

“Kat, it’s Kurt. Can you let me in?”

The door creaked open, and she stepped aside to let him in. He couldn’t help but notice her pallor and the fact that she was still in her nightgown and robe.

“You look like you’ve seen better days. Haven’t you been sleeping?”

She ran her fingers through her disheveled hair and poured herself a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

“I’ve been up all night. Couldn’t sleep. Want some coffee?”

Their bond as siblings was strong—stronger than most. Perhaps it was their shared traumatic childhood, with Kat bearing the brunt of it.

“No, I can’t stay. My boss is a real piece of work. If I’m late, he might just fire me. I just wanted to see how you’re doing.”

“I’ll be okay. You should get to work.”

He moved closer, placing his hands on her shoulders.

“It kills me to see you hurting like this. Your ex was an ass, and you’re better off without him. Don’t you think it’s time to get out there and find a real job?”

“I have a job.”

“I mean a job that gets you out of this tiny apartment. You’re cooped up here all day, editing other people’s manuscripts.”

“It pays the bills.”

“But don’t you want more? You’re so talented. You could be making so much more money.”

“Kurt, we’ve had this conversation before. I don’t want to be out there, around people. Now, go to work.”

“I worry about you.”

“I’ll be okay.”

He glanced at his watch, realizing he was running late.

“Come over for dinner tonight. I’ll let Clara know.”

“She doesn’t like me.”

“That’s not true. She just doesn’t understand you or what you’ve been through. Will you come?”

“I can’t tonight. I have a lot of work to finish by the end of the week.”

He gave her a quick hug before leaving the apartment. As he climbed into his car, he checked his watch again, hoping he’d make it to work on time for the meeting. If he was even a minute late, his boss would throw a fit and bar him from the conference.

“Kurt, you better get moving. Mr. West is heading to the conference room,” Mary, the receptionist, warned him. He had just taken his seat when the boss walked in.

“I’m glad to see everyone is punctual for once,” he said, scanning the room.

Despite his disdain for the man, Kurt couldn’t help but admire him. He was a self-made billionaire with a finance and investment company and several real estate firms worldwide. He was also a partner in a global jewelry company.

“As you all know, I’m looking to hire a new CEO to replace Mr. Morris. Three of you are in the running.”

Everyone held their breath, waiting to hear who was being considered. Kurt had worked tirelessly for this opportunity. When he heard his name, he had to fight the urge to jump for joy.

“I’ll make my decision in a few months, maybe sooner. You three need to prove to me that you deserve this position. I’ll be watching closely, and any misstep could cost you the job.”

After the meeting, Kurt retreated to his office and called his wife to share the news.

“Oh my god, Kurt, that’s amazing! Do you realize what this means? We could afford to travel, buy a bigger house…”

“Clara, we already have a nice house. Don’t start planning a shopping spree. I don’t have the job yet, and there are two other candidates.”

“Well, we’ll just have to make sure Mr. West chooses you.”

After hanging up, he leaned back in his chair, taking a moment before his next appointment. He loved his wife, but he knew how much she wanted him to advance in his career. Their marriage was solid, except for the fact that Clara didn’t like him helping his sister financially.


That evening, he came home to a special dinner and his favorite bottle of wine.

“Honey, it’s been ages since you made this.”

“I wanted to celebrate. I’m so proud of you. Just think about how our lives will change when you get the promotion.”

“I haven’t gotten it yet, and I might not.”

“You’ll get it. I just know it. I’ve been looking at some houses. This one would be perfect,” she said, showing him a picture of a mansion.

“Clara, this is a mansion. We don’t need something like this. Our house is perfect. It’s spacious and has everything we need.”

“But why not have the best? Let people see how successful you’ve become. My parents always said you’d never amount to much. This will prove them wrong.”

“When did they say that?”

“When we got engaged. I told them you’d prove them wrong. Will you at least think about it?”

As she straddled his lap, unbuttoning his shirt and running her fingers over his chest, he found it hard to refuse.

“I’ll think about it. But let’s wait and see if I get the job. Hey, want to go upstairs and fuck?”

“Oh yeah,” she said, grabbing his hand and leading him upstairs.


For the next few days, he was swamped with work and didn’t have time to check on Kat. Finally, he made a point to visit her and share his good news.

When she opened the door to find him standing there with a bouquet of flowers, she let him in.

“I’m sorry I haven’t called. Work’s been crazy. But I have some exciting news.”

She took the flowers, arranging them in a vase, and turned to him.

“Thanks for the flowers. They’re beautiful. So, what’s the news?”

“Three of us at work are being considered for a promotion to CEO. I think I have a good shot.”

“That’s fantastic. You’ve worked so hard. You deserve it.” She hugged him, beaming with pride. “I bet Clara’s thrilled.”

He chuckled. “She is. And she’s already planning how to spend the money. She even wants us to buy a bigger house.”

“Your current place is so spacious and stunning, though.”

“I get it, but if it’ll make her smile, isn’t it worth it? I could help you upgrade to a better apartment.”

“Kurt, stop. I don’t want you to do that. I’m fine here, and it would only upset Clara. I hope you’re not pushing yourself too hard, risking your health or your marriage.”

“You know I thrive on hard work. So, how have you been holding up? Are you getting out and about?”

“I did some grocery shopping today.”

“Have you seen your doctor recently? How did that go?”

“It’s been a while, actually.”

“Kat, after your split with Tony, you should really talk to Doctor Nora.”

“I don’t need to see her; I’m doing okay.”

“No, you’re not. You’re dealing with depression and you need to talk to her. I don’t want to see you spiral like you did last time.”

She looked at him, seeing the worry etched on his face. Her brother was the only family she had left, and she couldn’t bear to see him hurting.

“All right, I’ll schedule an appointment. You should head home to your wife.”

“Sure, but before I leave, do you need anything? I can pick it up for you on my way home.”

“I’ve got everything I need; now go on.”

“I love you, sis.”

“Love you too.”

She watched him leave, feeling grateful for his presence in her life. He had lost several girlfriends because of her, but he never blamed her. When he met Clara and fell in love, she made a conscious effort to be less dependent on him.

Clara was kind to her, but they never really bonded. Kat couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy over Clara’s close relationship with Kurt.


A week later, Xander called an impromptu meeting. Everyone had to rush to wrap up their tasks.

“We have some important clients visiting for a few days. I’ve arranged a party at the Plaza Hotel on Saturday evening. I expect everyone to be there and treat them like VIPs. It’s a black-tie event, and I insist that everyone brings a date.”

“But it’s such short notice. What if we can’t find a date?”

He looked at the woman who had spoken up. “Then don’t bother showing up. Anyone who comes alone will be fired. Is that understood?”

No one dared to challenge him, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Kurt was getting a drink when Ricky approached him.

“Hey, Kurt. What do you think I should do?”

“About what?”

“You know I’m gay, right? Should I bring my boyfriend or find a woman to accompany me?”

“Everyone knows you’re gay, including the boss. It shouldn’t matter who you bring. I can ask him if you want.”

“That would be really helpful, thanks.”

Kurt managed to catch his boss just as he was leaving the office. “Do you have a minute?”

“I’m on my way out, but you can walk with me to the elevator. You’ve got until we reach the ground floor.”

“It’s about Ricky.”

“What’s up with him?”

“He’s gay, and he’s worried about bringing the wrong date to the party.”

“So he wants to know if he should bring a woman? I’m aware he’s gay, and I don’t have an issue with it. Some of my clients are gay. Tell him to bring his partner. Anything else would be an insult to my intelligence.”

The elevator doors opened, and he walked out, leaving Kurt alone. Despite his respect for his boss, he couldn’t help but think of him as an arrogant jerk.

“Did you talk to him?” Ricky asked as soon as he saw Kurt stepping out of the elevator.

“Yes, it’s fine to bring your partner. I’ve met him before, and I suggest you ask him to tone down his outfit for the party. It’s a black-tie event, so no flashy jeans or shirts.”

“Okay, thanks. I’ll take him shopping for a tux. He won’t be thrilled, but he can survive a few hours in one.”

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