Alpha's Servant - Book cover

Alpha's Servant

Danielle Jaggan

Chapter 4


I don’t know for how long I stood behind these oak doors. His doors. I just couldn’t fathom how I was all about trying to stay the hell away from this werewolf and yet I was standing behind the doors to his lair.

Every second that I hesitated added to my terror, and a new layer of goosebumps coated my skin. For all I knew, going beyond these doors would probably lead to my death.

I might not live to see another day, who could say he wouldn’t murder me like how he murdered Primrose? I gulped then squeezed my eyes closed.

This is it.

Goodbye, Scarlette.

Mom, Dad…I’ll be with you shortly wherever you are.

I took a hesitant step forward and enclosed my fingers around the cold knob of the door and pushed until it slowly creaked open. The room was dimly lit and it had such a stigma surrounding it.

With trembling hands and legs I pushed the tray inside and stopped when I was just a little bit out of the doorway. My eyes started to scan the room frantically for some switch to illuminate the room, but realization hit me when I saw none.

But what did I expect? There wasn’t going to be any light switch in the lion’s den.


But all I heard was the eerie silence and my heart drumming in my chest. Everything was stagnant and it was getting to me. If I stayed here any longer then I’d go mad.

I scanned the room for a table to put his breakfast on and spotted one near the far corner beside his bed. The one Primrose was probably murdered on.

Quietly I pushed the tray over to where the table was, and every step was a dreadful one. I unloaded every dish that was on it and upon picking up the third one I felt a gush of wind harshly blowing against me at lightning speed.

I whipped my head in the direction it came from so fast I’m surprised I didn’t get whiplash, but just like any other scary situation there was nothing there.

By now my heartbeat had skyrocketed in my chest, I could even feel it in my ears. It took a while with me just staring around terrified.

The last dish was steady in my arms and I placed it among the others then proceeded to take off their lids. The first dish was a mountain of pancakes with maple syrup, the second was just a plate with raw vegetables, and the third was something hairy.

I scrunched up my eyebrows with a look of confusion and upon further inspection I gasped and looked away to stop the bile from rising up.

It was a butchered rabbit. It wasn’t cooked or anything.

Even its fur was plastered with its blood.

Oh my God.

I felt another gush of wind zip past me, and out of the corner of my eyes I saw a dark figure warped in thin air before it disappeared.

Every gut and muscle in my body seemed to come unwound. My hair stood up. My eye sockets seemed to be expanding, and my eyeballs contracting, as if my head were trying to turn into a skull. Every inch of my skin broke out in gooseflesh.

Something was in here with me. Very likely something deadly.

All I could hear was my harsh breathing, and my eyeballs were looking in every direction. I knew that bolting toward the door wasn’t worth it because it was a wolf’s instinct to chase, but even so the idea was fresh in my mind.

Glancing every now and then to the door, I calculated how many steps it would take for me to reach the other side of the room. Maybe, just maybe, if I walked fast enough I could make it. By now my focus was all on survival.

I could do this.

I pushed my body and briskly run-walked to the door. One step after the other I felt myself panicking.

It was becoming unbearable, and just as I was about six steps away from the door I felt the same gush of wind swiftly passing in front of me this time, and my eyes widened in anticipation, and instantly I halted in my tracks.

Something was behind me.

I tried keeping my breathing steady, but I ended up doing the complete opposite and started to hold my breath longer than normal.

Was this thing playing with me? Was he playing with me?

It all happened so suddenly. Snake-like arms slithered their way along my spine and clamped down on my right shoulder, and that’s where I lost it.

I released a gut-wrenching scream that could make anyone’s ears bleed. I was like a banshee in that moment.

The arm then crept farther and blocked off any sound coming from my mouth. It spun me around so quickly I felt so dizzy, and I had to shut my eyes to let the dizziness pass, then opened them to stare my killer in the face.

And what I saw had my world crashing down.

“Are you crazy?” the person asked, completely annoyed, and I quickly nodded my head yes while breathing a sigh of relief.

The servant, whom I recognized as Aurora, gave me a questioning look, and I was instantly hit by my actions just now.

“I…I meant no,” I answered sheepishly.

She rolled her eyes and continued.

“What happened to you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she pointed out.

I hung my head in shame. I literally just made up a freaking death scenario in my head. But I’d never let her know about that.

I looked down at the tray then toward the bedroom I was standing in front of.

“Ohhh…I see what’s happening… You’re scared to go in, aren’t you?” she asked, amused.

And I just shook my head yes. My cheeks were probably burning with embarrassment.

“Don’t worry, girl. The alpha went out for an early run, you know how these werewolves are…so don’t worry,” she said reassuringly then walked away to her duties.

After I heard her faint footsteps disappear, I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding and pushed the door open. I was feeling a little bit more comfortable knowing he wasn’t in there.

Unlike my little scenario just now, the alpha’s room was lit up by the rays of the sun that ricocheted off the walls. I would almost say his room had a little peaceful vibe to it. But we all knew he was far from being peaceful, I thought bitterly.

I saw a little table in the center of his room and scurried over to place his meals down on it. I didn’t even open the lids. After ensuring everything was in place I ran out the room with lightning speed.

No way I was spending more time than I had to in his room. Before the click of the door I peeked one last time and then shut the door closed. Everything seemed normal.

But what I was unaware of were the yellow-like eyes that watched my every move from the shadows.

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