Her Familiar Stranger - Book cover

Her Familiar Stranger

M.S. Maondo

Voluntas Tua Plans

It was eight in the morning when Ceylan parked her Mercedes in the basement of Aslan Consolidated. She felt different today, and she didn't know if it was Vintage or Liam causing this feeling.

Liam had been in her thoughts since she left the mansion yesterday. “But I don't want you to move on.” His words played in her mind once more.

She quickly dismissed the strange feeling settling on her chest. She wasn't wrong—Liam wanted to get in her pants, and he was taking advantage of the fact that she had once had feelings for him.

Or maybe she still did.

Ceylan was sticking with her decision, just what she had told Savvy yesterday—she wasn't going to get involved with Liam.

She wasn't going to be one of those women who sat crying because their man was out there sleeping with countless women.

Savannah didn't trust her to stay away though, and a part of her feared so too. “The kiss I saw screamed ‘I want you so bad, Liam'.” And she hadn't failed to advise at the end. “Take a risk, Ceylan. Life isn't always smooth. Who knows, maybe you would be the one to tame that sex-deprived beast.”

Ceylan went out of the car and smoothed her deep V zipper long-sleeved bodycon cream dress.

Her black stilettos with silver straps click-clack as her hair locks bounced with every step she made towards the elevator.

“Good morning, Miss Aslan,” the guard standing near the elevator greeted her.

“Good morning, Rob.” She smiled at him and stepped into the elevator.

“Have a good day, miss.”

“You too.” She pressed the thirtieth floor, and as the numbers began changing, she found herself closing her eyes.

The image of her kissing Liam came to mind. Her body melting into his, her hands working their way around his body, feeling each crevasse, each line along his perfect physique…

“No, Ceylan, not with him.”

Her mind shifted to Vintage. She felt herself becoming wet with just the mere thought of him. It would be years until she would be able to get him out of her head.

The elevator opened, and Ceylan walked directly to her office. Chloe, her assistant, met her along the way.

She was wearing an O-neck slim pencil official navy blue dress that beautifully brought out her golden almond skin. Her black hair in a perfect bun as always.

“How was your weekend, Ceylan?” Chloe never addressed her officially. She had been her assistant for two years, and Ceylan liked to consider them friends.

“A hot mess,” she said, and before Chloe could get a chance to inquire further, Ceylan asked, “Did you go see your father this weekend? How is he doing?”

Her expression became sad, “Not well. The doctor says his cancer is in a pretty bad stage now.”

Ceylan halted to caress Chloe's arm lightly. “If you need anything—money, a break—just let me know.”

“Thank you, Ceylan. You've already done so much. What more could I ask for when Dad is getting the best medical care for free in the company's hospital? The least I can do after what you have done is be here to help you with anything you may need.”

St. Monica Hospital was one of the many establishments in Aslan Consolidated, and as an employee, her dad deserved this medical cover.

Ceylan wasn't entitled to the praises Chloe was showering her, but she had given up telling her assistant to stop—the lady never learned.

Inside her office, Ceylan settled in her seat behind her desk, and Chloe took her usual place. “So, what's new?” Ceylan asked.

“Marilyn Fashion House sent another budget. There have been some last-minute changes?”

“What last-minute changes? The yearly Fashion Exhibit is in two weeks; changes will definitely cost us.”

“These changes are a good thing,” said Chloe, handing Ceylan the documents she was holding. “I've gone through it. The new venue will refund us the non-refundable deposit we lost to the previous venue, then pay for half the preparation cost.”

“And which insane business person might that be?” Ceylan shook her head as she flipped the document.

“Liam Chase.”

Ceylan's head jerked up. “Liam Chase?” She had to confirm if she heard it right.

“Yeah. The Fashion Exhibit will take place at Chase Grand's ballroom.”

What was Liam trying to do? Was this a game he was playing? Was he trying to get her near him?

But no matter what he did, Ceylan wasn't going to play his game, and he needed to know that.

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask Chloe to get her his number, but she talked herself out of it. Calling him would mean she acknowledged his effort.

“Is my brother in?” Baris would talk him out.

“No. Do you want me to let you know when he arrives?”

“I'll just call him.” She dug in her purse to take out her forgotten phone. That was always the case with her personal phone. Only specific people called her through it (the rest called through her business phone), and considering she had been with her special people last night, it had gone silent.

“I'll be at my desk in case you need anything.” And Chloe walked out, leaving Ceylan alone in the grey-painted office with one floor-to-ceiling window facing the busy Los Angeles street.

As the screen lit up, a message came into view.

VintageGoodnight my sweet Ava, or should I just call you Ceylan Ela “Pinky' Aslan.


Her hand flew to her neck, realizing what had given away her identity. The necklace was missing.

Her heart beat loudly as fear ran through her. What if this guy blackmailed her? What if he decided to share the information with the rest of the world? What would her family think of her?

They would be disappointed for sure.

Her fingers trembled as she replied to Vintage.

CeylanWhat do you want from me?

Ceylan impatiently waited for the reply. She hoped she wouldn't be kept waiting for long. She was eager to know the consequences of her action. Only then would she know what to do next.

She didn't take her eyes off the screen, and when the text popped up, she saw it immediately. She held her breath as she read it.

VintageI want you back with me at Voluntas Tua. I want to kiss you again. I want to suck those two pairs of tight buds. I want to taste your juice once more.
VintageI want my cock buried in your silk warmth as you milk me dry.

She released her breath. Just sex blackmail from the only man who has ever given her orgasms. Not bad.

CeylanIs that all?

She needed to know if there was more to this.

VintageI take it that you agree. You don't know how happy you've made me. This day has started well. It's all because of you sweet Ava.

She thought hard before replying. If she told him she didn't want to have sex, then he might use the secret against her.

She needed to comply, get the evidence he had against her, then cut ties, never to see him again.

She could also solve this in another way. She could come up with something to tackle the blackmailer.

But something inside her disagreed; she would let herself be blackmailed to another magical night with Vintage.

CeylanI agree. But only if I get my necklace back.

Her phone vibrated.

VintageThat will depend on whether I have had enough of you.


Savvy’s eyes flashed. “Vintage texted you?”

Ceylan nodded, handing her phone to Savvy. Savannah placed her takeout container on top of the home bar counter, then repositioned herself on the stool.

Her face was buried in the screen for several seconds before she looked up. “Well, this is… messy and… exciting.”

“And dangerous too,” Ceylan added. “I'll do it just this once. I have to get my pendant, take the evidence.”

Looking down on the texts once more, she said, “He does sound harmless. I don't think he has any bad intentions. He just loved having sex with you and he wants more. You want more too, right?”

Ceylan couldn't hide her lust from Savannah. “I do. One last time.”

“What if he ends up pushing for this to go on? If he wasn't done with you once, I doubt the second time would do.”

“I don't want to be someone's mistress, Savvy. This will have to be the last time.” Ceylan said firmly. She then took her drink, letting the red wine wash over her tongue in a fruity bitter wave.

“O-Okay. But if he tries anything, Gabriella has to know about this, she has probably dealt with such issues at the club. Besides, you have someone else eyeing you to ever need Voluntas Tua services. Liam Chase is the whole package, so I've heard, you wouldn't need Vintage.”

“Where do you always get these gossips?”

“The guy has slept with half the socialites and models in LA, so this info was bound to come out.”

“That's exactly why I don't want to get involved with him. And I had to make it clear to him today.”

“There is more.” Savvy's voice lilted. “What did you do to Liam today?”

“I don't know what he is trying to achieve. He convinced Marilyn to make last-minute changes and let him host the Fashion exhibit when we have been making preparations for months. He would pay for half the venue preparation costs then refund our other venue's non-refundable deposit.”

“That's insane.”

“That's what I thought too. And so I called Marilyn, told her I didn't like Chase Grand for the event and that I wasn't going to sign the new budget. I'm not playing Liam's games.”

“This is a good deal though. You should have considered it.”

Her friend was right. Aslan Consolidated would save a lot of money, and as the CFO, this was the deal she was to be rooting for.

“I'm not going to let him throw money around for something stupid. He is Baris's best friend, it is only decent for me to look out for his interest.”

Savannah's brows raised, and on her mouth, a quizzical smile. “Is that just decency talking or something more?”

“Nothing more.” She got up from her stool. “I'll go shower and retire. It has been a long day. Good night.”

“Okay. Goodnight.” And Savannah went back to devouring her Chinese takeout.

Thirty minutes later, Ceylan was under her covers with no shred of sleep in her eyes but only one thing on her mind: Vintage.

Ceylan took her phone and texted him.

CeylanLet's do this on Friday.

It wasn’t that she was excited to have sex with him soon, it’s just that she needed to put this behind her. Voluntas Tua was supposed to be a one-night experience, not a prolonged agony.

VintageAre you that excited to see me, or rather, feel me?

That was just what she had disagreed with. She wasn’t excited.

CeylanNo. I just want to get this over with.
VintageEven if you don't admit it. I know you are. Or else you wouldn't be wet for me when we are merely texting.

She squeezed her knees together tightly because what he was saying was true. Was he an empath? She had been wet the moment she thought of texting him about their meeting.

CeylanI'm not wet.
VintageMy little liar. We'll see how you'll be able to hide it when I get you beneath me as I ride your pussy while you scream my name.

Ceylan smothered a groan of frustration as more juice flooded out of her. She would need to head back to the bathroom and mop up.

Another text from him came when she didn’t text back for a while.

VintageDo you want me to help you ease that ache?

This was a tempting offer but she wasn’t going to accept it. This had already gone too far.

CeylanSee you on Friday, Vintage.

And she put away the torturing device.

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