Beneath the Scars Book 3 - Book cover

Beneath the Scars Book 3

Natalie Le Roux

Chapter 2



I have to get back inside before my dad realizes I’ve slipped out.

The war was finally over, and people were starting to relax. The palace was crawling with guards, so I had to be extra sneaky to avoid getting caught. I knew it was risky to sneak out to the city alone, especially so soon after the war ended, but I had to see my best friend.

Takina had just had her first baby, and as her lifelong friend, I felt compelled to be there for her.

My dad had warned me not to leave the palace, saying it could still be dangerous, but I didn’t listen.

Once I managed to scale the wall and slip into the palace through a side door, I stopped to catch my breath. My thick black cloak hid my face and my usual fancy clothes, and the mud on my boots made me look like a common thief.

I need to get to my room and change. If anyone sees me like this, I’m in deep trouble.

I darted down the hall, heading for the residential wing of the palace, and stopped when I heard voices. I pressed myself against the wall and peeked around the corner.

Three armed guards were heading my way.

I need to find another route!

I looked around desperately for a hiding place. My eyes landed on a door that led to a smaller passage between the long halls. I tiptoed toward it and slipped in before the guards could spot me. I made my way down the narrow hallway, cobwebs sticking to my face and dust making me cough.

At another door, I stopped to listen for any sounds behind it. When I was sure it was clear, I cracked the door open and peeked out.

Empty. Good.

I slipped out of the door and checked the hallway once more.

This route will take me the long way around.

I took a deep breath and sprinted toward the end of the hall. As I rounded the corner, I collided with a guard escorting the tall Ful people we had just been at war with.

In a swift move, he grabbed me by the throat and pinned me against the wall, and I felt the point of his dagger pressing into my chest, right above my heart.

I screamed in fear and turned my face away from him, his angry blue eyes glaring at me.

“Who are you! How did you get into the palace?”

I was paralyzed with shock, and the knife pressing into my chest made me too terrified to move or speak.

“Get the Fuls to the ship, now!” he yelled to the other guards. When they ran out of the hall with the tall beings, he turned back to me. “Answer me, thief! Or I’ll carve your heart out and feed it to the worms!”

“No,” I managed to whisper. “Please, it’s me.”

I turned my face to the guard and looked into his bright, furious eyes. He stared at me for a moment, then recognition dawned on him.

He dropped the dagger to the ground and stepped back. I reached up for my hood and as I took it off, I saw his face turn pale with utter shame.

“Forgive me, Princess Laylar,” he said and dropped to his knee.

I pulled off the hood and opened the cloak. I looked down at the tiny spot of blood on my chest, then back at the guard.

He looks terrified.

I stepped forward and held out my hand to him. “It’s okay. You couldn’t have known it was me.”

He looked at my hand, then at me, before his gaze returned to the floor.

I shook my head. “Really, it’s okay.”

He stood up slowly and once he was on his feet, he backed away from me.

“Wait,” I said before he could run off. “What’s your name?”

He stopped his retreat. “Rein, my lady.”

“Rein? That’s an interesting name.”

Please don’t run away. Not yet.

He struggled to find words as he took tiny steps back.

“I would introduce myself, but you already know who I am. Everyone does.”

He flicked his eyes up to mine for a second and I was captivated by the stunning ocean color of them.

“Forgive me, my lady, but why are you dressed like that?”

I smiled. “I snuck out of the palace to go to the city.”

His eyes went wide as he looked at me again. “Do you realize how dangerous that was?” he blurted out, then shook his head. “Forgive me, I—”

“Maybe next time you’ll be there to keep me safe?”

“My lady, I’m not a royal guard. I’m only here to escort the Fuls back to the border.”

“Well,” I said with a smile and turned to walk away, “then next time I sneak out, who knows what terrible dangers I’ll find myself in. If only someone strong and capable knew and came to protect me.”

“Wait,” he called out.

I smiled to myself before turning to him. “Yes?”

He struggled with speaking for a moment, then said, “If you’re going to sneak out again…let me know. I’ll be there to protect you, my lady.” He said, and with a bow, he ran off down the hall.

I spun around and bit my lip as I ran back to my room.

My heart was racing, but not from the running. My stomach was in knots, but not from the fear of being caught.

I have to see him again.

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