Artemis' Gift Book 4 - Book cover

Artemis' Gift Book 4

M. Syrah

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Payne, once cursed as Pestilence, starts a new life as a university professor, only to find his destined mate, Hella, who is already in a complicated relationship. As they navigate their growing attraction, they uncover a dangerous mystery involving a rogue wolf on campus. With the help of his lycan brothers, Payne must protect Hella and confront the threats that arise, all while revealing his true nature and the ancient curse that binds him.

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Chapter 1



Pestilence watched his brothers transform into their wolf forms and run. He had anticipated this punishment, especially when Death was the first to draw blood.

The Goddess’s icy gaze fell on him, as if his brothers no longer mattered to her. She was clearly furious, a side of her he had never seen before. This made him feel even more uneasy, he hated letting her down.

“Payne,” she called out, her voice as cold as winter. “Your indifference to this slaughter makes you no better than the others, in fact, it makes you worse in my eyes. You are the most intelligent among them, yet you let things spiral out of control.

“Your apathy is a disease that you need to learn to cure. Henceforth, I rename you Pestilence, for you will bring disease to all those around you. Leave, I can’t bear to look at you any longer.”

Like his brothers before him, Pestilence felt his body morph into his sandy wolf form. The loss of his human form terrified him. Now he understood what had triggered his brothers. This was the most frightening experience he had ever had.

Without a backward glance at his brother, he began running south. What was his future now? He didn’t know what this curse would bring, and he was afraid to even think about it.

Was he now a carrier of diseases? If so, he needed to get as far away from others as possible. He knew all too well that diseases could lead to mass deaths, given his training in history and medicine.

He ran until he reached South America. The tropical forest would serve as a natural barrier, keeping most things at bay. He was panting heavily, having run for so long to reach this desolate place.

This was best for everyone, and it would allow him to do what he always wanted: to be alone and study. It would be challenging in this form, but he didn’t have a choice.

He began to establish a territory in the jungle. Most wild animals would instinctively stay away, but there were also humans living in this jungle.

Humans always wanted to be at the top of the food chain, but they would soon learn that they were no match for Pestilence, even with their knowledge of medicine and the local flora.

A decade after the curse, and after wiping out an entire village, Sirius came to see him. The Lycan King, as the werewolves called him, barely recognized his friend. His cornflower blue eyes widened in recognition of Pestilence.

“Stay back,” he warned the werewolves with him. “I’ll handle this. Follow me… Pestilence, I can help you if you let me.”

Pestilence shook his head at his friend.

They need to stay away from me, Sirius, or they’ll contract every disease known to man. You too.

“I won’t be affected,” Sirius countered. “It doesn’t work on lycans.”

Could Pestilence trust this? He was out of options, and maybe Sirius could truly help. He nodded to his friend and followed him out of the jungle. Where was Sirius taking him? He didn’t care.

All that mattered was that he wasn’t alone anymore. But for how long? He didn’t want to think about it yet.



I woke up with a sigh, staring at the white ceiling above me. The university had provided me with a room since I wasn’t going to stay long. That was good, I didn’t want to stay here. If it wasn’t for my curiosity, I wouldn’t have come at all.

The Goddess was clear when she appeared to lift my curse. She said that I needed to be here to meet my destined mate. I didn’t want to involve a human in our affairs. Who else could my mate be if I had to meet her on a human campus? I just needed her to reject me so we could both move on.

I got up from my queen-sized bed and walked to the small en suite bathroom. I missed my apartment at the pack house and I missed my friends. I loved being alone, but I had grown accustomed to the others and it felt strange without them.

I put on a shirt and tucked it into my jeans. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and decided I was ready for the first day. Many students seemed interested in learning about Ancient Greece, which made me smile. If only they knew that it was all true.

I grabbed my leather briefcase and walked out into the hallway. This building was for the professors, so I greeted my colleagues as I passed by.

They all looked much older than me, but I was undoubtedly the oldest in the entire building. I was even older than the building itself. That was amusing in a way.

I left the building with a smile on my face and headed toward a coffee cart in the garden by the main building.

The campus was divided into several identical buildings, with the main building made of old stones and the rest looking more modern, surrounded by parks and a forest.

The coffee would help me start the day on a positive note. I pulled out a book while I waited in line and began to read.

Electra… Nice choice,” a female voice said in front of me.

I looked up to see a young woman, probably around twenty or twenty-one, with long curly auburn hair, big dark blue eyes, full lips that were smiling, and a petite, curvy figure.

The moment I saw her, I knew who she was, but she didn’t seem to realize it.

She’s human, my wolf said in my mind.

We expected that.

“Yes, it’s one of my favorites,” I replied.

A faint blush appeared on her face as her smile widened.

“Are you a literature major?” she asked.

“History,” I corrected.

“Same!” she chuckled. “I haven’t seen you around before. Are you new?”

“Yes, I’m here for the semester,” I explained.

“Great! I can show you around if you want. I’ve been here for ages. I’m Hella,” she introduced herself, extending her hand to me.

Ironic, I thought, chuckling.

“One of the names of the Norse Goddess of Hell,” I said, shaking her hand. “I’m Payne.”

She jolted slightly as our hands touched. There was no doubt that she was the one I was looking for. Lady Selene truly had a twisted sense of humor.

The tingles felt too good, and I almost allowed myself to think that I could be with her. But there was no way a human could survive in my world. Even if my pack was peaceful lately, humans weren’t allowed there.

“Oh, you’re good,” she laughed. “Yes, my parents do have a certain sense of humor. Nice to meet you, Payne.”

“Hey, sweetheart.”

Both of us turned our heads at the sound of the new voice. A guy about her age stood there, sporting short brown hair and light hazel eyes. He was dressed in a sports jacket, a backpack slung casually over one shoulder.

He slipped between us, pulling Hella into his arms and planting a kiss on her in a show of ownership. That act stirred something within me, a surge of power. I wasn’t one to take defiance lightly.

Their actions halted abruptly, their eyes wide with fear as they looked at me. They couldn’t pinpoint the source of the power, but their primal instincts recognized a threat when they saw one.

I reined in the power, forcing my inner wolf to stop its mental growling. I didn’t need them to panic and bolt.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” I said to Hella. “I don’t want to be late on my first day.”

“Okay,” she replied, nodding. “Um… This is Tobias, my boyfriend. Tobias, this is Payne. He’s a new student in our major.”

“Good to meet you, dude,” Tobias said, extending his hand toward me.

“Same here,” I responded, shaking his hand. “Catch you later, Hella.”

“Sure, are you heading to the Ancient Greece class? I’ll join you in a bit, save me a seat,” she requested.

“Will do,” I agreed.

I picked up my coffee and headed toward the amphitheater, where my class was to be held. Well, here was another reason not to consider her as a mate.

She seemed content with her life, she didn’t need me. The thought stung, but I knew I’d get past it. I always did.

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