Mate's Pleasure - Book cover

Mate's Pleasure

Shanti Aventurin

Part 3 No. two


I can’t afford to wallow in jealousy. I need to focus on something else, anything to distract me from the sting of humiliation and heartache.

“So, what’s on your agenda today?” Anita asks as I step into my parents’ house.

“I’m job hunting,” I reply. It’s not like Mom would let me sit around doing nothing all day.

I grab a bowl and pour myself some corn flakes. I open the fridge to get the milk, only to find an empty carton. I shoot Anita a look, and she grins back at me, all innocence.

We wrestle over her bowl of cereal, but all we manage to do is make a mess. I leave her to clean it up and head over to my laptop on the dining table. I start drafting my resume, making sure to proofread it before printing.

I head back upstairs to change into something a bit more professional—or at least semi-professional. I pull on a long-sleeve dark green work shirt, jeans, and black low heels.

I yell for Anita to lock up before I leave. I gather everything I need and head out.

As I walk to the places I have in mind, I can hear the whispers of the pack members. It’s a beautiful day, and it’s been a week or two since my second rejection.

Seriously, people! If I’m expected to move on, so should they.

Some murmur, “Poor girl, rejected twice. She’s so brave to show her face again.” Others snicker, “Haha, here comes the queen of rejection.” Great! It’s like reliving my rejection all over again.

Despite their bitter or pitying comments, I hold my head high and square my shoulders. I ignore their words and focus on my job hunt.

I’ll take any job, as long as it keeps my mind off my rejections.

I drop off my resume at three places—a bakery, the library, and a pet store. I’m about to walk into a small coffee shop when I bump into Jeffrey. Just what I needed.

“Woah . . . In a hurry, are we?” I ask, trying to keep my tone light.

I stiffen for a moment. I can’t believe I’m talking to him like this. But he doesn’t seem to mind, so I go with it.

Seeing him hurts, but I put on a brave face. I need to move on. Besides, our bond is broken now that he’s mated with Alley. Still, I’m proud of myself.

“Yeah.” He flashes me one of his sexy, crooked smiles. “I’m doing everything in the office by myself. My Beta skipped the one class he needed, and Alley doesn’t want to work.”

I can’t help but giggle. I didn’t mean to! I nod slightly to show I’m listening. As for Alley not wanting to work, everyone saw that coming. I’m sure he’ll figure something out. The pack needs a Luna they can depend on.

But it’s not my place to criticize him or share my thoughts about his Luna.

“Sounds like you’re having a tough time,” I say. He nods vigorously. “Well, good luck.”

I mentally kick myself. Good luck? What is this, a Taken~ movie?!~ I need to get out of here. I step past him to enter the coffee shop, but he calls out to me.

“Scarlett, what are you up to?” Jeffrey asks, and I glance around, confused.

“Getting coffee?” He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. I thought my intentions were pretty clear.

“I mean, are you working or what?” Jeffrey asks. I have a sinking feeling I know where this is headed.

“Oh! Uhm, no. Not yet. I just finished handing out my resumes.” His smile widens.

I knew it. Please! Please don’t ask me to work for you!



“Come work for me. I mean, I know you’re good at Business Management. And, as your alpha, I command you to work for me,”

Didn’t I say please?!

Apparently, begging doesn’t work these days. And I can’t refuse his offer because he played his ‘I am your alpha’ card. Sigh. A job is a job, and I’m supposed to be moving on from the rejection. It’s a start!

“Why the hell not. Sure!” I tell him. What’s the worst that could happen?

Jeffrey’s smile brightens. He asks me to follow him, but I stubbornly point to the coffee shop. I don’t know why I can get away with such behavior with him. Maybe it’s because we’re ex-mates.

Jeffrey shakes his head and follows me in. He pays for my latte. After that, we head to the packhouse. He shows me around, even though it’s not necessary. He also shares his ideas about how he wants to change the packhouse.

Jeffrey leads me into the office. I’m a bit taken aback by the design. It’s cute, I guess. Simple. Retro, if you want to label it. I hope Jeffrey is open to feedback, because, if I’m working here . . . ALL of it needs to go.

I choose my words carefully. “No disrespect, Alpha Jeffrey. But your office is . . . dated.” That’s the nicest way I can put it. I scrunch my nose, showing my distaste for the design.

Jeffrey’s reaction leaves me speechless. He laughs at my comment.

“Well,” he sighs, “like everything else, I didn’t have time to change it. I’m struggling with my priorities.” He looks around. “And, you’re not offending me, but the last Luna. My mom designed it.” He grins mischievously.

“Promise you won’t tell her I said that!” I find myself reaching out to grasp his hand with my free one, but I let go almost as quickly as I grabbed it. I’m not sure what possessed me to do that.

He just laughs, not seeming to mind. “I won’t spill the beans. Besides, it’s not really my style.”

I give him a smile and a nod, acknowledging his point. I suggest that he needs an office that’s worthy of an alpha.

From there, we dive into planning and sorting out his schedule. Day one of working with my ex-mate is off to a good start.

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