Millennium Wolves - Christmas Special - Book cover

Millennium Wolves - Christmas Special

Sapir Englard

Unwrap Me 🌶️🌶️🌶️


My eyes opened slowly. I could feel the heat from Sienna’s body beside me, comforting me, making me feel at home. Because I was—being this close to Sienna, that was home. Wherever we were.

By the time I got home from the pack house last night, Sienna was already fast asleep. I didn’t want to wake her, so I climbed into bed slowly, trying to keep my distance. But now here we were, practically entangled.

Her limbs were draped over mine, and her hair was splayed out across both of us. Her eyes opened, and they immediately fell on mine.

I smiled at her. “Good morning, angel,” I said as I kissed her forehead.

She snuggled into me, wrapping her arm across my chest. “Good morning, handsome,” she replied. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas,” I echoed, pulling her even closer. With Sienna, there was no such thing as too close—I needed her skin touching my skin, her breath on my breath, and her mouth on my mouth. Anything else wasn’t enough.

But I knew that today wouldn’t be all cuddling and quiet moments.

As much as I wanted to savor this, I knew we had to talk about the thing that had caused Sienna to storm out of brunch—the thing that had kept our communication for the rest of the day yesterday pretty strained.

So I took a breath, and then I asked: “Can we talk about my meeting with the Alpha of the—”

“Aiden, no,” she replied, putting a finger up to my lips to shush me. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for her to continue. “It’s okay. I understand.”

“You do?”

“You can’t say no to Raphael. He’s the Alpha of the Millennium. And that’s your duty.”

I tilted her chin up and planted a tender kiss on her lips, amazed at my mate. “I love you,” I told her after the kiss.

“I love you more,” she murmured back. She brought her lips up to mine again, and then we were kissing, only more passionately this time. The next thing I knew, she was swinging her leg over me, pulling herself on top of me.

Her hips were moving in rhythm with mine, and I could feel myself getting harder. I pulled at the hem of her tank top, trying to take it off, but she stopped me. Through both of our heavy breathing, she said, “I can’t now.”


“I can’t, Aiden. I have to clean the whole house—”

“Screw the house being clean!”

“I have to pick out the dishes and set the table—”


“I have to pick up the floral arrangements—”

“Who needs flowers?”

“And I have to shower.”

She looked at me with such a frazzled expression that I couldn’t help but laugh. I tugged at her hair—she looked so goddamn cute. “If you shower now I can join you,” I told her.

But she just sighed and climbed off of me, kissing me on the cheek before walking to our closet. I watched as she got dressed, tormenting myself.

What I would do to have that body in this bed right now.

“I’m sorry,” she said as she walked out of the room. “But I’ll see you later.”

I sighed.

Merry Christmas to me.


As soon as we walked into Sienna and Aiden’s house, I was blown away. The place looked like a goddamn Christmas fairytale.

Sienna had placed massive white rugs on top of the dark brown hardwood floors, and heavy white throw blankets on top of the couches. Candles covered every surface, leaving the dimmed room glowing with warmth. And then there was the tree.

It was at least ten feet tall, and it was decked out with a million ornaments. It was the most perfect looking tree I’d ever seen, complete with gold embellishments, red tassels, and an adorable silver star at the very top.

“You’re here!” Sienna called out from the front of the room, causing my eyes to shift away from the immaculate tree.

“Sienna! Look at you! You’re gorgeous,” I gushed, throwing my arms around her.

“Thanks to your styling,” she said, kissing Jeremy on the cheek and pulling us further inside. “Come on, let’s get you some eggnog.”

“I’ll grab the place cards!” Jeremy called out as he headed for the table covered with red cloth. I saw beautifully written place cards sitting on top of the tablecloth, and turned back to Sienna.

“You really outdid yourself, girl,” I told her. “Like, seriously. This is beyond impressive.”

She beamed back at me. “I’m just so happy that everyone’s together.” And as we turned into the dining room, I saw just that—everyone together.

I was immediately pulled into a hug by Michelle, who looked pretty amazing herself in a sparkling silver mini-dress. I waved at Josh, spent a few minutes dishing with Mia and Erica, and then I hugged Mom and Dad, who were absolutely spoiling their grandchild with attention.

“When do you think Sienna will have one?” Mom whispered in my ear, holding little Vanessa close to her chest.

I laughed. “Oh my God, Mom. She just got mated. Give her time.”

My eyes flitted up, and they landed on Sienna—who was looking at the whole room, wearing an expression of disbelief. When she saw me watching her, she gave me a massive smile. “Merry Christmas,” I mouthed at her.

“Merry Christmas,” she mouthed back.


Watching all of my favorite people mingle in the dining room literally set my heart on fire with happiness. All of the hours I spent organizing this night, all of the stress I’d endured—it was all worth it.

“I baked you a chocolate chip raisin cookie—but just one, for you to try. It’s in the kitchen for you, when you’re ready,” Grady told me as he passed by with an empty platter.

I smiled at him. “I can’t wait,” I replied.

Jeez, I must really be in the holiday spirit.

I heard new voices in the living room, so I walked back into the foyer. And that’s when I saw them. Aiden Norwood, the love of my life, standing next to Raphael Fernandez, the Alpha of the Millennium.

In my living room.

I watched them talking to each other for a few seconds before I cleared my throat. Aiden looked up at me, a smile taking over his face. “There she is,” he beamed, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“What are you doing here?”

Aiden grabbed my hand and walked us over to where Raphael was standing. “The Alpha of the Millennium wanted to catch up with me. So I thought, what better place to catch up than the incredible Christmas party my mate was throwing?”

I can’t believe it.

Aiden had convinced the Alpha of the Millennium to come to our house—to put pack business aside and prioritize family.

“You’ve done a wonderful job, Sienna. It looks very festive in here. And thank you for inviting me—”

Am I dreaming?

“Don’t be silly, Alpha of the Millennium. We’re honored you’re here. Really. Can I get you anything? The hors d'oeuvres are about to start circling, but if you’re hungry I can grab you something from the kitchen. Or eggnog, maybe?”

Raphael laughed, and Aiden joined him. “You had me at eggnog. Point me in the right direction,” he smiled.

“Just that way, into the dining room,” I pointed, and as soon as he set off in the right direction, I turned to Aiden with my eyes wide. “How…?”

“Oh, he didn’t take much convincing. When he got to my office, all I said to him was that if he didn’t come with me to my mate’s Christmas party, I wouldn’t be getting lucky this holiday season. He is a man, so he understands just how rough that would be—” but I was smacking Aiden before he could finish.

“You didn’t.”

“No, I didn’t,” he laughed. “But I did tell him how hard you worked on making this the perfect pre-Yule Ball gathering. And he cares about putting family first as much as we do,” he explained, pulling me close to him.

I smiled, looking around the empty living room. Everyone we loved was in the dining room, and here we were, wrapped in each other’s arms. The glimmering candles, the sparkling tree, my handsome as hell mate—I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

“I got you something,” Aiden whispered in my ear, and I turned back to face him as he reached into his pocket.

“We agreed to no gifts until tomorrow!” I argued.

“I know, but this one can’t wait. Please,” he said, handing me a small gift box. I took it and, giving him an annoyed look, started to unwrap it. When I opened the box, my breath caught in my throat.

It was a necklace with a blood-red ruby surrounded by tiny diamonds. The red of the ruby was so intense—but coupled with the diamonds, it was somehow made softer, more elegant. I looked up at him. “I can’t…it’s…it’s beautiful...”

“May I?” he asked, removing the necklace from the box and coming around to stand behind me. I lifted my hair up, and he gently pressed the necklace around my neck, securing it.

He spun me back around, so I was facing him again, and his eyes were on the necklace. But then they moved up to my face, looking me right in the eye. At that moment, I could feel his love for me stronger than I ever could before.

I was speechless—the moment, the necklace.

It was all too perfect.

After we had our moment, we went to join the rest of the party in the dining room. Servers had laid the food platters out around the table, and bartenders were circling with new glasses of eggnog.

“Everyone, take a glass!” I called out, eager for our first toast as a family. Blood-related or not, that’s what they were.

With Aiden right beside me and everyone I loved together, I could barely contain my joy as I started to speak. “We want to thank you for being here with us tonight, from the bottom of our—”

Just as I started the toast, I felt it.

The burst of electricity right through my core.

The hardening of my nipples.

The dampening of my sex.

The haze.

It was here.

The dining room turned dead silent. I turned my head to my left, checking to see if Aiden was feeling the same thing. He was biting his lip so hard it had started to bleed.

We hadn’t had sex in eight days.

My body needed release.

And it needed it now.

I looked around me, seeing all my family and friends consumed by the same need. Everyone was trying to hold it in.

But why? It was Christmas. We shouldn’t have to hold anything in.

“Change of plans,” I announced, trying to keep my composure. “Everyone leave. Get out! Go home and love each other for the next hour! We’ll see you at the Ball!”

I didn’t have to give the instruction twice. Everyone was gone—even Raphael—in the next minute, waving and blowing kisses at us as they left.

As soon as we got the caterers out too, I looked at Aiden, his golden-green eyes filled with lust.

“It’s time to unwrap your present,” I said, my lips curling into a smile.

I lowered the strap of my dress, just to get him started.

Aiden was on top of me in mere seconds.

We didn’t waste any time. Right there on the dining room floor, he rolled my dress up my legs, over my hips, and burrowed his face between my thighs.

His tongue teased me first—but I didn’t need to be teased.

I needed to be fucked.

I growled, and he answered my growl by plunging his tongue right into me. It worked overtime, pushing me right to the edge—but before I could get my release, he broke away to tear his own pants off.

And then he was thrusting himself inside me, and I could feel every inch of him pulsating at my core. It was the most delicious, connected feeling I’d ever felt.

But I needed more.

“Faster,” I demanded, and he had no trouble following that order. He pressed his lips into mine as he pounded deeper and deeper into me, and I could feel my explosion coming.

The Haze was intensifying everything, and every movement from Aiden felt like magic.

He was hitting all the right spots and I was in my own winter wonderland of pleasure.

My eyes were squeezed shut, and while there weren’t any visions of sugarplums dancing in my head, there were sparks of bright colors, of bursting electricity, playing in my mind.

Aiden grunted as his dick sank deeper into my sex, and I moaned in reply.

I was so close. I was so close. I was—over the edge—free-falling through endless sky—~cumming!~

Harder than I’d ever cum before.

Eight days' worth of abstinence, and here I was, my body riding a wave of all-consuming pleasure.

After Aiden came too and we were both catching our breath, he looked at me, our bodies still stuck to each other.

“That was the only gift I needed,” he murmured with a smile.

I smiled back.

Because I’d already been thinking that this Christmas, my mate was the only gift I needed. Party or not, this night was leaving me satisfied.

“You’re the only gift I need as well,” I said.

Aiden leaned in and whispered. “Good...because I’m the gift that keeps on giving.”

Oh my God…

And it had only just begun.

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