Alpha King's Hybrid Mate - Book cover

Alpha King's Hybrid Mate

Breeanna Belcher

The Ceremony


I hate these kinds of events. Zade, my beta, convinced me to host the tenth mating ceremony as a morale booster for the packs.

The man may be a hardass, but he has the brains to go with it. Indeed, once the news got out that I was hosting this year, the packs all over the world got excited.

I normally don’t show my face unless something bad happens or I am required to go to some sort of formal event. I’m known for being a type of Grim Reaper.

If you see me outside of a meeting, you are probably about to die.

These events make me anxious, even after living for centuries and running the world of wolves. I’m still not one to enjoy crowds. Nor is my wolf, Damien.

He gets irritable when we are around many others, and today he has been abnormally high tempered.

I walk out to my office balcony, which oversees the garden in which the ceremony will take place. A sea of beautiful black lace shadows sit before my eyes.

My members are finishing the setup, and crowds of unmated are flowing into the garden of black and blue florals. It surely is a sight to behold.

The sky is clear, and the moon is bright in the sky. The moon’s radiant blue glow is reflecting into the lake next to the garden. Tonight will be perfect.

The wind begins to blow, and the smell of the forest reaches my nose, but there is another intoxicating scent I cannot put my finger on.

It doesn’t quite belong there, but it has my senses heightened, along with my wolf’s. Damien begins to thrash around, trying to gain control of me.

It’s like a train has smashed into my chest. He is actually fighting me for control!


I feel him thrash against the walls, trying to force his way to control.

What is he thinking, trying to force his way out like this when I have thousands of pack members surrounding us? He could kill them all.


Damien pushes again.

I push him back as hard as I can, forcing him to stay dormant inside of me. Now is not the time to deal with his stubborn ass.

I have to give the speech for the ceremony to begin any minute. With that thought, I look at the clock and see that I need to make my way to the stage outside.


After I leave the bathroom, I meet up with Flora and we make our way outside, arms linked together.

Once we get to the garden, I feel the breeze through my lace dress and smell the nature surrounding me.

A strong scent of cedar and citrus hits my nose, and I feel Cypris begin to stir again.

Dammit, wolf. Not now!

We make our way over and notice the sudden shift in everyone’s attention. Are they looking at me?

I see some foreign pack members sniffing the air like they are trying to place something. This is so not the time for my scent to draw attention.

My father told me to keep a low profile. I see all of the men staring me down. Sizing up my body. This little bit of cloth is not helping me right now.

My body is shaking from the nerves. They look at me with so much lust and hunger in their eyes. This is why I don’t like being around people.

“Girl, do you see this sea of sexual frustration! Can you say orgy?”

“I am so ready to find out which one of these sex gods is my mate,” Flora says louder than she needs to as she winks at some attractive men we walk past.

Given my father’s order, I convinced Flora to stay toward the back of the crowd. I do not want to be anywhere near the stage or the Alpha King.

“Low profile. Low profile,” I chant in my head.

I keep my eyes low or on Flora as she lectures me for being so far back we can barely see the stage.

We are in the perfect spot. Far enough to blend into the crowds and far away enough from the stage you wouldn’t take a second glance at me if you did manage to see me.


The crowds of people begin to lower their voices until you can hear the crickets of the forest. The Alpha King must have taken the stage.

I look down at the grass, trying to avoid eye contact, but then my wolf starts to go nuts. Cypris begins whining and barking! Barking?

When the fuck does she bark like a dog? She is now hopping around, bouncing off the walls of my consciousness. Scratching and whining so much it makes my head hurt.

“Cypris, what is going on?! Stop it. I can’t bring attention to myself! Dammit, wolf, listen to me! You cannot do this right now.”

I grab my chest from the pain of her trying to claw out. How am I supposed to do a partial shift to initiate the call when she is pushing me so hard?

If I do it, she will surely get out. I have never in my 200 years had to fight Cypris for control of my being, and now, of all days, she wants to act like a crazy bitch.

Five days before my birthday and she is going to get me fucking killed! I may be a spinster, but at least I will still be a living one.

Flora is drooling over the king’s speech, which I can’t even hear because of Cypris’s incessant whining, which is overwhelming my head.

Then Flora notices me in pain and jumps to my side to comfort me.

“Babe, are you okay? What’s wrong?” she says with sincerity, placing her hand on my bare upper back.

“It’s nothing. My she-bitch is being extra bitchy. I’m good though. Don’t worry.”

Flora cocks one of her eyebrows and gives me a weird, sly grin.

“Do you think your wolf senses your mate? You said yourself she never talks and isn’t very active. This sounds super uncharacteristic for the she-bitch.”

I start to laugh quietly, trying to make sure nobody notices and I don’t interrupt the king’s speech.

“Yeah, right. You and I both know you have to touch someone, look into their eyes, or hear their howl for your wolf to recognize their mate. I’m pretty sure Cypris just wants me to be killed.”

Cypris slams against the walls in a final attempt to push out with my words. I falter a little and grab my chest again, and she finally goes back to whining.

I start to hear people talk again, feel the excitement in the air. The members around me all start to strip out of their black clothes.

“Wolves, it is time to commence the ceremony! Undress and shift for the traditional mating howl!” I hear the beta’s voice booming over the crowd.

Flora looks at me and giggles wildly as she practically rips her dress off and flaunts her curvaceous body.

She makes sure to jump a little so she jiggles in all the right places. I avert my eyes as I follow, slowly removing my gown as well.

It’s okay. It will be fine. Let’s just get this over with and go to bed.

“Let’s get to fucking!” Flora yells, and I hear the crowd erupt into hoots and hollering in response.

I’m going to kill her. What part of low profile does she not understand?

The crowd goes silent as everyone stands in the buff. Waiting. Patiently. Anxiously. You can feel the nerves vibrating in excitement in the air.

“You can do this, Asa,” I whisper to myself as I wait for the horns to blow.

First is to partial shift. Second blow is to start the call.

The ceremonial horn booms into the night, giving the call to shift. I begin to shift along with everyone else around me. It’s not painful, luckily.

I can see a beautiful midnight black giant of a wolf on the stage. He is so beautiful it almost hurts to look at him.

That must be the Alpha King. He is the only one allowed to fully shift as leader of the ceremony.

The second horn blows, and the crowd erupts into howls. The sound is so beautiful I forget myself for a moment.

Looking around, I see women running to men after hearing their fated mate’s call. Men push to get to their women. It is beautiful.

Then I see it hit Flora. She heard her mate!

Flora’s body goes rigid. Her howl stops in an instant. And she looks at me and smiles.

“Snatched me a sexy beta! Good luck!!!”

Off she goes, running to the stage, and I look and see Beta Zade dive off the stage, barreling through the crowds to get to her. That lucky bitch.

My wolf growls angrily, and I remember I haven’t done my howl yet.

SHIT! I look up at the sky and put all of my heart and soul into one earth-shattering, emotional howl, praying it reaches the Moon Goddess and she blesses me before it’s too late.

Goddess, please hear my plea and grant me the gift of a mate.

Then the crowd goes silent.

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