Seaside Series - Book cover

Seaside Series

Rachel Van Dyken

Chapter Six


“Forgiveness…” Mrs. Murray cleared her throat, “Until you both can forgive each other, the addiction isn't going to go away.”

I snorted and looked down at my hands.

“So?” She leaned forward. “Alec?”

My brother tensed next to me. “I'm the one that needs to ask for forgiveness. And I have, but it doesn't seem to do anything.”

There was an awkward silence where I'm sure I was supposed to be the one to say something but I had nothing.

My knees shook, knocking together as I waited for the clock to strike eight.

“Demetri, Alec brings up a good point. Have you forgiven him?”

They made it sound so easy. Like all I had to do was say “yes' and butterflies would start fluttering out of my ass.

But that wasn't the case. Because no matter how many times I said that I forgave him—the hurt was still there.

When I closed my eyes, I still saw her guilty face, I saw his.

What type of brother does that? A high one. That's the answer. Granted, Alec hadn't touched drugs since—which sucked if you asked me. Nobody likes being the only member at his own party.

Everything felt so out of control that I wanted to scream. Instead, I did what I always did. I smiled and offered Mrs. Murray a solid wink.

“Good.” She smiled warmly and started stacking papers together. “Drug test tomorrow.” She handed us an appointment card. “Please don't be late.”

One damn week.

I'd been clean.

And already I was wanting to jump into that frigid Pacific Ocean and take a giant ass inhale.

“Thanks.” Alec took the card while I sidestepped him and walked out into the hall. Nat was sitting at the table banging her head against it.

“Rough night, beautiful?”

Her head snapped up and I was suddenly so very thankful that my brother was deciding not to be his usual friendly self. Mine. She was all mine.

She called to me like drugs.

And for the first time in a week I wasn't focused on the high—I was focused on her.

Huh, replaced one addiction with another. I wonder if that was frowned upon in rehab?

“What are you doing here?” she shrieked.

Alec and Mrs. Murray walked out of the office behind me.

“Oh, hi honey!” Mrs. Murray's voice trailed off as she started jabbering about another client and then went back into her office, closing the door behind her.

“Explain. Now.” Nat got up from her chair and crossed her arms as she approached us. Damn, she looked pissed. I took a step back and refused to make eye contact.

Alec cleared his throat, “I have uh…”

Wow. Maybe being off drugs would help considering his brain cells had clearly taken a hit. “He has a little problem.” I smirked. “It's why were here.”

Alec tensed next to me because well, we both knew the problem started with a D not an A but said problem wouldn't have been a problem if A had kept P in his pants and H out of his veins!

“Aren't there psychiatrists in LA? Canada?” Nat's voice pleaded.

Alec mumbled “asshol”eunder his breath and walked out of the house slamming the screen door behind him.

I almost did a fist pump. Finally, alone with her!

“Sorry” —I wrapped my arm around her shoulders— “it's kind of a secret, though I don't think it's going to stay that way for long.”

Her cute little jaw clenched like she was grinding her teeth. “Mind filling me in?”

And send her screaming through the house? Hell. No. “I”fyou're the math genius you claim you are, then yes, but only after homework.”

Her glare was so damn cute I almost lost it right there. “That sounds an awful lot like bribery.”

“It is.” I shrugged.

“Hey you got any food, I'm starving?” Actually, I was craving my body weight in pot and a bathtub full of little white pills, possibly some blue ones, and definitely some white powder.

But who was I kidding? I had to pass that drug test if I had any chance of getting out of this place.

With a sigh, she walked to the fridge. “This is pot roast. These” —she made a grand gesture at pointing at the potatoes— “are potatoes, and carrots.” She pulled out a plate. “And this is a plate.”

Whoa! Who spit in her happy juice?

“You put the food on the plate.” She said slowly walking over to the microwave and opening it up. “Think you can handle it from here on out, Rock sStar?”

Aw, how cute—we had nicknames. At least mine was baller.

Her anger made me horny as hell. It was… refreshing. Most women just stripped. Not Nat, no she was too busy teaching me how to say big words like “plat”eand “potatoe.”

I glared, playing along, then hit the minute mark on the microwave. “I'm still trying to decide if I like you or your irritate me.”

Her sharp intake of breath told me that the last thing she wanted was for me to leave—even though her body language said that if I got too close to the fork I was losing a ball.

The microwave dinged. I went to the table, ate my food in silence, then when I was finished went to the sink, washed the remains off the plate then placed it carefully in the dishwasher.

I wasn't an invalid. I knew how to do my own dishes. Besides, Alec kicked my ass if I didn't pick up after myself. Swear, when the dude was stressed he was organizing silverware.

A few drops of water sprayed on the counter tops so I cleaned those off too and went and sat down.

Nat's lower lip trembled a bit. Uh oh. What did I do? I immediately cringed, was she the type of girl who just spontaneously burst into tears when people actually did what was expected?

Like dishes? Shit. I could not handle tears.


Time to make her laugh. “I swear!” I pounded the tabletop and threw the dishrag against the sink. “It's always the same.” I almost knocked the chair over when I tugged it out and sat on it.

“Either girls want to screw my brains out or they think I'm a freaking idiot.” Only partially true. Okay so I played the idiot. Whatever.

“Like I don't know how to get my own food or iron my own clothes?” Fine, so Alec ironed some of my shit, but who cares? “As if everything's been easy on me, no struggles, nothing.

“I-I'm so sorry!” Nat put her small hand on mine. It was warm. I liked it. I immediately cataloged that moment as one of my favorites ever. Girls rarely held my hand.

Hell, the last time I'd been hugged… well it had been a while. Odd, how much I'd missed such a simple touch. “I didn't mean to assume anything.”

“Are you actually apologizing miss high and mighty?”

“Yes?” Her brown eyes were hopeful.

“Good. Because I was totally kidding. I love my life and probably deserve to be kicked in the balls for almost making you cry.”

Her eyes narrowed and then she just freaking lunged at me like a damn shark! Holy shit. I was a seal. A fluffy seal. And I was about to get eaten.

We tumbled to the floor.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it.

God, her hips fit perfectly against me.

“So, that's how it's gonna be huh?” I asked, muscles flexing as the shark held me down. Devour me. Please, please, please.

She nodded.



The poor thing didn't weigh enough to stand a chance. In a flash I flipped her onto her back and straddled her. Yeah. This was what I wanted. What I needed.

“Not that I didn't deserve to get my ass kicked.” I smirked then leaned down so my lips grazed her ear. “But I kind of like this position better.” I rocked against her—only teasing, swear.

And then she tried to wiggle out from underneath me.

Oh. My. Hell.

Had her mom not been in her office I would have screwed her right there. She had no idea either—that's how innocent the girl was.

“And better, and better.” I chuckled as she kept moving.

Her face flamed red.


She yelled for me to get off. Making me laugh harder.

Unable to help myself, I leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Math?”

Her eyes locked with mine. And caught. I knew that expression; half the battle was already won. And later on tonight? When I kissed her? Yeah. It would be all over with. Alec? Alec who?

I helped her to her feet and couldn't help but finally feel a bit of relief. Finally, things were going my way. Finally, it wasn't about him.

The forgiveness I'd been withholding started to slink away. I made a mental note to thank him—for finally allowing me to have one thing that wasn't his.

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