Dangerous Love: The Rogue Queen - Book cover

Dangerous Love: The Rogue Queen

Alicia Sleyster Schmidt

Chapter: four

Around 3 a.m., Aylin roused from her sleep. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes. How long had she been asleep? The room was so dark. She felt strange in a strange place.

Unsure of what else to do, she stepped out of her room. The hallways seemed deserted. They were just as cold as the cells. A shiver went down her spine.

Taking a left out of her room, she hoped she could find an exit door. There was no way that she was going to stay in that place where a ruthless king was her mate, and he with some bimbo.

It would be like watching Daemon kiss Ophelia again. Her heart wouldn’t be able to handle rejection twice.

She followed the halls until she heard a noise in the distance. Taking a closer look, she saw there was a light on under a door.

She approached carefully, afraid of what she might see. The closer she got, the more she understood the noise—loud moans and groans.

Peeking in the crack of the door, she saw something that made her want to vomit: the king was fucking that woman who had been standing at his side in the throne room.

Letting out a gasp, she turned quickly and ran back to her room. She slammed the door shut, slid down it, and started sobbing. She saw the truth. He didn’t care about her, not for a moment.

If he did, then he wouldn’t be doing what he was doing. Quill was wrong; his hunch was wrong.

She couldn’t say anything, though. If the king knew that she was out of her room and caught her, she would be in trouble.

After picking herself up off the floor, she padded over to the window. There was a large enough ledge for her to sit lengthwise. Looking up, she watched the moon from her window.

Before she knew it, the sun was rising.


A light noise sounded on her door first thing in the morning. She ignored the knock; she didn’t care who was there. All she wanted was a way out of this hell. Maybe Quill would help her escape.

“Aylin?” Quill’s voice called. Looking at the bed, he panicked for a moment until he saw her sitting on the ledge. “What are you doing?”


“Please say something,” he begged.

“I saw him.”

“What did you see?” he asked.

Bringing herself to look at Quill, her eyes were filled with tears. “The king,” she cried.

Quill knew immediately what she was speaking of. Fury bubbled in his chest. How dare he? “Bastard,” he seethed.

He started to stomp toward the door when she jumped off the ledge and wrapped her arms around him. “Please, don’t.”

Confusion swept across Quill’s face. Despite seeing Ezekiel with Ana, she still didn’t want him to be confronted? There was no logic to her actions.

Why would she want to protect Ezekiel from his shame? Was she protecting Quill or herself?

Turning himself around in her arms, he started stroking her hair, assuring her that he wouldn’t say anything. “I was going to have you come to breakfast, but I’ll have it brought to you. All right?”

Nodding, she wiped her eyes. “Thank you.”

He played it cool when he left her, but he was beyond livid. Seeing how affected she was by the king’s stupidity made him so angry. What did he have to do to make Ezekiel realize he had to stop being selfish?

Going into the kitchen, he asked Audrey, the head chef, to fix some breakfast for Aylin and take it to her. Frankly, he had lost his appetite.

As he walked through the dining room, his eyes narrowed at his brother.

“Not hungry this morning, Quill?” Ezekiel asked inquisitively.

“Not really, Zeke.”

When Quill passed his brother, Ezekiel sniffed the air, and his vision went red. “Why do you smell like her?” he snarled.

Quill stopped with his back to his brother, and he laughed. “Are you serious? What do you care?” he asked over his shoulder.

Before Ezekiel could answer, Quill went through the door and down to the training fields to work off his anger.

The king was left standing there wondering what had caused such disrespect from his own brother. He couldn’t imagine. Turning back around, he saw everyone had frozen in their spots.

When he sat again, Ana slid her hand over his but gave him a bewildered look when he jerked it back.

From out of the kitchen came Audrey with a tray of breakfast for Aylin.

“Audrey, where are you going with that?”

Freezing, she cautiously turned to her king. “Quill requested I bring this to Miss Turner, Your Majesty.”

Before she continued moving, Ezekiel paused. Shaking it off, he waved her on, and she went toward the room.

Aylin sat on her bed, leaning against the headboard, the comforter brought up over her knees. She couldn’t shake last night’s images from her head.

The more she thought, the more she wondered if the window opened big enough for her to throw herself from it.

As she was about to stand up, a light rapping on her door forced her to abandon her goal.

She carefully opened the door, and before her stood a middle-aged woman in a loose-fitting maroon dress.

Her hair was in a bun, and slight crow’s feet appeared near her warm brown eyes. She wore a small smile on her lips. “Miss Turner?”


“My name is Audrey. I’ve brought you some breakfast, per Delta Quill’s instruction.”

Opening the door more, she stood aside, allowing the woman entrance into the room.

Setting the tray down on the nightstand, Audrey removed the lid.

The aroma wafted to Aylin’s nose. She saw that there were eggs, pancakes, sausage, and hash browns.

“I hope you’re hungry,” Audrey said sweetly.

Aylin’s stomach rumbled in response.

“I guess you are.”

Audrey handed Aylin a knife and fork. She sat on the bed and put the plate on her lap, making sure not to spill anything.

Putting a scoop of eggs in her mouth, she savored it. She had never tasted such a thing in her life. The mix of flavors was beyond any taste she had ever encountered.

Then, biting into a piece of sausage, she felt the same sensation—surreal.

“I guess you like it?” Audrey jested slightly.

Aylin hadn’t realized she was eating so fervently. She paused, swallowing what was in her mouth with a gulp, and a flush came over her cheeks. “Yes, thank you.”

“Anytime, sweetheart.” She smiled. “Don’t worry. You get used to this place.”

Dropping her head, Aylin had no desire to get used to it. She wanted out. “Is there an exit to this place?”

Audrey immediately froze in place. “E-exit?”

“Yes, I want to leave.”

Sweat started to bead on her brow. “I’m sorry, honey. I can’t help you.” Then, hurriedly, she departed the room.

After placing the plate back on the nightstand, Aylin went over to the window. She looked at the outside world; the sun was shining, and birds were singing.

All she wanted to do was leave the castle; there was no point in her being there. Hearing a noise, she peered downward, seeing Quill training with some other warriors.

Suddenly, the one man she didn’t want to see strolled onto the field, shirtless. The sight was something to behold. Even from her height, she could see the definition of his muscles.

As much as she wanted to hate the king, she couldn’t. As his second-chance mate, Aylin still felt a pull toward him; clearly, it was one-sided. She opened the window slightly. She needed some air.

She went to her wardrobe, stripped off her dress, and looked for something else to wear.

Opening a drawer, she saw there was a pair of yoga pants. She slipped them on along with a loose-fitting green sweater.

A loud growl startled her. She ran back to the window and looked down to see the king glancing directly up at her, eyes black as night.


Aylin’s heart started thumping in her chest, making eye contact with the king.

His chest was heaving, and his gaze remained fixed for a minute. With fists clenched, he stalked back inside, not finishing his training session.

Quill was watching his brother’s movements carefully. He half expected Ezekiel to climb the wall and bust in through the window. A smile played across his face, seeing their faraway interaction.

As he gazed up, Aylin trained her confused expression down on him. He shrugged his shoulders, playing dumb.

Ezekiel stormed up the stairs, thinking about the newcomer in his castle.

He should have gone with his instinct and had her killed on the spot. Rather, he let her live, and now he needed to contend with the anger he held for other males smelling his mate.

He only knew of her smell because other unmated males smelled her scent from her slightly open window. His howl pulled them from their prying eyes.

Arriving back at his room, he slammed the door, trying to control his lust. The sound of the shower pulled him from his thoughts.

Whipping the door open, he saw Ana’s silhouette behind the glass doors. Even seeing her naked form, he didn’t have the same feeling he’d had when he saw Aylin, despite viewing her from a distance.

Ana noticed his presence and shut off the water. Then, sliding the door open, she stood there in all her naked glory. “See something you like?” she purred, seductively licking her lips.

In his haste, he stalked toward Ana, throwing her over his shoulder and tossing her roughly onto the bed. After tearing his pants off, he crawled over her, immediately ramming himself into her.

Without any regard for how she felt, he slammed himself as hard as he could into her. Though he was rough, Ana didn’t mind. She was used to him being rough on her.

Looking down at her, Ezekiel saw not Ana but Aylin. Leaning down, he did something he had never truly done before—kiss her. Not just any kiss, one full of passion and longing.

He pulled back, realizing what he had done.

Ana was confused. “What’s wrong?” She breathed out heavily.

Getting off her, he started pulling at his hair, pacing back and forth. Ezekiel was so flustered he let out a roar.

Ana recoiled in fear, covering herself with the sheet. “Zeke!” she yelled out.

Whipping around, he glared at her. “Get. Out,” he said with gritted teeth.

Without a word, she ripped the sheet off the bed and jogged out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Ezekiel landed an angry punch to the wall at how frustrated that woman made him. Everything he knew seemed to be crumbling around him.

He didn’t want to be an unfeeling brute anymore; however, that was the only way he had ever been. Truthfully, he didn’t know how else to be.

Being a king meant that he had to be ruthless to keep what was his. But, it also angered him to know that his little brother was spending time with the woman who was supposed to be his mate.

He stepped into the shower, trying to wash away all his thoughts about Aylin. It would never work. She was just a lost young wolf questioning her own existence.

As it stood, there would be no way that it would work for her to be queen. He was a brutal, harsh leader, taking no mercy on anyone who crossed him.

Ezekiel was sure that he would break her before she could even blink.

He paused. Something occurred to him that hadn’t before. Maybe he was capable of showing her a softer side. Just smelling the beautiful aroma of jasmine and roses drove him insane.

His brain immediately thought of the things he wanted to do for her and to her. He saw flashes of a life that was possible if he would only lighten up a little, at least with her.

She benefited him, not just for his kingdom, but for his own well-being.

“Quill!” he bellowed through their mind-link.

“Zeke,” he responded coldly.

“I need to speak to you. I’m in my room.”

“On my way.”

After slipping on a pair of gray sweatpants, Ezekiel waited in his room for his brother to show. If anyone was going to be able to help the king figure out his mate, it was Quill.

“Zeke!” Quill’s voice called.

“It’s open.”

When Quill opened the door, he observed the large hole in the wall and his brother pacing back and forth on the far side of the bed. “Sooo, what’s going on?” he asked, puzzled.

“Tell me… how is it so easy for you to interact with Aylin?”

Rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably, Quill wondered where this question had come from or why he would even care. “What’s this all about?”

“Will you just answer the question, damn it!?”

“Zeke, take it easy. I’m just curious why you want to know.”

Facing his brother, Ezekiel saw genuine concern across his features. “Because…because I want to make an effort.”

Side-eyeing Ezekiel, Quill wasn’t sure if he was being sincere. Then he gazed back to the hole in the wall and the frantic expression plastered on his face.

“Listen, she isn’t hard to talk to, but you have to be gentle. Whatever happened to her in the past is still fresh in her mind.

“That means, dear brother, no getting angry, no screaming at her, and certainly no punching any walls.” He gestured to the hole in the wall next to his head.

“So, what do you suggest?”

“Try to bring her somewhere that makes her feel safe, comfortable. The only thing she’s done since she’s been here is be locked in her room, and she’s terrified.”

It broke Ezekiel’s heart to know that Aylin was terrified. Part of him wondered if it was his fault, but then he recalled their first interaction in the throne room.

Of course it was his fault. Sitting on the bed, he dropped his shoulders in defeat. “Do you think I can even do this?”

Quill stood, arms crossed, in front of his brother. “Do you want her to slowly wither away to nothing? Because that’s what’s happening to her now.

You are going to have to make a serious effort if you want her to open up.”

What Quill really wanted to say was that Aylin caught Ezekiel fucking Ana and wanted nothing to do with the king.

But, he promised Aylin that he wouldn’t say anything, and he wasn’t going to break his promise.

Rising to his feet, Ezekiel decided it was time for him to start being good to not only his guest but to his mate. “I’ll get dressed. Could you bring her to my office so I can speak to her?”

“Of course.” Quill turned on his heel, leaving the room. Before he hit the door, Quill turned back for a moment. “Remember, Zeke, be gentle.”

Leaving Ezekiel, Quill headed down to Aylin’s room to give her the good news. He couldn’t help the smile that crawled across his face the closer he got to her room.

This was exactly what his brother needed to do: make a good impression on the girl.

Coming upon her door, he saw it was slightly ajar. He pushed it open and immediately saw Aylin sitting on the window ledge looking out. The same place he’d found her early that morning.

“Hey, Aylin.”

His voice startled her so badly that she fell off the ledge.

“Oh shit!” He jogged toward her and helped her up. “You all right?”

“Yeah,” she whispered, brushing herself off.

“The king would like to see you.”

Aylin’s eyes went wide as saucers at Quill’s words. “Wh-why? What did I do?”

He chuckled slightly at her. “You didn’t do anything, sweetheart. He just wants to talk.”

Immediately, her hands started shaking, and her palms became sweaty.

Wrapping her arms around herself, Aylin wasn’t sure that she wanted to be alone in a room with the king. She was horrified by what could happen. “I-I don’t know,” she stuttered.

Gently placing his large hands on her small shoulders, he looked her directly in the eye.

“I promise you nothing will happen. He just wants to have a friendly chat. I would never put you in a situation you couldn’t handle. I swear it. Do you believe me?”

Nodding, she had no reason not to believe Quill. So far, he hadn’t lied to her yet.

Once they reached their understanding, they both left her room, heading in the same direction as last night. The thumping in her heart became almost unbearable.

After coming up to a light oak door, Quill stopped. “This is the king’s office. Just knock and remember to breathe.”

Undoubtedly, Quill could hear how hard and fast her heart was beating.

“Relax, Aylin. You’ll be fine,” Quill disappeared down the hall, leaving her alone.

Staring at the oak door, Aylin tried calming her nerves. Taking a deep breath, she found her courage and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” a husky voice said.

Shakily putting her hand on the knob, she turned it slowly and poked her head in.

The king was sitting at his desk. Half of the room’s right and left walls were covered in bookshelves, with the desk straight in front of her.

It was a beautiful mahogany wood with intricate swirl designs on the front. The floor was partially covered with a beautiful oriental rug that pulled the whole room together.

After peering around the room for a moment, her eyes landed on the king.

He was wearing a black button-up with the first two buttons undone, and his hair was shaggy, still damp from a shower.

His hands were thumbing through paperwork on his desk; she never realized how large his hands truly were.

“Y-Your Majesty?” Aylin stammered.

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