Desired Temptation: A Night to Remember - Book cover

Desired Temptation: A Night to Remember

Ivy White




I cannot believe it.

As I look up, every muscle inside my body tenses up with anticipated need. My legs are spread wide on the black leather sofa inside the club and my fingers draw a line down toward my wet, sensitive pussy.

Konan’s words had been as follows: “Sit on the sofa, spread those legs, and get yourself soaking wet for me.”

Xavier was watching me, his body close to mine as he held the phone to my ear. I nodded and left my glass on the bar.

I can safely tell you that I was feeling nervous before I sat back and did what I was told.

With prying eyes watching from the sidelines, this is the one task that I didn’t want to follow. But I promised to give myself over to Konan, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.

For one night only, I don’t make the rules; I follow them.

I thought that this would be easy, but I’ve been proven wrong by my lingering negative self-talk. I still cannot push myself to not do as he tells me to. It creates most of the fun, outweighing my expectations.

If I was to be told that I would be doing this for my ex-boyfriend ten years later, I would call them a liar. It proves that anything can happen.

To think that I still get sexually aroused by him is crazy, but I cannot complain as I drag my fingers up the inside of my thighs while I watch the dance floor through half-opened eyes.

Licking my index finger, I look down at my naked pussy, begging for his touch.

Footsteps alert me to Konan’s presence, and I raise my eyes up to his.

Crossing his arms, he watches me. He stands in front of me, fully dressed in his vicuña suit. Black leather gloves cover his hands and his long black trench coat covers his suit jacket, making me feel cold.

Desire gleams in his electric-blue gaze.

I close my eyes.

My left hand slides over my right breast, and the tips of my fingers on my right hand glide over my sensitive, now-enlarged clit, which begs for more friction.

A whine leaves my throat unexpectedly as my breathing gets rough and shallow.

I cannot wait any longer. The urge to pleasure myself boils to the surface and forces my hand to travel lower down. One of my fingers enters my sex quickly, with a nudge upward.

I open my eyes, remembering that Konan is watching me. I got distracted and forgot about him being directly in front of me.

Our eyes meet and I cannot divert my attention again as I move my finger in and out of me slowly, not realizing what I’m actually doing.

His stare gives nothing away. Nothing at all. I don’t know what he’s thinking as he takes slow long strides toward me. Our eye contact never breaks.

When he stops above me, he catches my left breast with his right hand. His gloves are freezing cold.

My stomach sinks while the need for him to enter me sends my mind spiraling out of control.

“Good girl for following my orders.”

His tone is firm as he strokes my cheek.

I keep my head down, and he slides his other hand underneath my jaw, guiding me to look up at him. His touch relaxes me.

I hear noise coming from my right.

Konan chuckles, placing his hands on either side of my face.

“The party is finally starting. The submissives are all naked.” He winks and lets my face go.

I turn to see what’s happening, and he’s right. Women are getting down and dirty with the men on the dance floor. Toward the back of the room, a cross stands against the wall. A woman is bound to it.

I look closer.

“Is that—?” I stop moving my fingers deep inside me and see that it is in fact Camille’s mother, Mia. Her father Zane appears from a doorway. He wears black leather pants and holds a whip in his right hand.

“Oh my God.” My mouth falls open as the realization strikes me so flipping hard in the chest, I cannot breathe.

“The two of them love each other, Ella. You took it out of context, and as you can see, she’s what we call a masochist here. She gets off on her partner inflicting pain. Look how she’s smiling when he whips her.”

I shake my head and bring my knees up to my chest. Tears line my lower lashes as I fist my hands.

“I got it all wrong, didn’t I?”

I watch in a state of horror. I tore a family apart because I thought that Zane was beating his wife Mia—but in reality, they are in a BDSM partnership.

“Unfortunately, yes, you did, babe. Camille is not in any danger.”

Konan sits down next to me and wraps his arm around my stomach, dragging me against his side.

“I am so sorry. What have I done?” I shake my head and turn to look at Konan.

He shrugs his shoulders and gives me a sad smile.

“Recognize your errors and apologize. That child doesn’t require foster care. Mia has signed a contract allowing Zane to implement those marks, all of which originate from this club.

“Zane over there is actually a member of the Societa Oscura, so the two of them will always be under close observation.”

“How come they didn’t say anything?” I ask.

He laughs. “They did try. You wouldn’t give them the chance to speak. You were in work mode when you discovered the marks, which caused you to panic.

“You were concerned about Camille’s safety. It’s understandable when she needs to go to the hospital for a broken wrist and you notice the marks on Mia’s back. Any normal person would act the same way that you did.

“Just so you know, the two of them love each other.”

“Her back was covered with whip scars, and Camille claimed to the nurse that she had caught her arm in a door,” I said.

“However, the break was clean, and it appeared from the angle that someone had assaulted her, which is why we initially blamed Zane.

“Camille eventually admitted that her partner was to blame. He broke it during a fight. She didn’t want Zane to know, since she knew he would be upset.

“Still, I couldn’t let her return home knowing that Mia was covered in marks.”

“Most likely, Zane would have killed the man.” Konan shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

My eyes widen.

“Oh my—” I start, and he cuts me off.

“Ella, you need to understand that no one ever hurts family. When they do, it becomes personal for us. Particularly when women and children are involved.”

I nod, and stand up.

Konan narrows his gaze.

I get the impression from his behavior that Mia and Zane’s relationship means a lot to him. Looking over at them, I consider the harm I’ve done to their family and the psychological impact that must have had on them.

“I didn’t mean it. Honestly, my intention was never to break up a happy family.”

“I know, babe. It was more to do with me and Kenzo. He wanted us to meet so that I could tell you the truth.

“We could have just taken Camille, but we all wanted to do things right this time. I told Kenzo that I preferred it if he didn’t destroy your career, and he agreed since he knows how much you mean to me.

“Will you assist them with getting Camille home?”

“I’ll have to explain to the judge that I took the cues as abuse. For evidence, I’ll need a copy of the club’s and their relationship’s contract.”

“I can obtain them for you. They will undoubtedly provide you with a copy to utilize in court.

“We will remove her from the children’s home ourselves if all else fails. As you already know, Camille will then be difficult to reach because the Societa Oscura will be protecting her.

“However, this time, she won’t have just one security guard; she’ll have the entire group, including myself.

“The cops are on our dime, therefore they won’t ever assist with the hunt.”

Konan wraps his arms around my back and pulls me into him, guiding my head back to look backward, connecting his lips with mine.

His domineering side joins in as he pushes his tongue inside my mouth, feeling every small inch of skin.

I close my eyes and allow my emotions to take over for once.

Surely I can’t be hurt more than I already was in the past, when he left my life.

Konan pulls his face away from mine and stares down, smiling.

“Allow me to guide you,” he whispers.

Grabbing my cheeks, he pulls me back to him for another kiss before he bites my bottom lip and chuckles.

Picking up a thin dress from the sofa, Konan passes it to me. I throw it on.

My stomach churns. A feeling of happiness overtakes my senses completely as he grabs my hand and pulls me with him.

We go up to the third floor.

“You agreed to listen to me, and now I’m going to show you why that was a good choice.” He smirks.

The intrusion floor includes a living room and a library with two unique original stone fireplaces that pull in all of your focus and attention to either side of the room.

Beautiful herringbone hardwood floors enhance these dramatic rooms and are continued throughout the top floor.

The library has four massive floor-to-ceiling French doors which open up to the terrace, which I know will welcome the sun generously.

“Wait for me on the terrace,” he tells me, and I smile over my shoulder at him. He enters a kitchen area.

Walking out to the terrace, I stare at the lights in the distance. It looks amazing from where I am standing.

Konan walks up behind me slowly, two glasses in his hands.

“Whiskey?” he asks me and I nod, smiling.

It’s rather chilly up here, considering I’m wearing a light summer dress and absolutely nothing else. The thin white fabric sways in the soft breeze as I turn to him.

“The views are spectacular from here,” I say.

He chuckles quietly but does not reply.

I grant him the chance to enjoy the silence as it surrounds him. Taking the glass from his hand, I look at the city, sipping.

“Mm, how I’ve missed this,” I tell him.

“Missed what?” he asks.

“Looking at the city. You used to take me to the top of the mountain when we were best friends. Remember?”

Konan and I were best friends for years before we got physical and he disappeared.

He wraps his arms around me, holding his glass, and we stare at the lights together, watching them switch on and off in the distance.

“I do.”

I feel his nose touch my neck, inhaling my scent, which he has done previously on many occasions.

“I can’t do this anymore.” He sighs.

I snap my head around to face him.

I don’t want him to let me go again.

I gave up everything to be with him the first time around. I split up with my boyfriend, missed my girls’ party, and jumped out of my bedroom window.

I promised to give him my body tonight.

Why is he having second thoughts again?

With sadness in my eyes, I scowl and step to the side, away from him.

Has my past returned to haunt me?

As his lips unexpectedly collide with mine, he lunges forward and grabs my legs, wrapping them around his waist.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he kisses me with all that he has, sliding his hands up beneath my white dress, touching my warm skin with his hands.

Spinning on his heels, he walks over to the seating area in the corner and lays me down on my back, keeping his lips on mine while his tongue swirls around inside my mouth.

His body lies on top of mine, his weight pressing me into the fabric, and his crotch wedges between my legs perfectly.

I feel his palms glide down the outside of my thighs. I brush my fingertips through his lovely brown hair while he keeps busy with his demanding kiss.

My body is switching to alert mode. My hands are sweating as his skin sends jolts of electricity through me.

Removing his white shirt, he throws it on the floor before he lays his chest against mine.

My fingers touch the skin on his back, sexy and so well-defined that I feel nothing but muscle. I couldn’t even guess where his shoulder blades were when he had his suit on.

This man is the definition of sex on legs and I cannot deny him.

Flipping us over so that I’m straddling him, he lifts up my dress and drags it over my head, dropping it down on the floor.

He grabs my hips and grinds his crotch up against my sex. The material of his black pants is rough, but it also feels nice.

I connect my lips with his again. He pushes up against me, knees bent, as he moves my hips forward and backward, creating friction.

I touch his muscular biceps where his tattoos travel down both arms.

He bulges beneath me, pressing up harder against me as his hands move to tighten their grip on my ass.

He laughs as he opens his eyes, hypnotizing me with such intensity that he seems to be burning a hole through my head.

I cry out quietly. I need him and he needs me. I know what I want, so I unbutton his suit pants.

He smiles up at me and moves his arms behind his head.

Raising his hips, he watches me as I pull his pants down to reveal a pair of what I can only describe as a football player’s legs.

I had been entirely focused on his cock when I blew him earlier and hadn’t really noticed anything else.

Oh my. He works out not just at the top, but also at the bottom.

He grabs my waist and pulls me up toward his face while cupping my left breast with his hand. Guiding my right breast to his mouth, he suckles on my nipple.

I groan, throwing my head back. I no longer feel the cold up here. This man is like a hot stove on full heat.

He lets my breast go and runs his hand down my stomach, gliding down to my sex. His palm slides through my crease, covering me in some of my moisture.

I groan, needing him more than ever before.

Switching to my left nipple, he nibbles it with his teeth and suckles it with need in his eyes.

I steady myself with my hands and concentrate on my breathing. I was supposed to be the one going down on him, but he’s determined to do it first.

He lifts me up to sit on his face. I don’t even get a say.

I can’t talk anyway; I cry out, babbling nonsense.

The skillset that this man has is high.

My stomach is tensing up with small contractions, creating a water pool where his tongue now plays.

I grab his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin deeply.

He growls, which is so fucking hot it turns me on like a motherfucking raging fire. The heat is unbearable.

My head flies back and the palms of his hands claim their territory on my breasts. He holds me in place so I cannot move away—not that I want to.

I would allow him to do this to me all night, but I know that it’s not exactly fair.

I try to pull back, but he shakes his head.

“Ah-ah,” he says, and I nearly fall over because his tongue slips over my sensitive nub as he does it.

“Got ya.” He smirks up at me and shakes his head, making me moan loudly.

I’m trying to not make any noise, considering we are outside on the club terrace, but he’s doing everything in his power to make sure that I fail.

Twisting me around, he allows me to remove his boxer briefs, and I start giving him some attention. But as soon as I place him inside my mouth, he pushes me and leaves me to crash-dive face-first against the cushion.

Grabbing my hips from behind, he guides himself to my wet pussy and pushes in slowly after circling his fingers around my clit to lubricate the area.

Oh my fucking God.

I am literally holding on by a thread. I’m singing “Hallelujah!” inside my head as he pulls himself back and pushes in so deep that I see stars.

“Pass me your arms,” he tells me.

I shake my head.

“No. I want to keep them here.”

He groans, pushing in slowly.

“Pass me your arms, Ella.”

“I said no! Why can’t I be free? I want to touch you, Konan!” I shout over my shoulder at him.

He grins and crosses his arms over his large chest.

“Fine, then. We will stop here.”

“You can’t do that.” I pout, not happy with his decision.

“I can and I will.” Pulling out, he steps back and I sigh.

“You know that I can give you what you want, but you need to give me what I want in return to receive what I can offer to you,” he tells me.

I roll my eyes, whining. Holding my arms out behind my back, I sigh again.

“Good girl.” He laughs and takes a hold of my hands. Crossing my arms, he pulls them in opposite directions and leans forward, forcing my body down against the sofa.

My head lies down on the seat and my ass is up in the air as he stands behind me. Holding both my hands with his left, he moves my hair out of my face and grabs it.

Oh, shit!

My heart beats quickly.

Lining himself up with my entrance, he pushes inside me and pulls my hair back at the same time.

I cry out as he hits a spot that has never been touched before. It doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that I have had small dicks previously, but more to do with the way that he’s angled himself.

Picking up the pace, he smashes inside me so hard that my eyes snap shut, rolling to the back of my head. I moan loudly.

There is no way for me to possibly stay quiet as I feel his stomach tense up every time he crashes inside me from behind.

My head slides up and down the fabric of the seat, my neck bending backward. My scalp stings from him pulling my hair back.

My legs are tensed up as I struggle to keep myself up almost in a split-like position. The more he pounds deep inside me, the more my legs part, making this whole experience that little bit more intense.

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