The Lycan's Queen - Valentine's Special - Book cover

The Lycan's Queen - Valentine's Special

L.S Patel

Chapter 3


I was scrolling through Pinterest when Adonis walked in. I needed inspiration on how to decorate, and Pinterest was the best place to look. Adonis looked much too cheerful for someone who had been told that his mate and daughter were in danger.

Was he planning something too? I looked at him and shook my head; there was no way. Adonis wasn’t like that, he didn’t know how to surprise me. I was overthinking.

Before I could talk to Adonis, my phone buzzed with a message from the girls' group chat.

LexiDimitri thinks we spent all that time comforting you, so don’t act too happy or you’ll give the game up!
SophiaYes, you have the worst poker face, but try not to give it up this early. Hahaha.
NiyaJust distract Dimitri with sex, he’ll just think you’re on a high from the sex and not the secret plan.
Aaryanice to know you girls have faith in me. I have a brilliant poker face, thank you very much Sophia. Niya, I may use this idea but not to distract him. LOL.

I got a bunch of winky faces and laughing emojis back in return, making me smile.

“Who’s got you smiling like that?” Adonis sat on the bed, putting his phone on the bedside table.

“Oh, just the girls. They’ve been sending me funny memes to cheer me up.” I smiled back.

“Ah, well, glad it's helping.” Adonis looked like he wanted to say something else but stopped himself.

Suddenly, the guilt from what I said before hit me. I sighed; this conversation was not going to be easy for me, but I needed to do this.

I turned to face my mate, “Adonis, about what I said before…”

“Don’t you dare say sorry.” Adonis warned.

“But, I have to. I said horrible things that I never meant; it was just my anger getting the better of me.” I rushed to explain.

“Aarya, I never doubted that. I know you didn’t mean those things; it was in the heat of the moment, and I don’t blame you. I’m surprised you didn’t say anything worse. We had to cancel plans that we’d been looking forward to since Christmas. I want you to know how sorry I am for all of this.” Adonis cupped my face in his hands.

“Why are you apologizing? You didn’t send those threats! As much as I hate this, it is the right thing to do. Besides, I knew there would be times I would have to sacrifice things; this is just one of those times. We may not have the alone time we both need, but we will still be together, and that’s all that matters.” I smiled.

Adonis kissed me softly and nodded, “as always, you are right, my queen. We will do something special another time. I promise.”

I found myself getting excited. Adonis was clueless about my plan!

Okay, don’t give anything away now Aarya.

“Well, tomorrow is a new day, and we will get through whatever life throws at us.” I kissed Adonis on the lips.

“With you, darling, I’ll always be okay.” Adonis smiled.


I was not okay. I was far from okay. I was nearing the edge of my patience; I was close to admitting I tried to plan a surprise for her but was failing miserably.

What happened?

I’ll answer that question, nothing. Fucking nothing has happened. It’s been a whole day since my meeting with the gang, and nothing has been going right.

I had scouted the perfect location, I made sure the gardeners mowed the lawn, and everything was ready for the tent to be set up. Then, the fucking suppliers said they were “too busy” and couldn’t confirm when they could set up the tent.

I thought there were perks to being king. But clearly, I was wrong, yet again. I was so on edge. Luckily, Aarya thought it was because of the letters. I worked my ass off just to make sure I could clear my schedule, but what was the point? If I couldn’t get the tent, then my whole plan would flop.

“Dude, I can’t handle the pacing. Please just break your desk instead, I beg you,” Evan pleaded.

I was currently in my study with the guys, trying to think of a solution, but clearly that was not going to plan.

I glared at him. “This is no time for jokes, Evan. I have three days to make sure my plan is successful. I cannot fail Aarya, she’s under the impression we’re not doing anything special.”

The guys shared a look that had stopped me in my tracks.

“Why did you guys just look at each other like that?”

“Like what?” Gabe asked.

“Like that, like you know something,” I replied.

“I don’t think so, we just looked at each other normally,” Luke said.

“What? No, you did not,” I argued.

“You’re tired and agitated, so you’re not thinking clearly, bro. We just looked at each other because we know how important this is to you,” Evan explained.

I looked at the guys once more before collapsing in my chair.

“Fuck, this is messing with my head. Sorry, guys, I shouldn’t have doubted you like that. I just want this to be perfect for Aarya.”

Gabe smiled. “Dude, we know, and we want the same thing. Plus, if you two finally find an outlet for all that sexual tension, then our lives will finally be bearable.”

Luke snickered, and Evan couldn’t help himself, doubling over in laughter.

“Is it that obvious?” I scratched the back of my neck.

“To everyone, Dimitri. Everyone,” Luke looked solemn.

“I… I thought we did a good job at hiding it,” I chuckled.

“Dimitri, you used to yell at us nearly every day to stay out of your quarters. These days you only yell at us once in a blue moon,” Evan patted me on the shoulder.

Gabe nodded at me with a smirk on his face. “As Aarya calls you, caveman Adonis has not made an appearance for a while.”

I groaned. “Enough about my sex life or lack thereof. We need to get a fucking supplier in. Has Lexi said anything?”

Gabe shook his head. “She’s been trying different suppliers, but they’re all busy too. The only one that said they could still has not confirmed a date or time.”

“Well, that calls for desperate measures then. We need to threaten them,” I announced.

“Umm.. what? Threaten them?” Luke asked.

“Yes, or gently persuade them. Remind them who I am and what I’ll do to their business if my tent isn’t built,” I answered.

“Gently persuade them indeed,” Evan muttered under his breath. I glared at him.

“Of course we could do that, but is that really what you want?” Gabe questioned.

“If that gets me some time alone with Aarya, then yes. Go and tell them,” I demanded.

“We’ll go, Dimitri. In the meantime, work out or go find your mate. You’re not you when you’re horny,” Evan laughed at me.

I growled and lunged for Evan, but he dodged me and ran out of my study, the rest of the guys trailing behind him.


“No, not this, ew, absolutely not,” I sighed, throwing my phone on my bed.

I planned to make Adonis a lovely meal, but nothing was going to plan.

I wanted to tear my hair out, but I had to remain calm. Adonis seemed stressed out too; his reasoning was way better than mine. I mean, there he was dealing with a terrible situation and here I was complaining because I couldn’t pick a meal to cook for my mate.

Three days, that’s all I had to make this a success. Yet, here I was stuck with literally nothing done. The girls tried their best to help; they sent me so many recipes, but nothing seemed right.

My phone rang. I groaned; I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.

I saw Mom’s name flashing across the screen. There was no way I could get away from talking to her.

“Hey mom, how are you?” I picked up the call.

“All good here, darling. I just wanted to say I hope you and Dimitri enjoy your time away. You both deserve it,” Mom replied.

I closed my eyes and sighed, which mom heard.

“Aarya? What happened?”

“Nothing, mom. We aren’t going anywhere for Valentine’s Day now. There was a security breach, so the council determined that it was better for us to stay in the palace.”

Mom gasped, “that’s serious. Yes, they’re right, you should stay right there.”

I felt my frustrations bubble out as I blurted out, “but I don’t want to stay here, I want to get away with Adonis.”

“Aarya, sweetheart. No one denies that you both needed this time, but remember you have a duty. Sacrifices need to be made sometimes. I know it’s hard, but I also know you are strong. Do not let this affect your relationship with your mate; in fact, use this opportunity to do something for him. Use that brain of yours!” Mom chuckled at the end.

“I’m planning a romantic meal for him. I want it to be perfect, but I can’t think of anything to make. All the decor I loved is out of stock because it’s so last minute,” I replied.

“Hmm... Dimitri isn’t a person who fixates on these things, Aarya. You know your mate better than anyone else. Stop trying to make it perfect, just make it happen.” Mom’s words resonated with me.

All of a sudden, it was like I became a whole new person.

“Thanks so much, mom. I’ve gotta go!”

Mom was right, I knew Adonis better than anyone else. He wouldn’t want fancy, he would just want something casual. All he cared about was that the two of us could spend time together. What better place than the gardens? Where we first met.

Dinner was easy now, I’d make him the first dish I ever made. A simple Indian dish I hadn’t made since. No fancy decorations needed, just a table and some fairy lights. I found myself feeling excited again. Now I could picture exactly how things were going to go.

I grabbed my phone to ring Lexi who picked up on the second ring.

“Aarya, all good?”

“Yes! I’ve finally figured it out!” I replied.

“That’s great! I’m so happy for you.” Lexi said, her voice got louder as a horn beeped in the background.

“Are you in the car?” I asked.

“Uh… yes.” Lexi hesitated.

“Oh, where are you off to?” I was confused.

“We… I mean I.. Well no, us ladies are going to find gifts for our mates. We wanted to get it out of the way now, so we can focus on helping you.” Lexi stuttered but found her voice quickly.

“Right, of course. I’ll let you guys go then. Enjoy.” I answered.

Lexi said bye and hung up quickly. Hm… what were these ladies up to? Why did I find this suspicious? Perhaps, I was overthinking as usual though.

“Aarya?” Adonis’ voice broke me away from my thoughts.

“Yes?” I answered.

“You looked deep in thought there.” Adonis said, walking over to me.

“Oh, mom phoned, so I was just thinking about what she said.” I replied.

“Did you tell her?” Adonis questioned.

I nodded and stood up, facing Adonis.

“Mom said some things to me and it made me think. Yes, I’m pissed we didn’t get our break away, but it could have been worse. We are still spending Valentine’s Day together and we’re all safe.”

Adonis pulled me to him and sighed, “you’re too good for me.”

“I think you’re too good for me. I know I’m not the easiest person to deal with and I probably don’t say this often enough but I love you.” I looked up at him.

His eyes softened as he pressed his lips against mine, “I love you too Aarya.”

“We’ll be okay.” I kissed his chest.

“What I would do to keep you locked up in here for a week.” Adonis groaned.

I giggled, “we’re parents now, that’s not going to happen.”

His smirk returned, “Wanna bet?”

I raised my eyebrows, “No way, we’re not doing this.”

Adonis laughed, the sound sending shivers down my spine. “I know, but I will keep you here for at least a day with no interruptions.”

“No interruptions. How sexy,” I purred.

Adonis smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

“Come on, big guy. We need a good night's sleep,” I dragged Adonis to the bathroom and pushed him in.

“One day, no interruptions. I’ll make it happen,” Adonis vowed.

I smiled. He had no idea that I was going to make it happen, just not how he would have planned.

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