Three. The Perfect Number - V-Day - Book cover

Three. The Perfect Number - V-Day

SeaLand Aria

Giving In?


The chat with Angie went way better than expected.

I didn’t doubt that the outcome would be good anyway, but I just needed to hear it for assurance and the sake of my mind.

Not that I needed it personally, but at least now the twins will have no easy escape from giving me what I’ve been craving for the last three months…


“So, what are you going to do with all this stuff? You did go a little crazy in there…” Sam asks.

“I did, right? Gosh. The thing is, I didn’t know they would have so much good stuff for pregnant women. I swear, I thought it would be all old lady panties from now on.”

“Please, Mad… you’d look good in those, too.”

“As if—and anyway, I don’t need to look good. I need to look deathly. Otherwise, I might just end up going crazy.”

“Hormones really do a number on you, hmm?” she says with a giggle.

“Yeah. But it is not just that. I miss them. I miss their touch, having them close… I miss the action, the way they feel when…”

“Don’t need to go visual on me. I got your point. Besides, if you go visual, I will too, you know.”

“Please don’t. But let me know how my brother reacts to your shopping; I’m pretty sure he is going to have a heart attack.”

“I hope not. I need him alive and functioning.”

“Right. Do you want to come in?” Stopping in front of the gate of my house, I reach for the keys inside the bag with my free hand, finding them almost instantly.

“No, I can’t. Need to stop at the gym to get something for Ezra, and then I’m meeting him for dinner.”

“I see. Well, I’ll see you on Sunday then?”

“Yup. Let me know how it goes.”

“Will do.” Hugging her goodbye, I watch as she walks away, and once her figure disappears down the road, I turn on my heel, entering the gate.

No cars are in the driveway, and the garage is still closed, so it makes perfect sense when I enter the house to find it empty.

Lately, both Ethan and Levi have been coming home later than usual, sometimes way after dinner time. At first, I got upset with them.

But now… I mean, it is not the first time, and I can’t really blame them for doing their jobs.

Taking off my shoes by the door, I walk up the stairs, reaching my room on the first floor.

Since the pregnancy started, the boys thought that one less set of stairs would really help in the future, and I can’t say they were wrong.

Dropping my bags in the walk-in closet, I grab my phone and not to my surprise, the chat with the twins is fully blowing up.

LeviHow was your day with the girls? Missed us yet?
Ethanwhat have you been up to? I didn’t know you were seeing the girls
LeviOh, you should have seen her dress…
EthanWhat did I miss??
EthanSorry babe…we’re going to be late” E.
LeviEverything ok?
EthanFlake? Why are you not answering?
MadisonSorry…didn’t check my phone earlier. All good, I went shopping with Sam and just got back home.

The answers came even before I managed to put the phone down.

LeviDid you have fun?
EthanWhat did you buy?
MadisonYes, it was good to see the girls… just some new clothes, the old ones won’t fit me for long.
MadisonShould I wait for you for dinner?

I send the message and knowing already the answer, I undress, getting ready to shower.

The ping comes quickly, and I drop my eyes to the phone just to read the same answer as every other night.

LeviNo…sorry. We’ll make it up to you for all the time we let you have had dinner alone the past weeks. Promise xx

Instead of texting them an answer, I simply snap a picture of myself in the mirror.

With one arm, I cover my chest just for the fun of it, and turning slightly, I give them a sight of my ass and my round belly.

That should be enough to punish them.

Hopping in the shower without waiting for an answer, I get under the jet the moment the water hits the right temperature.

And as much as the water helps me relax, along with the scent of the essential oil diffusing in the air, my body feels like a ticking bomb.

With my body lotion in hand, I cover my body with it, taking extra care to rub my belly the best I can.

This almond mix lotion should help stretch marks, which now seem to be at bay.

Closing my eyes, it takes my mind very little effort to reach my happy place, and as my hands move lower on my abdomen, I already feel arousal sparkling inside my core.

The feeling of two warm hands running along my spine causes my body to jerk as the cold air of the evening brushes against my exposed skin.

However, the warmth coming from Ethan and Levi is enough to keep my body hot.

Taking their time, each of the twins takes time to appreciate my body, and even if I should be used to it, my body trembles, getting into sensitive overdrive by their expert touches.

“You know...I don’t think this could ever become enough,” Levi murmurs as his mouth takes turns torturing each of my nipples.

Sucking, licking, biting. Everything he does feels too much, and everything feels just right.

“I could never stop making love to you. Never.”

“Can you feel how turned on we are?” Ethan whispers against my ear as his hard erection presses against my ass cheek.

His hand has already found a perfect spot between my thighs, and I’m sure he can feel how wet I am.

“Can you feel how much we want you?”

“This is torture....” My voice is barely a strangled moan that I manage to get out while gripping my hands on Levi's shoulder to find balance. “Please...stop teasing me.”

One of Ethan’s thick fingers presses against my entrance while Levi’s lips move further down my stomach.

“I can smell how wet she is...How does she feel, Ethan?”


Without warning, his thick fingers slide inside me, and my breath catches instantly in my throat.

My build-up is already at its limit, so when Levi kneels in front of me, my body lights up some more.

Another memory goes by, and as my orgasm shudders through my bones, the steam in the shower reminds me that I’ve been here too long already and again...

No one seems to be home yet.

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