The Criminals Series - Book cover

The Criminals Series

Mariah Sinclair

Chapter 1

Book 1: Getting Carter


“Fuck, take it down all the way.”

I pushed her head lower, as far as I could get it, shoving my dick down her throat. The skank sat on her knees, her lips swelling around my shaft, me standing in front of her.

“Swallow that shit, bitch,” I demanded, still holding onto her head, trying to bring her further over my cock. I wanted all of me in that slutty mouth of hers. I knew she had room in there to take me deeper, and I was right.

She continued to choke me down, gagging on my dick, fighting for air, digging her nails into my thighs until finally I released her for a second so she could catch her breath.

“John, get in here,” I called out to my right-hand man who was standing on the other side of my bedroom door.

“Yeah, Carter, what’s up?” he asked as I had the girl wrap her mouth back around my hard shaft.

“Get behind her and fuck her. I want to watch,” I grunted as I felt her start sucking harder. If she had done that in the first goddamn place, I might not have had to call John in.

John stripped down, placed on a condom, then slipped inside her wet entrance.

“Now pound into that shit,” I commanded him. Not that he really needed me to twist his arm.

I gripped her hair tightly in my fingers so they were scraping into her scalp, thrusting my cock forcefully down her mouth in and out, fucking her warm throat.

I felt my muscles clenching as I enjoyed watching John slam back and forth while she mewled and cried, taking us both at the same time.

“Harder!” I yelled to John.

“Urr, yeah,” he grunted, obeying my orders, hammering vigorously.

“Mmmm, fuck,” I moaned, getting ready to cum soon. “You love being filled by the two of us, don’t you, slut? You like how my boy’s tearing up that pussy of yours.”

She whimpered and cried some more, moaning a yes like she was in pain but was also loving what we were doing to her.

“Yeah, that’s it.” I thrusted some more, this time even more harshly, slowing down when I was just about to bust.

There was something erotic about watching a woman getting fucked in front of me. Her falling weak to our mercy, being dominated, and following our every command.

And us taking full advantage of everything she had to offer, taking whatever else we knew she was capable of giving, even if she didn’t know she could.

“Urrgh.” I pushed one last time and spilled out into the bitch’s mouth as John finished right behind me, removing the rubber with an eruption. I shot down her throat as he spurted all over her ivory-white ass.

“You can get dressed and go now, John.” I looked at the girl, whose name I couldn’t even remember. “You can go too.”

“You’ll call me, right?” she asked, still on her knees covered in John and my hot mess.

I took her chin in between my thumb and index finger. I lifted her head, making sure she could see directly into my eyes.

“Sweetheart, you’re a slut. If you think you’re somehow more special than all the other women who throw themselves at me, then you’re sorely mistaken.”

I laughed. She was one of millions that easily begged to get into my bed and have my cock up in them.

Sometimes I questioned if these women were more twisted than me. They loved the idea of being abused by me because I was good-looking, wealthy, and held power in the drug world.

“But…but…,” she pleaded, finally starting to get dressed.

“But nothing.” I deepened my voice and furrowed my brows aggressively so she understood I was done with this conversation. “If you don’t shut up and get the fuck out of here, I’ll make sure you strongly regret it.”

Apparently, she had some sense because she didn’t speak another word and left once she was fully dressed, escorted out of the house by John.

Once she was gone, John and I grabbed a beer and sat in the living room.

“Blondes…they really are that stupid sometimes,” John joked.

“You ain’t kiddin’, man.” I smirked as we both took in a little laugh.

“Thanks for letting me get in on that, by the way.”

“What are friends for?”

I always pulled John in—it made things more fun. Who the hell needs to watch porn when you can make and watch your own, right in front of you? Maybe it would bother me if I cared for these women, but I didn’t.

“So, what’s going on with that junkie Sullivan?” I asked John, getting to business. “You fuck him up yet? We might as well kill the piece of shit. You know he’s never going to pay up.”

“Yeah, I know. I went to see him yesterday and roughed him up a little. Loser begged for his life and said his sister wanted to come see you. Said she had some deal for you.

“Supposedly she’s really hot, but that’s coming from his drug-addict mouth.” John leaned back, spreading his arms out on the top of the cushions, looking cool and calm like always.

“Hmm, I’m curious. Set something up for later today so I can meet her. Have her come here sometime after five. I’ve got some shit to do down at the warehouse, but I’ll be back by then.”

I wanted to see what kind of deal this chick would try to offer. She probably thought she could get her brother off by giving me a blowjob or some shit.

She was the sister of a crackhead; she couldn’t be much different than that piece of work. If she wasn’t half bad-looking and still had all her teeth, I’d let her suck my dick and let her brother live an extra day or two.

“I’ll take care of it,” John said.

I headed over to the warehouse, taking all the backstreets and switching out cars halfway. I always made sure I took extreme measures whenever I needed to make a visit.

That’s why I hid an extra car in one of the downtown parking lots. Everyone wanted to know the location of my warehouse—especially Frank Esposito, my rival and former partner.

Frank had decided one day that he was getting the short end of the deal and branched off on his own, trying to steal everything I had worked so hard for.

He was now desperate to find my biggest asset—the place where I produced my main products and kept all my important documents with all my contacts and the shit that could incriminate me.

Luckily, even if he did find it, I had almost every cop on the force on my payroll, and the ones I didn’t were scared shitless of me, so I didn’t have to worry about them.

“Did the twenty keys of coke get in today?” I asked Roberto, my warehouse manager and the only other man besides John I trusted.

“Sure did, boss man. I already sent Victor out to distribute it to our clients and all the money has been wired to the secure account.”

Roberto handed me the tablet he was holding, showing me that all the necessary transactions had been made. I looked it over and confirmed everything was running smoothly, then handed him back the device.

“Good job. But I know I can always count on you.”

“We did have a small problem that’s down in the basement.” Roberto leafed a hand through his brown hair.

“I have it under control, but I wanted to know what you want me to do with the guy. Caught one of these stupid assholes trying to steal from you.”

“Let’s go and say hi,” I said with a smirk.

Roberto and I headed downstairs to the basement, or really, the dungeon, since that’s mainly where we took care of anyone who tried to cross me.

Roberto had fucked up the dumbass pretty good. He was covered in blood, with his right eye swollen shut and his busted lip still bleeding.

From the way he was hunched over and moaning, it looked like his ribs might have been broken too.

“So, you thought you could steal from me? Me, Carter Jackson. You must be a fucking moron.” I laughed as I walked around the chair he was tied to.

“I’m so sorry. Please, please, I have a family,” he begged as I walked away.

“You should have thought about that before you decided to try to rob me.” I redirected my attention to Roberto. “Let him live but cut out his tongue and take his eyes. He can set an example for everybody.”

“No, please! Please!” he screamed.

I paid no mind and left, my business at the warehouse finished for the time being. I called John on my way back home to see if he had set up the meeting with Sullivan’s sister.

“Did you get in touch with the sister like I asked?”

“Yup, she’ll be here at five thirty. She actually sounded kind of sexy over the phone. Maybe we can have a little fun with her later.” John cackled on the other end.

Hmm, so she might end up looking half decent after all. Maybe I will have to fuck her now.

“You know me. I never have a problem sharing with my best bud.”

“I don’t know why I even bother asking. I know you always got me… Look, I’m fucking starved. I’m gonna run out and get some grub. You want me to pick you up something?”

“Yeah, what are you getting?”

“I was going to hit up that Mexican place down by the mall.”

“I’m not in the mood for Mexican. That Indian restaurant’s right next door. Can you grab me some of that tikka masala chicken and a couple of samosas?”

I was hungry myself, as I hadn’t gotten lunch since I got caught up with the skank and then work. Some Indian food would definitely hit the spot right now.

“Sure. I’ll see you at the house in about an hour.”

“See ya.”

When I got home, I still had forty-five minutes until Sullivan’s sister showed up, so I plopped down on the sofa in front of my sixty-five-inch flat screen and threw on Call of Duty.

I’d keep myself busy playing some Playstation 4 while I waited, since I was done working for the day. After a quick round or two, the doorbell rang, interrupting my concentration and causing me to die in the game.

Yeah, this bitch is sucking my dick for that one. She was ten minutes early, but at least she was punctual.

When I opened up the door, my jaw almost dropped. She wasn’t just hot, she was gorgeous and exotic-looking, which was exactly my type.

Her charcoal-black hair was smooth and straight, running halfway down her back. Her brown eyes held a small catlike slant, and her plump pink lips looked like they’d feel amazing enveloped around my cock.

“Well, hello there, beautiful. Come in, why don’t you?” I smiled, taking a step back so she could walk through the doorway.

“You must be Carter,” she said, sounding disappointed and irritated as she strode in.

What the fuck? As soon as women caught sight of me, they were dripping wet in between their legs. I didn’t seem to have any effect on this girl, something I wasn’t used to. ~A challenge…this could be interesting.~

“Can I get you something to drink?” I could be a gentleman every once in a while.

“Beer,” she replied dryly.

“A woman after my own heart. Why don’t you get comfortable there on the sofa, and I’ll be right back, beautiful.”

“Don’t flatter yourself, Romeo. I’m here for my brother. I’m not one of your slutty groupies, and my name’s Emma, not beautiful,” she snapped, giving me a dirty look before she settled on the sofa.

“Mmm, feisty. How did I get so lucky?" I teased her.

“Asshole,” she muttered with a sour face.

I just laughed and went to the kitchen to grab two beers. I came back out and handed one to her, then sat down across from her in my leather chair.

“So, Emma,” I said, emphasizing her name to get under her skin, "I hear you want to make a deal for your deadbeat brother’s life.”

I had the unfortunate feeling from how attractive she was and from her attitude that she wasn’t here to offer me a blowjob.

“I’m willing to work for you to pay off his debt,” she replied, taking a sip of her beer. I watched as her succulent lips wrapped around the head of the bottle, suddenly getting jealous of a glass container.

“There’s only one job I’m willing to offer you. You stay with me for three months, and you have to do whatever I want.

“That means if I want to bend you over that dining room table over there and shove my cock in you, then you do it.” I was already getting hard at the idea; she was like sex in a long, black pencil skirt waiting to be violated.

“What? Are you fucking nuts! I’m outta here!” she screamed, getting up from the sofa, ready to storm out of my house.

“You walk out that door, your brother’s dead, honey,” I warned her.

“Ugh.” She fisted her hands, throwing them down to her sides as she stopped dead in her tracks. “No sex. You can do whatever you want to me, but only you can touch me. And I’m not fucking you.”

“No sex the first month. Month two, I get to fuck your mouth. Month three, I get to fuck you in whatever hole I want. That’s my final terms, or I’m pulling out my phone and making the call.”

She took a seat again, breathing heavily, angrily contemplating my proposition. After a minute or two of silence, she finally answered.

“Fine,” she hissed.

I walked over to her and ran my finger over the outline of her cheek down to her jaw. “Sweetheart, I’ll have you begging to have this cock in you way before two months.”

She may be stubborn right now, but I would break her. I had no doubts. When I was done with her, she wouldn’t want to leave. She would leave though—no one ever got to stay.

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