Infinity Book 2 - Book cover

Infinity Book 2

Mikayla S



After a long chat with my family, and a few phone calls to my aunt and uncles, we all agreed that it would be best for me to head to Colorado and work with my Aunt Milani.

Even though I’m sad about leaving my family for an unknown period, I know deep down that this is the right decision.

Paisley insisted on driving me to the airport after a lengthy breakfast and a run with the pack. My parents nearly locked me up, but Paisley managed to convince them to let me go.

As we pulled up to the tarmac, my uncle’s plane was beautifully silhouetted against the sunrise. I hopped out of the car, ran around to Paisley’s side, and pulled her into a big hug.

“I’m going to miss you so much, Pais!”

“I’m going to miss you too, babe. Call me when you land.”

She gave me one last squeeze, then pulled back, her face lit up with a huge smile.

“I’m so happy you’re fighting for Soren, but don’t forget to take care of yourself while you’re whipping him into shape.”

I giggled at her words and pulled her back into the hug. “I promise! I love you, Paisley.”

“I love you too.”

She finally let go of me, walked around to the trunk, and handed my bags to the plane staff. Then she got back in her car and drove off, back to the pack and our family.

I stood there, watching her car disappear, until a voice behind me broke the silence.

“Ma’am, we’re ready to take off,” the hostess said, guiding me onto the plane.

The flight from Oregon to Colorado isn’t very long, but it’s long enough that as soon as the seatbelt sign turned off, I was up and out of my seat and practically out the door.

Waiting at the bottom of the stairs was my Uncle Thackery. He was busy on his phone, but as soon as I reached the last step, he looked up and smiled.

“Well if it isn’t the most beautiful girl in the world.”

I couldn’t help but smile and let out a small chuckle. “You say that to all the girls, Uncle.”

He feigned hurt, clutching his chest. “I would never, little wolf. I am offended.”

I laughed even harder, patting his arm lightly before walking past him and into the open back door being held open for me.

“Sorry, Uncle, I thought you were Thackery James, the biggest player of them all, but I must be mistaken.”

“Ha, very funny. I’ll have you know I gave up my player ways when I met your aunt, thank you very much,” he said, laughing as he climbed in behind me.

I mimicked his earlier gesture, placing my hand on my heart. This sent him into a fit of laughter. My Uncle Thackery is truly one of a kind. I’ve never met anyone quite like him.

My Uncle Silas turned him into a vampire when he was just twenty-one. So while he’ll always look my age, he’s actually around three hundred years old.

But that hasn’t stopped him from acting like a kid. He’s a comedian at heart, but also fiercely loyal.

He’s been by my Uncle Silas’s side for three hundred years, and they’ve been married for over two hundred and sixty of those years.

That kind of loyalty and commitment is rare. Which is why they’re in a three-way marriage with my Aunt Milani, who is Silas’s mate.

They found her sixteen years ago and they’ve been together ever since.

It’s a bit of trivia, but it’s interesting if you’re into family dynamics.

The drive back to the house was filled with jokes and laughter. When we pulled into the driveway, Thackery grabbed my bags and showed me to my room, pointing out where everyone was.

As I made my way to the backyard, I could hear yelling echoing through the house.

“Silas, I told you to get barbecue sauce not hot wing sauce!”

“But I want hot wings!”

“I am BARBECUING, Silas. Not cooking WINGS.”

“Just add wings to the pit.”

“Silas, I swear to fuck!”


I couldn’t help but laugh as I followed their arguing out to the backyard. As I stepped outside, I took in the scene in front of me.

My Uncle Silas was standing next to the barbecue holding a bottle of wing sauce, while his best friend and my God-Uncle Draken, who was manning the grill, was glaring at him.

My Aunt Milani was setting the table with Draken’s wife, and my God-Aunt, Alice. Both of them looked annoyed at the men’s bickering.

As the argument about whether to make hot wings continued, Milani finally lost her patience: “Can you two SHUT UP!!”

Silas gasped dramatically and turned around. “Don’t talk to my best friend like that, Milani!”

His theatrics were followed by Draken saying, “Wow, Milani, I don’t like how you’re treating my boy here.”

I laughed again at their antics as both of my aunts rolled their eyes. They both muttered, “I swear to God,” in perfect unison.

My Uncle Thackery came up behind me, chuckling. “Don’t worry, you get used to it, trust me.”

He kissed the side of my head, then walked past me to Milani, gave her a quick kiss, and started setting up the bar.

My cousin Kasyn, who is two years younger than me and just turned nineteen, looked up from his phone long enough to roll his eyes and say, “You two are so embarrassing.”

“Wow! The amount of disrespect I’m getting in my own house and from my beloved son, of all people,” Silas said, stomping his foot dramatically.

“Kasyn Moretti, you know better!” Draken chimes in. I swear, when those two are together, they leave a trail of chaos behind them.

I stand there, grinning like a fool, as I watch my cousin roll his eyes for the fourth time before he heads into the house.

When he spots me standing there, a grin plastered on my face, he scowls and walks over.

“Enjoy your week here. Dad got a new grill.” I can’t help but laugh at his misfortune.

My laughter is cut short when he scowls again. Seeing his face morph into a frown makes me see him in a new light. This strange ache I can’t shake starts to stir in my stomach.

He looks so much like Soren and his brothers, it’s uncanny. He’s standing there, talking to me, but I’m frozen, captivated by his features.

His hair is the exact same shade as Devlin’s, his eyes hold that beautiful light, the same ashy grey tone that my Soren has when he looks at me.

As I get lost in my thoughts, I see his eyebrow lift, and that’s when I notice the rest of it. His mouth is a mirror image of Craven’s, and his nose might as well be Zennen’s.

What’s happening?

“Zayla, you okay?” he asks, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I clear my throat, apologize, and blame my strange behavior on jet lag. Then I excuse myself and head to the room I use when I stay here.

“Zayla, are you sure you’re okay? You were looking at me really weird,” Kasyn says, following me.

I stop in front of my door, turn around, and look at him again. That feeling in my stomach is stronger than ever. I can’t shake how much he looks like them.

I sigh. I feel bad for acting strange. It’s not his fault his face reminds me of my mate and his siblings. “Yeah, I’m sure. It’s just been a strange few months for me.”

He grabs my arm, pulls me into him, and wraps his arms around me in a tight hug. “Yeah, I know. Mom told me about your mate.”

He sighs and rests his head on top of mine. “Don’t worry, Zay. We’ll get you to him. Mom has a plan and, well, we all know my dads will do whatever mom wants, so…

“Cheer up,” he says, patting my back awkwardly before stepping back. I can’t help but burst out laughing. Kasyn is such a dork, but he’s great at lifting my spirits.

Even though he’s now over six feet tall, he’ll always be my baby cousin.

“Thanks for the laugh, you big goof,” I say, chuckling. He joins in.

“No problem. Now get some rest. I have a hot date tonight,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

I make a fake gagging sound and give him a light shove before heading into my room. His laughter echoes down the hall as he yells, “Don’t hate me because you ain’t me.”

I flop down on the bed and run through the plan in my head over and over until my eyes start to droop.

Every possible scenario plays out in my mind.

I try not to get my hopes up, but as I start to drift off, the image of the one I want more than anything in the world comes to the forefront of my mind.

His smile, lighting up his face, is the last thing I see before I finally fall asleep.

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