Savage - Book cover


Kristen Mullings

Love To Love You


Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into a month since Mr. Heinrich showed his face in the office.

I had gotten accustomed to daydreaming about him, and the aching pull of my heart because of his absence kind of scared me. I began to think I was imagining my feelings, our encounters, and his initial offer of a date.

My thoughts about him became more and more sexual with each passing day. I wanted to rip into his skin and taste all he had to offer. I didn’t know I would miss him this much.

It must be some fucked-up version of Stockholm Syndrome. He had some sick grip on my reality. It captivated me, and I wasn’t mad about it.

I sat staring at my laptop screen, idly moving the mouse about. Everyone in the office was under some form of distress to get these brand designs and strategies done so these meetings would run smoothly.

I was mentally trying to keep up but failed at caring as much as the next guy. I was keeping up with the tasks. Which was good, but not enough. I would slack off at randomly important moments.

My concentration was elsewhere. On him…

Today went by faster than I expected. I went to yoga class with Ronnie after work. We were extremely quiet due to the level of pressure Ronnie was under. She wanted to relax.

I felt bad for her. It wasn’t that I wasn’t experiencing the pressure, it was that my mind was elsewhere most of the time lately. We had a lot going on in our work life right now that other aspects of life were lacking attention.

They would be catered to after this task was completed. It was a great thought to know that I had a partner who got it. Even though she has bigger fish to fry. I just was not as passionate about the work as she was.

The class was entertaining today, but we were so tired that we didn’t get to enjoy it like everyone else. I can attest to that because when everyone was whoo-hooing and high-fiving, Ronnie and I were lying on our mats breathing heavily.

At one point, Ronnie fell asleep and I knew this because I heard light snoring beside me. I let her sleep. When the instructor came up to me and told me that she needed the space for another class that’s when I decided to wake Ronnie from her nap.

She was out of it. She was so deep in her sleep that she didn’t know where she was or who she was with. I snickered loudly. Eventually, she found her footing and we exited the building.

It was in the parking lot that an email came in on Ronnie’s phone and she read it then and there, casually.

“Well, it seems Mr. Heinrich is back,” she said aloud.

She slipped the phone back into her gym bag and put it on the back seat of her car. I blinked. Meanwhile, my brain magically came to life.


That was the only word I managed to get out.

“I’ll see you later, S,” Ronnie said while yawning.

“You need to get some rest. I don’t think it is safe for you to be driving right now.”

“I’ll be fine. Trust me when I say that the nap did wonders for me. If it didn’t help, I would have gone home with you, because I don’t think I could have taken on the road with a hazy brain.”

She hopped into the driver’s seat.

“Okay,” I agreed and closed her car door to ensure she was safe.

She turned her music on and sped out of the parking lot with her music blasting. I knew that it was to distract her from not falling asleep while driving. She’s been working all weekend and after our shift ends for a week.

She was extremely tired. She also wanted to get to the office early tomorrow morning to prep. I, on the other hand, went home with a feeling of excitement and anticipation for the next day.


The next morning, I was restless. I didn’t get any good sleep last night. I was excited and anxious. It was a bad move not to have slept.

Now I was exhausted on top of everything and I had to prep for the meeting today. Everyone was engrossed in their laptop and desktop screens. Everything had to go right.

I was clicking away at the mouse, my eyes laden with sleep that I didn’t notice when my mind drifted away. Everything felt light…

He had me by the hair, body taut in his other arm. I was so wet and even though the desk grazed my lower back. He looked me dead in the eyes and spun me without a word.

The only language recognizable between us was the movement of our bodies.

He bent me over the desk aggressively, but that peaked my libido even more. I could feel him massaging his hard length on my ass. I sighed sweetly and audibly...

Then his hardened length lowered to my moist entrance and sank oh so deliciously inside of me. Every inch slowly pushed me over the edge, little by little, before he started at a steady pace.

My toes began to curl and I gripped the edges of the desk for dear life as I exhaled a ragged breath.

A loud moan escaped me and then as if a spell was broken, I toppled off over the side of his desk. I fell with a loud thud!

“Sage! Wake up! This isn’t the time to be dreaming about Mr. Heinrich!” She half whispered half shouted, gritting through her teeth. Nervously, she looked around the area to see if anyone heard her. Or me mumbling in my sleep about him to her.

“Wake up,” she gritted out and pushed me so hard that I fell out of my chair and onto the floor. I was sprawled out in front of Ronnie. She sat in my chair swiftly, crouching to my level with amusement in her eyes.

She held her hand out for me to pull myself. I couldn’t help but laugh, however, the memories of the brief reverie were so vivid that I barely chuckled. Goosebumps swept across my skin and I shivered a little at the thought... I sighed.

Ronnie’s laughter was infectious. She had a hard time holding it in. Her face was red from wheezing and holding her stomach. Until it eventually died.

“Babe, today is not the day,” she hiccupped. She stood from my chair looped her arm into mine and ushered me into her office briskly.

“I needed that so fucking badly. My head is pounding. I am under so much pressure right now. I don’t even know how you find time to breathe with all this restlessness.”

Ronnie waved her hand around while closing the door behind us. I sank into the chair in front of her desk.

“Do you not see the dark circles under my eyes? You just snapped me out of the only relief I had.”

Ronnie smiled. “Oh look, we’re matching,” as she pointed at the area under her eyes.

She took her seat behind the desk, immediately shifting into work mode. Such a girl boss. “Are you ready?” I asked.

“I sure am. But remember you guys will step in after Mr. Heinrich and I finish prepping the clients. Okay?”

I nodded. I tried to get myself together for the meeting we were about to have with him... I slightly drooled over the thought.

“Is he actually here?”

“Yup. Saw him this morning when I got in. Well not really. I saw his car, so it’s likely that he is here.”

A sigh escaped me and Ronnie shot me a glare. She sensed that I was still lost in some wicked thought.

“Ouch!” she threw the stapler at me. It hit my shoulder, hard. “You’re lucky the desk is in between us,” I threatened.

“Focus,” she stated while squinting her eyes at me. Then she turned her attention back to her notes on her laptop.

We rustled up the rest of our notes and strode to the end of the cubicles that tiled the entire area. The office where our Managers and Leads usually held the meetings was on the 19th floor. Our building has 20 floors. Meanwhile, our department was on the 18th floor.

At the other end of our department was the hall that led to 4 elevators. Ronnie and I moved from blue carpeting to tiled marbled flooring that echoed the footsteps of our 4-inch heels.

When we got to the elevator I punched the arrow to the floor of our office and waited for the elevator to arrive. Trepidation and excitement washed over me as we stepped in.

I punched the sunken button with the number 19 on it, which lit up in red under my index finger. I checked myself cautiously in the reflective walls, pushing my long black hair behind my ears, straightening my baby pink blouse, and opening the second button from my neck to expose a tiny bit of cleavage, which I barely had.

My hands smoothed the creases in the close-fitted, knee-length, pastel green skirt and I centered the slit at the back of it. The thigh-high pantyhose was a perfect pitch black. They matched my black 4-inch heels, Swatch leather watch, and the thin belt around my waist, with the dainty gold buckle.

The elevator ride seemed to last forever, I began shifting my weight from one leg to the next. Incredulous black eyes watched me. I can see Ronnie glaring at me from my peripherals. “Stop it,” she hissed.

I stopped moving and turned to give her a nervous smile instead. We refocused on the doors in front of us. Then I heard.

“You’re doing it again,” Ronnie stated irritably.

I immediately stopped. The elevators then came to a halt, which had my heart racing in my chest. The doors swung open and there he was, Mr. Heinrich, our boss, in a charcoal black suit, fitted to hug every inch of his bulging muscles, his hands were in his pockets, tightening the cloth around his thighs.

He had on black, leather dress shoes that shone, his jacket swung open and his head was bald to perfection. It wasn’t lined short this time. He didn’t let it grow out like he normally does when he is away. I love it. It fits him well by highlighting his hollow cheeks and defining the rest of his facial features.

He was definitely all man. I swallowed a bit too hard. My throat hurt afterward. I swallowed again to try to ease the pain. He stood with hooded icy, blue eyes peering into my soul. I matched his look with a determination of my own.

He stepped forward once and all my strength diminished when I smelt his scent, my scent on him. YSL Libre. My eyes widened in disbelief. I went completely still.


The word spilled from my lips before I could catch it. I covered my mouth immediately because we were not alone. He had two other associates trailing him. They gave me disapproving looks, but his features never changed. He was not moved by my crassness.

An elbow connected wickedly to my ribs bringing me back to reality and the fact that I just bellowed an expletive in front of my boss! Shit! My cheeks reddened, and my palms began to sweat, as he arched an inquiring eyebrow my way and the slightest flicker of a smile ran across his lips, but disappeared in a flash.

My entire body felt weak at the sight. I went completely hot. I felt myself rubbing my sweaty palms on my skirt. I was trying to stay calm as best as possible. I cleared my throat instead. I was embarrassed.

“Miss Beauchamp, Miss Sauvignon,” He greeted in his deep throaty accent. I began drooling once more. I could feel his eyes on me after he and his associates sidestepped us to stand behind us in the elevator.

This got me wondering though, if I reacted this much to his voice, what would happen if he had touched me again this time around? I took a deep, shaky breath to clear my mind of these raging pheromones and thoughts.

It seemed to help, but there was one problem, I inhaled his delicious scent. I could still smell my scent on him. I don’t know if he had wine before work or in his office, but it paired well with my perfume that he had on.

I turned a little and opened my chestnut-colored eyes to see him watching me tentatively. He was in the middle of his associates. This gave us a bit of distance from the heat that was building between us.

“The meeting will be held on the 20th floor instead, Miss Beauchamp,” he paused before continuing. “Miss Sauvignon I would like a word with you after.”

My stomach sank, but somehow I found the composure to hold my head up. “Yes, Mr. Heinrich,” I replied.

I swallowed hard once more, steeling myself for what was to come.

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