Sinful Attractions - Book cover

Sinful Attractions

Luci Fer

Age Rating


The way his gaze pierces me. I’m hot and bothered and ready to take him in. But he wants to go slow, to treat me right. And when we finally start fucking, the stars align. There’s just one more hurdle to overcome: he’s keeping secrets.

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224 Chapters

Chapter One


Another long day at Durham Real Estate had come to an end. I’d been working there for a decade, starting as a sixteen-year-old receptionist on the weekends. I’d worked my way through college and now, with a master's degree in Property Development under my belt, I was the newest Business Development Manager.

A shadow passing my door pulled me away from my laptop. I looked up to see everyone heading out for the night. Glancing at my watch, I was surprised to see it was already seven. Time to pack up and head home.

As I stepped out into the crisp Chicago air, my phone started ringing. I rummaged through my bag and pulled it out. The caller ID showed it was my best friend, Luke. I answered, but before I could say anything, he spoke.

“Please tell me we’re still going for drinks tonight? You won’t believe the appointment I just had.”

“If it involved an owner demanding a tenant be evicted because they had an unapproved pet, then I’m guessing it was pretty much on par with my day. Shall I meet you at Gilhooley’s in twenty minutes? I’m getting in my car now.”

“No, but it does involve an owner pulling management because they wanted two hundred and fifty dollars a week over market value. And as if that wasn’t the best part, they then tell me I’m the shit agent for not getting it for them. See you in twenty minutes.”

I laughed softly, rolling my eyes. The trials of a Chicago real estate agent. I pulled out into traffic, heading to Gilhooley’s to meet Luke.

After parking not too far from our favorite pub, I walked in and scanned the bar. Luke hadn’t arrived yet. I took off my coat and claimed our usual booth, then texted Luke to ask what he wanted to drink. His reply was predictable: Jack Daniels on the rocks.

Luke and I had been living together for the past two years, ever since he joined Durham Real Estate in the Property Management Department. We’d hit it off instantly, and our friendship had only grown stronger over time. I’d helped him through the loss of his greatest love and the pain of not being accepted. In return, he’d helped me rebuild my life after I found my fiancé in bed with his assistant.

As I waited for Luke, I went up to the bar to order our drinks. “What will it be tonight, Trinity? The usual?”

“Good evening, Gary. Yes, please. The usual margarita for me and a Jack Daniels on the rocks for Luke.” Gary told me to take a seat and he’d bring our drinks over soon.

I thanked Gary and left him a tip. As I turned to go back to our booth, I bumped into the broadest chest I’d ever seen. I put my hands out to steady myself, feeling the strong muscles under my fingertips and catching a whiff of his intoxicating cologne.

His strong fingers gripped my hips, keeping us both from falling. I looked up at the stranger whose space I’d invaded. “I’m so sorry...”

Our eyes met, and I was captivated by the stunning green depths that looked back at me. “That’s not a problem, doll. Are you alright? I didn’t knock you too hard, did I?”

“Not at all. I apologize for not looking first. My name is Trinity, thanks for the save...” I trailed off, waiting for his name.

“Stephen. Stephen Gotti. It’s lovely to meet you, Trinity.”

I realized I was still standing too close to him and stepped back, removing my hands from his chest. Stephen’s fingers brushed my hips as he let go, sending a shiver down my spine. His husky voice brought me back to reality.

“Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Trinity. Unfortunately, I have some business associates waiting for me.”

He leaned in, his breath a whisper against my neck, his lips barely brushing the sensitive skin under my ear. “But don’t worry, doll. I’ll be seeing you again very soon.” His teeth grazed my earlobe as he pulled away, leaving me with goosebumps.

I watched him disappear into the crowd, feeling a blush creep up my face. Who is that man?


I was still flustered from my encounter with Stephen when Luke slid into the booth across from me. He grabbed his drink and downed it in one gulp.

When he asked if I wanted another drink, I almost didn’t hear him. “Huh? Oh, yes please.” Luke raised an eyebrow, asking if I was okay. “Of course, babe. Long day, but all the better for seeing you.”

I gave Luke a cheeky wink and a smile. He got up to go to the bar, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek as he left.

I was watching the TV above the bar when I felt someone watching me. I looked over and saw Stephen sitting at a table in the back of the bar, deep in conversation with two other men. But his gaze was fixed on me, traveling up my body until our eyes met.

I felt self-conscious and tugged at the hem of my dress, pulling it down a bit before turning back to wait for Luke. “What has you so flushed? Your cheeks are bright red.”

“Nothing. I was just thinking. Sorry, babe, so much going on lately.”

“Tell me about it. I’ve had six new managements this week and we haven’t even hit hump day.”

Luke was still going on about his week, but somewhere between his talk of entry condition reports and exit reports, I zoned out. I was too caught up in the lingering scent of Stephen, and the memory of his strong hands on my hips.

“Trinity, I don’t know how you’ve managed to do this job for so long without losing your mind.”

“Shit! Sorry, Luke. I’m just really distracted tonight.”

“Anything you want to talk about?”

“Nah, it’s nothing major. Let’s just finish these drinks, grab a few bottles to take home, and order some takeout. I’m ready to get out of these clothes and unwind.”

“Girl, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to flirt with me.” We both burst into laughter, finishing our drinks before getting ready to leave. As I stood to put on my coat, I glanced to the left and saw Stephen’s gaze on me again. I grabbed my bag, trying to look unfazed as Luke and I headed for the exit.

Luckily, it was only a ten-minute drive from Gilhooley’s to our three-bedroom townhouse. Once we were home, I kicked off my heels, sighing in relief as the ache in my feet subsided. “I’m going to take a shower and change. Then I’ll order dinner.”

“Sounds good, babe. Want me to pour you a drink?”

“You know women too well, Luke. It should be illegal to look as good as you do, be as perfect as you are, and not be into women.”

Luke threw his head back, laughing heartily. “Please, woman! You know I check out that peachy ass of yours every chance I get.”

I tossed a pillow at Luke, swaying my hips and shooting him a playful wink over my shoulder. Then I left the living room, heading straight for the bathroom and a hot, relaxing shower.

The rest of the night was peaceful. We sipped our drinks on the couch, enjoying each other’s company, before calling it a night and heading to bed early.

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