Sinful Attractions - Book cover

Sinful Attractions

Luci Fer

Chapter Three


We reached Stephen’s booth where we were greeted by four heavily tattooed gentlemen, who were almost equally as charming in looks as Stephen . . . almost. Stephen stepped aside as he began introductions.

“Boys, I have invited some friends to join us this evening, so best behaviour.” Stephen slightly turned to me, pulling me closer into his side, arm still heavily resting around my waist as he began introductions.

“Trinity, Luke and Matt I would like you to meet my best mate and business associate Clint, David and Chad who have worked with us for over Seven years now and Mike who joined us about 18 months ago.”

They all greeted us, extending their hands as we exchanged pleasantries. They moved around making room for us all to sit down.

Stephen slid in next to Clint, grabbing my hand and pulling me round close to him, while Luke and Matt sat down on the other side.

Mike who was sitting closest to the end flagged down one of the bar staff who quickly saddled up to our table requesting orders.

We all got comfortable and everyone started chatting amongst themselves, getting to know each other, or in the case of Matt, it appeared he was more acquainted with our new friends.

Himself and Luke became engaged in a conversation with Clint and Mike over the sale Matt assisted Stephen with last year.

Dave and Chad seemed engrossed with the hockey game currently on the big screen above the bar and I was finding it amusing to watch their reactions to the game. I was drawn back to the table by Stephen’s hand softly grasping my left leg, just above my knee, his thumb carefully tracing circles on the inside of my knee.

I turned to look at him and I am sure by the look in his eyes he was aware the affect his touch had on me.

My cheeks felt on fire and my breathing became shallow as I stared back at the handsome man in front of me. “So I know you work with Matt, are you in sales also?”

“No actually, I work in our investor management department. I recently moved into the role of Business Development Manager, working with property investors to increase their housing portfolios.

“That is where Luke comes in, we work alongside each other in securing new rentals, tenants and marketing processes for our owners.”

“Refreshing.” Confused, I looked at Stephen for a minute, questioning what he meant. Stephen turned his body to face me and leaned in closer to allow us a greater sense of privacy from the rest of the booth.

“Not only are you breathtakingly beautiful, but highly intelligent. I wonder if you know how incredibly sexy and rare that is?”

As he said that I felt Stephen’s hand start to rise further up my thigh, towards the hem of my dress, his fingers tracing slow circles on my skin leaving goosebumps in their wake.

Our eyes firmly locked on each other as I felt my cheeks heating up and the butterflies starting to flutter deep in the pit of my stomach.

Just as I was about to say something back the waitress interrupted us announcing her arrival with the drinks.

I heard Stephen’s low growl from his throat as he cleared it and his hand retreated from my thigh.

He reached for our drinks and I felt myself exhale a breath I was not consciously aware I had been holding. He held his drink up to mine as we toasted.

As the night progressed the drinks flowed and equally the conversation to match. I learnt that Stephen and Clint had known each other since they were 5 years old and along with being the closest of friends, they are also business partners.

Chad and Dave joined the group in College and the four had been inseparable since. Mike was the recent addition but seemed to easily fit their dynamic. “So what business is it you do?”

I innocently asked and to my surprise I felt a nervous energy sweep over the group. I noticed Dave, Mike and Chad seem to look to Stephen or Clint for guidance.

Weird . . .

I shook the thought as I heard Stephen speak up. “We are in imports and exports, doll. Predominantly through Europe although we are looking to branch into South America.”

“And what imports do you deal with?” I innocently asked, still looking at Stephen for a response. I noticed out my side vision the rest of the men seemed to be keeping themselves occupied and avoiding eye contact.

Stephen gently reached out tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, before reaching down to grip my hand.He turned to Luke and Matt.

“Would you mind if I borrowed Trinity for a moment, to talk somewhere more private. I will have her back shortly, you have my word.”

“No problem, we will be here. I could go for another drink, how about you guys?” Luke turned back to Matt and the rest of the group who all nodded and agreed. Mike drew the attention of the waitress over again.

Stephen and I excused ourselves from the booth as he interlocked our hands again and started walking further towards the back of the bar. “Where are we going Stephen? The entry and exit are in the other direction.”

Stephen continued walking and answered without stopping or turning. “My office, doll.”

“Wait, what? Your office?”

“Did I not mention? I own Capulet.” With that he gave me a cheeky smile, reached for an office door, unlocked and opened it. “After you, doll.” He said as he ushered me inside.

I stepped cautiously, walking in front of Stephen, into his office, in his club!

As I got past him, I felt his hand come down and give my ass a light slap, but before I could turn to say anything, I heard the door shut and lock behind us.

I was still flustered from Stephen’s touch and slightly turned on.

I took a minute to collect my thoughts before turning around, however before I could, I became aware of his presence close behind me.I closed my eyes and took a deep breath just as I felt Stephen’s hands softly rest on my shoulders.

My body relaxed into his touch and as I slowly started to lean into his body behind me, I felt his hands start to caress down my shoulders to my upper arms.

His fingertips lightly stroked down my upper arm, towards my forearms, as I felt Goosebumps break out over my skin.

I let out a soft sigh at the touch of his fingers on me, one I am all too aware he would have heard.

As his fingers reached my hands and started to interlock with mine, I smelt his cologne graze my sense of smell before I felt him bend down, his chiselled jaw nudging at my neck softly.

I tilted my head to the side giving him the access he wanted, as I felt his warm breach against my neck.

I felt engulfed in Stephen’s over six foot frame, which to be honest wasn’t hard. I felt his stubble brushing against my neck before his warm lips come within millimetres of my ear. “Hi.”

Shivering with excitement and anticipation I moved further into him as I let my head fall back and rest against his muscular chest. “Hi.”

You really are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on.” I whispered thank you back to him softly as I sunk further into Stephen.

I moved his hands, still interlocked with mine up to my waist, wrapping them around me, enjoying the embrace and closeness of him. We stood there for several minutes, neither one of us saying a word, our breaths shallow against each other, as I felt his chest rise and fall against my back.

The only sound in the room was our heavy breathing as we just enjoyed this moment of quiet together in a tender embrace.

Finally opening my eyes, I felt Stephen’s lips gently caress my ear and what can only be described as a low growl emanate from his throat.

His fingers gave mine one last squeeze as I felt them leave and meet my hips, gently guiding me to turn around to face him.

We were now facing each other, staring deep into the other’s eyes, his hands still resting on my hips and my hands had now found their way to his chest, gripping carefully to the lapels of his jacket.

My eyes flicked slowly from Stephen’s eyes down to his lips. Unconsciously I bit my bottom lip, as my mind was filled with thoughts of what they would feel like.

Stephen’s hand touched my chin and guided my head up so our eyes met again. It snapped me from my thoughts. “Kiss me Trinity.”

My eyes widened at what he had just spoken, definitely not expecting them to be the words that left his lips.Noticing my shock Stephen gently stroked my cheek with his thumb.

“I want you to feel comfortable with me. I want you, I wanted you the moment I looked into your eyes at Gilhooleys, but I won’t kiss you, not until I know you want me to.

“So,if you feel this too, kiss me, please, show me you feel it too.”

My mind is racing. How could this amazingly sexy and confident man think for one second I didn’t want him? What woman in their right mind wouldn’t?

The very first touch from him sent a pool of longing deep into my core. I gently slid my arms up his chest and over his shoulders.

I looked up deep into his eyes as I dragged my nails slowly up the side of his neck, into the nape of his hair. I saw him swallow deeply, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he did.

I carefully applied a bit of pressure to his neck, pulling his face down to my small frame as I stretched up onto my tip toes, shaking in wanting, needing to feel his perfectly sculpted lips against my own.

Stephen’s hands moved around my back, in doing so, pulling me closer to him.

Our lips were so close I could smell the woody scotch residue as our breaths became one, softly tilting my head to the side as our lips finally met.

While it was the most tender kiss I had ever experienced, I couldn’t help but feel the wanting in it too. Our lips moved in sync, sliding against each other’s, tasting our flavours mixed as one.

Stephen’s hands gripped me tighter as he pulled my body flush against his, where I could feel every muscle and curve of this man.

One of my hands lightly pulled at the hair on the nape of his neck, while my nails on the other made their way down the side of his neck to his collar.

A soft moan slipped through my lips as I got lost in the feeling and taste of this man.

Hearing my desire escape my lips, encouraged Stephen to take control of the kiss as his teeth dragged along my bottom lip, giving it a soft tug.

I felt his hand slide further down my back resting on my arse as he gathered the fabric of my dress in his fingers giving me a firm squeeze. “Ahh Stephen.”

Hearing me moan his name, Stephen pulled away slightly, opening his eyes to stare at me deeply, before diving back in and attacking my lips with the ferocity of a man dying of starvation.

I felt his tongue touch my bottom lip, begging for more and I eagerly obliged. Our tongues rolled as one, intoxicated by each other’s taste.

Exploring, needy and wanting as much as we can take, the raw passion ignited in a roaring inferno.

After spending several minutes lost in the taste of each other, I felt one of Stephen’s hands caressing up my spine, gripping a handful of my hair as he gently pulled my head away from his lips.

Feeling like the breath was sucked out of me as our eyes met once again, there was no denying the lust present, both breathing heavy, as our eyes explored the others searching, wanting.

I saw Stephen breath deeply and close his eyes for a second before opening them to meet my gaze. “Wow.”

Wow indeed . . .

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