Hearts of Alaska Series - Book cover

Hearts of Alaska Series

Mel C. Clair

Chapter 2


Leaning against a floatplane parked at the docks of the harbor in Anchorage, I take in the brisk seaside air. As I look at the people meandering about, most likely Christmas shopping for their friends and loved ones, I think about how it’s always busier here than in my hometown, Homer. Then again, not many people know of the stunning sights Kachemak Bay has to offer tourists.

My phone vibrates in my coat pocket, and I pull it out to see that my best friend, Noah, is calling. “Hey man,” I answer.

“Hey, has she arrived yet?”

“Nah, I’m here waiting.” I double-check my watch. “The plane should be landing soon.”

“All right. Thanks again for filling in. Who knows? Maybe you two will hit it off.”

I roll my eyes but don’t bother to respond. All I know about this girl I’m supposed to be picking up is that she is Noah’s fiancée’s best friend.

I’ve known Noah all my life—we were both born and raised in Homer, our blood as ice-cold as the island’s waters—so I was very skeptical when he told me he met someone. There aren’t many people in our hometown, and tourists don’t typically want to build a life in our freezing state. But we live for the rugged outdoors, so any woman not willing to love Alaska like we do is not for us.

I feared that when Keira finished grad school, she’d leave Alaska and take Noah with her, so it’s safe to say that I didn’t like her when we first met. But as I got to know her, I was surprised by her love for Alaska. Apparently, her family has owned a log cabin in Homer for generations.

Keira told my mom she would’ve booked rooms at my family’s inn for her bachelorette party, giving them business if not for the fact that she already has a place to stay. That right there is what makes Keira, Keira. She’s a true sweetheart, loved by everybody.

And the way she acts, it’s like she was meant to live here. I’m happy Noah found her.

Let’s just hope, after years of spending most of her time around us filthy, rugged men, Keira remembers how to act like a lady around her friends.

On the phone, Noah says something else, but I can’t hear him. I say, “Hey, the plane is coming in. We should be at the cabin in an hour and a half,” then end the call.

I check my watch once more. I had wanted to stop by my work site again to make sure things were being handled correctly, but with the plane coming in later than expected, I just dial my buddy.

“Hello?” he answers.

“Hey, Max,” I say. “Is everything all set? I don’t know if I’ll make it back before everyone leaves.”

“Yeah, the logs are stacked and secured, and all the machinery is put away and locked up in storage.”

“Did Will get all the log deliveries out today? People are going to need them in the next few days with the cold front coming through.”

“Yup. Everything’s set. You pick up the chick yet? Is she hot?”

I roll my eyes again. Jesus, is everyone starved in this town?

“The plane was a little behind schedule,” I answer. “It just got here, so I haven’t seen her yet.”

I look toward the terminal doors, curiosity getting the better of me, just as they automatically open and a swarm of people exit. My mind races. What if she is~ hot? Will I hit on her? I kinda got the go-ahead from Noah, so I wouldn’t be crossing any lines.~

“You gotta tell me if she’s hot, man,” Max groans over the phone. “I need to wiggle my way into that bachelorette party. I gotta fuck something.”

Wondering if he’s yanking it right now, I say, “Keep it in your fucking pants. You’re still on the clock. My clock!”

I bring my focus back to the terminal doors. The swarm of people has scattered, heading to taxis and tour buses that will bring them further into Anchorage. I don’t see any female solo travelers who are looking for a charter flight off Anchorage.

“You’re a shit boss,” Max whines. “I haven’t had a good lay in over a fucking year. Help a brother out.”

Just then, the terminal doors open again, and a tall woman who looks like a model walks out. Scratch that—she looks like a fucking movie star in skin-tight black pants, a white blouse with a few buttons at her chest unclasped, a long, leopard-fur coat, and heels so tall and thin they could be used as ice picks.

“Holy shit,” I say, the thought falling out of my mouth and over the phone for Max to hear.

“Is it her? Is she hot? She’s fucking hot, isn’t she?”

I tune out his spastic voice, mutter, “I gotta go,” hit the end button, and throw my phone in my pocket. I try to brush out the wrinkles on my dirty work attire, suddenly self-conscious that I look like I went dumpster diving before coming here. I feel unsuited to escorting someone like her anywhere.

As the woman walks closer, I hear the click of her shoes. Her brunette hair bounces perfectly around her shoulders, and her big, black, fancy sunglasses underscore her movie star vibe. She looks glamorous and sophisticated, the kind of woman you never see anywhere near these parts.

I clear my throat and rake my hands through my hair, suddenly nervous about introducing myself and shaking her hand. My hands are calloused and dirty from this morning’s work. Maybe I shouldn’t shake her hand—I’ll scare her off right away. I shove my hands in my jacket pockets right as she stops in front of me.

She beats me to the punch, sounding frustrated. “You’re Liam, right?”

“Yeah. You must be Keira’s friend, although I don’t know your—”

She cuts me off with an exaggerated huff. “They lost my luggage!”

I’m at a loss for words, my mouth agape.

She throws her hands up in aggravation. “I had five suitcases, and they can’t even find one!”

“Did you file a claim with the airline?” I finally manage.

“Yeah, but that’s not going to help me right now as I’m about to get on another plane going to an island!”

“Well, um, I’m sure they will locate it…and Homer is only two hundred miles from Anchorage, so it won’t be a problem to fly back to get it.”

I can’t think of anything else to say, so I just turn around and open the floatplane door for the woman, who still hasn’t told me her name. Maybe I’ll tell Max she’s hot—if he fucks her, maybe she’ll get in a better mood.

“~This is the plane?” the woman asks, leaning in and taking a look. She seems petrified.

“Yes…?” I give her a weird look. She’s acting like she’s never seen a plane before, even though she just got off one.

“Is it safe?”

I can’t help but chuckle. “Yes. It’s Noah’s plane. He flies charter flights for tourists all over Alaska.”

“And you work for him?”

“No, but I know how to fly a plane just like everyone else and their mother in Alaska.”

Without thinking, I reach my hand out to the woman. She grabs it but pauses a moment before climbing aboard.

“Wait! I forgot to make a call!” She releases my hand and steps down from the plane.

I look at my watch. “Can’t it wait until we get there?”

“No,” she answers, rage in her eyes, then brings her cell phone to her ear.

The woman paces back and forth on the dock, her heels clicking at an even pace. “Yes, hi,” she says in a fake-as-fuck voice when someone picks up. “Could you please connect me to Cliff Davenport, the manager for the shipping department?”

Shipping department? Is she calling about her missing luggage? This woman is so uptight about losing luggage she has to call now~? She’s staying in a cabin full of women… I’m sure they can lend her some extra clothes. Or is she too good to wear their clothes? She can’t survive a weekend wearing average clothes from average women? ~

“Too busy?” she says, her irritation evidently growing. “You tell Cliff that Alexa Montgomery is on the phone, demanding to speak to him!”

Alexa Montgomery is her name. Sounds like royalty. Acts like royalty too.

Keira is sweetheart and a fucking awesome match for Noah, acting like she was born and raised in the Alaskan back country. How the fuck can she be best friends with this snotty city bitch?

“I’ll give you one minute to get Cliff on the phone, or I am pulling all my orders from your warehouse!” she spits, actually looking at her watch like she’s dead serious. “One minute!”

Who the fuck does this girl think she is?

Alexa paces and stops, paces and stops. She taps her heel on the wooden dock.

Why can’t I stop looking at her? She acts like a royal bitch, yet she looks so fucking hot all pissed off. Any man would be insane to get into that brain of hers, and God help anyone who crosses her.

“Cliff!” she yells.

I guess her name does mean something if he rushed to the phone like that.

“I shouldn’t even have to explain how upset I am right now! Let me ask you a question: are your employees blind monkeys?”

The woman’s question catches me off guard, and I have to cough to cover up my laughter. Her head darts up, and she glares at me, so I bow mine. I lean against the plane and try to look like I’m not listening.

“Then why did I get another bad customer review because her order looked like it had been run over by an eighteen-wheeler? And why was the package missing the tissue paper and company sticker?”

It suddenly clicks that Alexa owns a business and her shipping company is dropping the ball, causing her to get bad reviews.

“Listen to me, Cliff! I have had it with your company! I pay you a damn lot of money to take care of my products, and I expect nothing but perfection!”

I check the time on my watch as the woman continues to argue over the phone.

“No, this is just unacceptable, especially with the holidays approaching!” Alexa shouts, gaining the attention of some onlookers. “Because of this, your Christmas present came early—you’re fired! You heard me: fired! You’ll be hearing from my lawyers, and you’ll be obligated to handle the rest of the orders until the New Year. Merry fucking Christmas!”

My eyes widen at her tone, but the woman doesn’t even wait for Cliff’s response before ending the call and letting out a huff of pent-up air. She straightens her posture, flicks her hair off her shoulders, and turns back into a well-kept, well-mannered lady.

“Ok, let’s go,” Alexa says to me. Before I even have time to lift myself off the plane and extend my hand again, she grabs the handles on the side, steps onto the metal frame in her high heels, and hoists herself onto a seat.

I stand in awe and wonder, Why is she so intriguing to me? The raised hairs on my arms tell me to stay the fuck away from this crazy bitch, but the wild side of me wants to get to know her, to purposely drive her crazy. There’s something immensely sexy about her when she’s worked up.

At least I have the next fifty minutes to toy with her. To prick my fingers on her thorny branches and see just how deep Alexa Montgomery can get under my skin.

Next chapter
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