Tempting My Dad's Best Friend - Book cover

Tempting My Dad's Best Friend

Kristen Luciani

Chapter 3


I need to stop drinking. This bourbon is going down too goddamn easily, and it’s making me think things I shouldn’t. Things that can get me into a lot of trouble.

Things like taking my best friend’s daughter from behind and fucking her senseless against my office window.

I’ve seen Isobel over the past couple of years that she’s been away at school but tonight, there’s something different about her and I can’t tear my eyes away from her.

She’s all woman now, not just a sweet kid with a pretty face and a big brain.

Her skin is smooth and tan. My fingers tingle every time she comes close enough for me to touch her. Her perfume swirls around my nose and my mind explodes with X-rated scenes I’d very much like to live out. With her.

The toned muscles in her legs tense and tighten as she moves around the dining room table in shorts that should be made illegal. And those perfect tits stretch against the fabric of her tank top, begging to be touched. Her long dark hair falls in waves around her shoulders, long enough for me to fist as I drive into that sweet, tight pussy.

I wonder if she’s still a virgin.

Oh fuck, I’d like to be the first one to claim that treasure and leave my mark on her.

I grab the glass in front of me and take a long gulp.

The amber-colored liquid burns a path down my throat but instead of jerking me from my fantasies, it only makes them hotter and crazier than the sober ones.

She suddenly looks up to find my eyes on her. But instead of looking away as she usually does, she holds my gaze, dark pink spots flooding her cheeks. The corners of her lips slowly lift.

“Iz, can you help me in here?”

And then the moment is gone. She jumps up from her chair, flips her hair, and practically runs out of the room.

I yank my hungry gaze away from Isobel’s ass cheeks which just so happen to be peeking at me from the bottom of those shorts as she hurries back into the kitchen.

Luckily, I was smart enough to take an Uber out from my apartment in the city instead of driving. But if I don’t switch to water soon, my self-control will unravel like a cheap rug.

I swirl the ice around my glass.

And that may get me killed.

Landon sits back in his chair and takes a sip of his own drink. “So, Harvey. I have a great idea that’s going to help you out of your hole at work.”

Fuck me, did he really have to say hole?

“Did Madyson call you?” I let out a groan. “I told her it would be fine. Twelve weeks will fly by.”

“Yeah, but in the meantime, you’re getting ready to close on the two biggest deals your company has ever negotiated. You need help.”

“And I suppose she gave you a list of candidates for me to review, right?” I shake my head. “I already told her—”

“I promise Maddie had nothing to do with this.” His grin widens. “And if you consider it, you’ll be doing me a favor, too.”

His eyes light up at my blank stare.

“Hire Isobel. She needs internship experience and working with you while she’s home on break will open a lot of doors for her. You’ve got connections at McKinsey and that’s where she wants to work after graduation. With your company name on her resume and her grades, it’ll be a slam dunk for her.”

I stare at Landon for a long second. Did he just ask me to hire Isobel? To take his oldest daughter under my wing and watch her slink around the office in a tight pencil skirt when all I really want to do is bend her over my couch and bury myself balls deep in her pussy while she screams for God?

Jesus. How the fuck do I tell him absolutely hell to the fucking no?

“Come on. Stop looking at me like I just suggested you drink turpentine instead of finishing that bourbon. What could be bad about this? She’ll do whatever you want for a chance to get onto McKinsey’s radar.”

Whatever I want…

Shit, bro. If you only knew.

Landon lifts an eyebrow. “Do I need to remind you about all the times you asked me to—?”

I throw my hands into the air. He’s obviously had way more bourbon than I have if he’s seriously asking me to do him this favor. Does he really not expect me to have the urge to rub one out at the mental picture of his daughter in a tight black dress and high heels stripping for me in front of my desk?

Scrubbing a hand down the front of my face, I let out a deep, resigned sigh. “Okay. I’ll do it. I’ll hire her.”

I stand up from the table because now I really need to splash some ice cold water over my face. It’s the closest I’m gonna get to a cold shower until I get home and I need something to keep my cock from tenting in my pants since the booze isn’t working.

“Great. I’ll tell her the news.” He disappears into the kitchen and I walk down the short hallway to the bathroom.

I close the door and turn to look at myself in the mirror.

Women turn my head all the time but they don’t usually hold my attention.

Not like Isobel.

She’s all grown up now. And the fantasy about her being a virgin grabs hold of my brain and holds tight.

My pulse hammers hard against my throat.

Peeling her out of her clothes in the middle of my office, watching them fall to the floor around her while I run my hands over her soft skin. Fuck, I want to memorize every curve of her tight body, to grip her hips while I slide my cock between her ass cheeks, to plunge my fingers into her pussy while I fuck her ass…

I look down to find my hand on my cock.

I wasn’t supposed to come in here to get myself off.

I was supposed to stop my mental crazy train before it crashes, dammit.

Water. Cold water. I flip on the faucet and let the water run until it feels like ice flowing over my fingers. I splash it over my face a few times, thinking about my last blow out with Shanna until my dick finally deflates.

Okay. I can do this. I can resist the temptation.

I open the bathroom door and step into the dark hallway just as something collides into me. A sticky, wet drizzle down the side of my shirt follows.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” Isobel gasps, a puddle of liquid seeping into her tank top.

Wet t-shirt.

My cock jerks.

Fuck my life.

“It’s fine.” I manage a smile and look down at the caramel colored spot staining my gray shirt. I pull it away from my body. “I should’ve been paying attention.”

“No, really, it’s my fau—”

“Hey guys, dessert is on the table.” Allie calls out as she walks toward us with a dishtowel in her hand. “What happened here?”

“I, uh, knocked into Harvey and spilled my soda all over both of us.” Isobel rolls her eyes. “I know, I’m such a klutz.”

Allie gives me a critical look. “Well, let me get you a t-shirt. Get that one off otherwise it’ll be glued to you with all that sugar on it.”

She pushes past me, heads into a bedroom, and a few seconds later, she tosses a black t-shirt at me.

“Here. And Iz, you look like the winner of wet t-shirt contest. You should get that tank top off, too.” Allie raises an eyebrow at me. “What are you waiting for? That’ll stain if you let it sit.”

I unbutton the shirt and strip it off before pulling on the t-shirt. I take my sweet time, feeling Isobel’s eyes sear into my skin.

Allie holds out her hand and takes the shirt from me. “I’ll use some stain remover then soak it for you.”

“Thanks, Allie.”

I turn my head to see Isobel’s stunned face flush purple and I bite back a smirk. Yeah, she enjoyed that show. I’d bet my life on it.

“And by the way, Iz. Harvey just agreed to give you a job for your winter break. Isn’t that great? You start tomorrow.”

Isobel’s jaw damn near hits the floor as she looks between me and Allie. “A…job?”

“Yeah, my assistant just went on maternity leave.” I shrug. “Your dad figured it could be a good opportunity for you.”

Allie smiles at me and gives me arm a squeeze. “Thanks, Harvey. Work her hard. She can handle it.”

Fuck yeah, I’ll work her harder than she’s ever been worked in her life.

Isobel clears her throat once we’re alone again. “Thanks for the chance,” she rasps, running a hand through her hair and looking in every direction but mine.

“Was that the kind of break you had planned? Spending every day in an office?”

A smile lifts her lips. “I could think of worse things to be doing. And worse people to be doing them with.”

“Oh yeah? What kinds of things would you rather be doing?” I inch closer until our lips are only a few inches apart. If I just dip my head, those lips will be mine to taste…mine to devour.

“If I’m being honest,” she says in a low voice, raising her gaze toward my face. “Nothing at all.”

That’s when my cock decides he wants to make a break for it.

“So I guess I’ll just take off my top now and, ah…” Her voice trails off like her brain has gone on vacation.

“Yeah, I guess you should.”

I refuse to look away, rooting her to the spot with my heated stare, the booze definitely making my body react in a way that will get my ass kicked if Landon suddenly appears.

But right now, I don’t really give a fuck.

I just need to touch her.

Some of the soda splashed the top part of her shirt, her skin glistening from the spill. I brush my thumb against it. “You’re still wet.”

A sharp intake of breath follows. Her pulse hums in her neck, vibrating under the pad of my fingertip.


Her voice is barely a whisper, her eyes wide with a mix of anticipation and desire.

My fingers slide up the side of her neck until they hit the back of her hair and tangle in the strands. Her legs wobble the slightest bit and I move closer in case she wants to grab me…or grab on to me…to steady herself.

“You probably should get used to that.” I lean closer, bringing my lips to her ear. “If we’re going to be working together.”

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