The Secrets of Sin - Book cover

The Secrets of Sin

E.J. Lace

Five Is an Odd One


“Thank you for coming with me,” I look over at Brittany as we pull into a parking space and eye the building in front of us. She nods, taking a glance in her rearview mirror.

I follow her lead and give myself a once-over before we get out of the car. I’ve never been out in my work clothes like this.

Even though I have done parties and private shows off-site, I’ve never dressed to not take my clothes off, but instead, to act as if the Angel of Sin was going out to watch her boyfriend win his match.

Listening to Mr. James and his advice about his athlete, knowing what was expected of me, and keeping true to my persona, I decide on a tight-fitting wrapped lace dress that ends at my mid-thigh.

My white mask matches the white of the dress and makes the burgundy red pop from my lipstick, jewelry, and heels.

My black wig is lying flat instead of the soft beach waves I tend to do for the Friday and Saturday shows.

Taking a breath, Brittany and I head in. We don’t wait in line like the rest of the crowd. I can hear the men recognize us when we walk by, calling out our names in a state of shock and awe.

Foxxy and Sin making an appearance in the real world makes our characters seem surprisingly real.

When we get to the front doors, the security team ushers us inside.

A group of four tall, well-built guys in matching black outfits walk us down a gray hallway where Mr. James takes me in from head to toe.

I can see the lustful monster lurking in his eyes, just like all the men that come to my shows.

Mr. James clasps his hands and thanks me again for accepting his offer. He tells me that his fighter is a big guy, that he goes by The Beast, and he is already in his dressing room, waiting for me.

I ask him how long till show time, which he answers with a low laugh: “Ten minutes.”

Telling Foxxy to save our seats at the stage, I let Mr. James lead me into the dressing room for my new boyfriend, The Beast.

A swarm of butterflies takes flight in my belly. I haven’t felt this nervous since my first few shows at The Bunny. Normally, I feel my most confident when I’m in my character’s persona.

Mr. James knocks on the door. A voice on the other side sounds so faint that I barely hear it.

With Mr. James leading me in, I keep my mouth shut, but I love his dressing room. It is so spacious and peaceful.

I think of my own dressing room and how I share it with the rest of the girls I work with and how hectic, loud, and chaotic it is, especially compared to this sanctuary.

A door opens. I tilt my body into a flirtier and more seductive stance: My hand on my hip, my back arched, breasts up, booty out, and belly sucked in.

The pose is called the original. Lady Wynter says this is the very first step in being seductive. You have to learn the stance, then everything else follows.

The millisecond I see The Beast walk out in nothing but his very tight boxer briefs, I almost scream. I hold it in and my body flips to my normal self before he can catch it.

I would know him anywhere.

The Beast.

My Benny.

My mind runs with concern, for myself and for Ben. This is why he has been working out all of these years? Because he is some bare-knuckle fighter?

Like some Brad Pitt, I have never seen him so... so unclothed. I knew he was toned and fit but... Lord!

I didn’t know Ben had tattoos. His chest and ribs have intricate, ornate patterns that look like they might connect to his back.

Ben looks unlike the sweet teddy bear that hung around my childhood. He looks like... Well, a beast. Like the grizzly bear he is.

Ben runs his light blue eyes over me. I pray he can’t see through the disguise. I pray I have covered my real self as best as I can.

I haven’t run into anyone I know at the strip club in the last three years. This is my first real test. Can I actually fool a man I have known my whole life? I hope to God I can.

Not only that, but I have to pretend to be his girlfriend! Pretend to be Ben’s girlfriend!

Butterflies flutter in my stomach.

If I can’t fool him, my secret will be out. They’ll find out their little Mari is a stripper.

Erik will kill me.

I gulp and look up and down at Ben’s massive body; at his rippling muscles.

My brother wouldn’t even get a chance to kill me. If Ben finds out, The Beast will tear me to shreds.

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