Betrothed To The King - Book cover

Betrothed To The King

Leilani Pierce

Chapter 3


When I finally pulled myself in from the balcony, I showered in preparation for the Ball.

My phone was ringing when I came out, but I ignored it.

I dressed in some comfy clothes and sat to brush my freshly washed hair, but a knock at my door made me jump. When I calmed myself, I walked over and looked through the peephole. It was only Siya.

I opened the door and was instantly crushed in a hug.

“I tried to call you!” she said through her bone-crunching squeeze.

I relaxed in Siya’s embrace and hugged her back. I hadn’t realized how badly I’d needed it.

“I’m so sorry, Iza. I wanted to talk to you yesterday, but I didn’t want to hurt you even more,” she said into my hair, still hugging me.

She released me and went on, “I just want you to know that you are so strong, and I’m so proud of you for not making a scene and just accepting it. It must be so hard for you.”

“Thanks for being there for me, Siya, and giving me the time and space I needed. So, why else are you here? My brother annoying you?” I teased.

Siya laughed. “No, not today. He’s under strict instructions not to piss me off today. I don’t want to be turning up to the Royal Ball pissed at my betrothed. Actually, there is another reason I’m here.”

I raised my eyebrows, and Siya sat on my bed and patted the space next to her. I sat down and looked at her expectantly.

“It isn’t anything bad. Mom just wanted me to remind you. I knew you probably forgot after everything. Remember, tonight we aren’t the only domain at the ball. Your cousins’ domain is coming.”

I gasped. How could I have forgotten? My dad had a younger sister who had found her betrothed in another domain, so she’d moved there. They had twin daughters—my cousins.

I was very close to my cousins, and they were only a year younger than me. The last time I’d seen them was Christmas last year. Now I felt more excited to go!

All thoughts of Coleman flew from my head. I was super excited to see my cousins again. Shravani and Anika Chopra were identical twins who had been my best friends through childhood. How I had missed them!

“I love that smile,” Siya said affectionately. “I knew you would be happy when I told you. Now, you get some rest before getting ready.”

I said goodbye to Siya and lay on my bed. I had about forty minutes before I’d need to start getting ready—enough time for me to finish the book I’d started in the car. I let myself get sucked into the world of mystery.

When I finally finished reading, I checked my phone. I had a message from Alessia saying she was excited to see me, and two from Shravani and Anika, also saying they couldn’t wait to catch up.

Before long, I had to leave the warm, comfy bed and begin getting ready.

I put on a maroon dress, off-the-shoulder with an asymmetrical hem. It was simple but beautiful.

Then I got started on my hair. I dried it and plugged in my curling iron. My long hair was easy to curl, so I did that and decided to do a half-up-half-down hairstyle.

Next, it was time for the tedious part: makeup. I sat at the hotel desk and pulled out all the makeup I had brought, along with my trusty mirror.

Thirty minutes later, I was finished. I kept my makeup simple—but jazzed it up a little with some false lashes. When I looked in the mirror, I was pleased.

I wore simple earrings in each of my many piercings. My necklace was a plain gold chain with a heart-shaped pendant that my grandparents had gotten for me when I’d turned sixteen.

I also wore my charm bracelet that I had gotten from my parents when I was eighteen.

I was good to go. I’d planned to take some pictures before I left but I realized I was running late, so I quickly put on my heels and packed a purse, then hurried to my parents’ room.

As soon as Mom opened the door, she gasped. “Oh, my baby looks so gorgeous.”

I laughed and thanked her. Dad smiled and told me I looked like a princess, and Siya corrected him, saying I looked like a queen. I rolled my eyes at that comment.

Ari announced that he would have to keep an eye on me because apparently the whole male population would try and hit on me.

“Oh, loosen up,” Siya said with a playful slap.

We all took some pictures and headed downstairs.

Andrew was waiting in the lobby, and he smirked when he saw me. “Wow, Goofy. Who knew you could clean up so nicely?”

“Wow, who knew you were such a jerk? Oh, that’s right—everyone!” I teased back.

Andrew rolled his eyes, and I giggled. At the insistence of all the parents, we took more pictures. Andrew made me take silly ones, saying they would look perfect on his Instagram.

“I’m sure your three followers will really appreciate it,” I joked.

Andrew was the best at getting me back to my normal self. It might sound mean on the surface, but joking and insulting each other was part of our friendship.

I was so busy having fun that I didn’t even notice Coleman and Jenna standing nearby.

When I saw them, Coleman was looking right at me. Before, I would have melted, but at that moment, I just smiled and turned back to Andrew, who was holding out his hand to help me into the car.

Since Andrew was the Royal Councilor of our domain, we rode in a private car just for him, his date, and the Councilor’s Hand and his date. Luckily, I sat in the front with Andrew, while Coleman and Jenna sat in the back.

The palace was only fifteen minutes away. I could handle a short car ride with Coleman.

As soon as the car started moving, Coleman and Jenna started eating each other’s faces off. The noises they made were awful.

I glanced at Andrew, who looked angry. “Coleman, I don’t appreciate you and your betrothed making all those noises,” he said sternly. “I’m trying to have a conversation here, so shut it.”

The kissing stopped immediately. I had never heard Andrew sound so serious, but I was glad. Those noises were going to make me sick. I mean, come on. Show a little consideration.

Andrew smiled at me. “Anyway, Goofy, you better not leave my side tonight. I know all those unpaired Gold males would love nothing more than to get with you.”

“That’s what Ari said!” I laughed. “I’m not getting with any Gold males, anyway. I want to spend time with Alessia and my cousins. Priorities!”

“That’s my Goofy—always wants to be with friends and family,” Andrew said proudly.

“Hey, what if you find your betrothed?” I asked, and Andrew’s eyes lit up. “I mean, there are going to be loads of people there. Your betrothed might be among them.”

“Yeah, maybe. Wouldn’t that be something?”

“Hmmm… I would have to warn her, though,” I said in pretend seriousness. “How crazy you are and how you have no friends.”

“Whatever you say, Goofy. I know you love me,” Andrew winked.

We pulled up to the palace, and Andrew helped me out of the car. When our families arrived, we went through strict security and entered the palace.

I gasped as we walked in. It was gorgeous.

The high ceilings had intricate designs, and the decorations all matched the color scheme of the place. Alessia had done an amazing job.

“Iza!” Alessia’s voice traveled through the crowds.

I laughed as she rushed over to me and engulfed me in a massive hug.

“Hey, Alessia, you think you can let go now? You’re crushing me,” I said.

Alessia released me and apologized.

“Someone clearly doesn’t know her own strength,” I teased her.

Jayce joined us. “That’s because she trains with me every day. She’s an amazing fighter,” he boasted.

I rolled my eyes as he gave me a friendly hug and introduced himself to Andrew.

Alessia noticed Coleman and Jenna walk past us, and her eyes snapped to mine. I shook my head, and her eyes turned cold.

“Whatever. My best friend looks absolutely stunning. She is definitely the prettiest here,” Alessia gushed.

I knew she’d said it louder than necessary, because Coleman turned around. Alessia had a satisfied smile on her face. I shook my head at her—she would never change, Gold or not.

“Well, not as beautiful as you,” I said. “Someone is having a very hard time keeping his eyes off you.”

Alessia didn’t get a chance to react as Andrew handed us both drinks, and we started to mingle.

About ten minutes later, two very familiar voices shouted my name.

Andrew whipped his head around fast and whispered the words I loathed:

“Oh my gosh. My betrothed.”

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