Sinful Secrets - Book cover

Sinful Secrets

Cosmic Chaos

Sinful Discoveries


Who knew working in a fetish club could be my dream job? I love it! I average $200 a night in tips, and all of the girls are so sweet and fun to be around. Carla stops by for a few drinks each night and keeps telling me that she’s never seen me so happy, and you know what? She’s right!

The night just got started, but everyone seems to be a little on edge. I’m making drinks for one of the tables when I hear one of the girls, Candy, talking to Chaz in the hall behind me.

“Chaz, I can’t do it. I twisted my ankle. It hurts enough to walk in flats.” She sounds like she’s about to cry.

“Damn it. I need someone at the VIP table. Can you help in the bar? I can see if Becca will fill in for you until your ankle is better.” He sounds so stressed out, and that is saying something since Chaz is always fun-loving and easygoing.

He walks into the bar and waves Becca over.

“Becca, could you fill in for Candy at the VIP table? She fucked-up her ankle and will be out for at least the remainder of the week.”

I hear Becca, one of my least favorite girls, let out an exaggerated sigh.

“Chaz, I tend the bar, and that is all I was hired for. I won’t be shaking my ass on stage for anyone.”

I don’t know if it’s out of appreciation or sheer stupidity, but my mouth opens and words flow out before I can stop them.

“I’ll do it.” I quickly shut my mouth and stand staring wide-eyed at Chaz.

He motions for me to follow him into the hall, and I do so without question.

“Danny, I know you don’t want to do this. I’ll figure something out.”

I see how much this is bothering him, and I realize that I would be willing to do nearly anything to help him, including shake my ass for some horny, old men.

“Chaz, you did me a huge favor by giving me this job, so let me pull my weight. I’m nervous as fuck about getting up there, but what better way to overcome my fears, right?”

He gives me a concerned look, runs a hand through his hair, and sighs.

“Are you sure?”

I flash a reassuring smile. “Yes, I’m sure.”

Chaz has Candy take me into her dressing room, where I change into a sexy, black leather miniskirt and a black leather halter top that barely covers my breasts. She adds a pair of shiny, black stilettos and does my makeup, letting my hair down so that it’s free to fall around my shoulders.

I look in the mirror before we head back out. The good-girl image I’d had since high school is gone. I look incredible. My blue eyes pop, and my blonde hair looks sultry.

Chaz gives me an approving smile as we walk out and leans in.

“Never give out your real name or any other personal information. Avoid talking at all, if possible,” he whispers as he takes my hand and leads me to the VIP table. “Gentleman, I’m sorry for the delay. The girl who usually performs at this table is out. This is Venus.”

He helps me up the steps to the stage just as “Criminal” by Fiona Apple comes on. I draw a deep breath and slowly walk forward with my hips swaying seductively.

I lean against the pole and slowly slide down with my knees bowing outward, revealing the black lace thong I’m wearing under the ridiculously short skirt. I bite my bottom lip softly as I crawl toward one of the men. The others cheer and place stacks of money on the stage.

I don’t know what comes over me, but seeing the heated, hungry eyes of these men lights a fire in my soul. I fucking love it.


I work the stage for over thirty minutes when Chaz walks up and starts speaking with the men, their lust-filled eyes still locked on my body. After a minute, Chaz holds out his hand to me, and I slowly walk back to the stairs where he helps me down.

One of the men quickly grabs the stacks of money and hands it to me.

“Worth every penny,” he says.

I take the money from him and thank him politely as Chaz walks me to his office.

“Where the fuck did that come from?!” he shouts with an ear-to-ear grin.

“I have no clue, but it felt amazing!” I have an adrenaline rush from the excitement of it all.

“Put your money in the envelope with your name on it. We’ll add it to your bartending tips for the night.”

I do as he asks and stop to look at my reflection in the mirror behind his desk.

“I look so different… So unlike me.” I muse as I take in Candy’s handiwork.

“This isn’t you. This is Venus. On stage, you’re the sexy vixen named Venus, but off stage, you’re the sexy bartender, Danny. You’ll learn to accept it as a separate identity. All the girls here are very different from the people they portray on stage. In real life, Candy is a veterinarian, and Sable is a dental hygienist.”

“That’s crazy. I would never have guessed,” I say, surprised.

He nods and places a hand on my shoulder.

“You can change and head back behind the bar, but if you ever want to hit the stage again, just let me know. You’ve got what it takes.”

I nod and exit his office, turning into the dressing room to get changed. I decide to leave my hair down and head back down the hall toward the bar. A pair of cool, dark-brown eyes stop me in my tracks.

“What can I get for you, Mr. Lambert?” I ask as I step behind the bar.

He flashes a wicked grin.

“That was quite a show you put on.”

I cross my arms. His eyes graze over my chest before making their way back up to meet mine.

“Cool. Can I get you something to drink?” I ask.

“A double shot of Patron.”

I get his drink and slide it across the bar.

“That’s fifteen dollars, Mr. Lambert.”

He hands me $50. When I take it, he runs his fingers across mine.

“Evan, please. Keep the change,” he says with a smile. He downs the shot and walks back to his table. I feel his eyes on me for the rest of the night.


It’s midnight when the club starts emptying. Chaz comes out to the bar now that business has slowed down.

“So, I got a lot of compliments on your performance,” he says.

“It was surprisingly fun.” I smile and shrug. “Hey, I have a question.”

He leans against the bar and gives me a friendly smile.

“Okay, what’s on your mind?”

I hesitate for a moment then decide to just go for it.

“What are the back rooms for?”

He chuckles and leans closer to me as if he’s telling me a secret.

“Those are the playrooms. People rent them to act out their BDSM, or Dom/sub, fantasies.”

I glance down the hall and then back at him.

“So, people go back there to have sex?”

“Not exactly. Sometimes sex is involved, but the Dom/sub relationship is about so much more. It’s about power, control, understanding, respect, and boundaries. Take me for example. I’m pretty laid-back. I used to let people walk all over me, but in there”—he points to the rooms down the hall—“I’m the one giving orders. I’m a Dom, through and through. Eventually, my love for control pushed me to be stronger in other aspects of my life.”

“So, the sub is like a servant?” I ask.

He shakes his head with a soft chuckle.

“A sub loves to be controlled, but in a Dom/sub relationship, the sub has all the power. The relationship is built on mutual trust and understanding. If the sub is not comfortable with something, then they have a safe word in place to let the Dom know.”

I laugh and give him an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry. I always thought that it was a servant/master thing.”

We both laugh at my naive statement.

“If you ever want to learn more about it, I would be happy to teach you. You could even sit in on one of my sessions and get a feel for what it’s all about,” he says.

I look down and consider whether I would really be willing to watch something like that. But then Carla’s voice rings through my head.

You need to learn to live a little, Danny. How the hell will you ever find things you like if you don’t get out there and try new things?

“What if it’s too much?” I ask.

“Then you just quietly slip out the door. No hard feelings,” he says with a warm smile. “I have a session on Sunday with a client who enjoys being watched. If you decide it’s something you would like to see firsthand, be here at 8 p.m. For now, go home and get a good night’s sleep.”

He gives me a hug. I get my things and head for the door, calling a cab on my way out. I step outside and lean against the building as I replay my conversation with Chaz.

Could I really watch him do that? How the hell does someone even get into this shit? My mind keeps running all the way home until I finally fall asleep.

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