Training Furst - Book cover

Training Furst

Michael BN

Chapter 3

I was almost late again!

Jasper actually had the audacity to check the time right in front of me. Then, he took me to the in-house gym and to my shock, I saw that the equipment had already been delivered but not installed.


“Why isn’t this set up? Installation is part of the service!” I yelled in panic.

Jasper pinched his eyes and said, “I sent the delivery guys home as soon as they unloaded it. Cal doesn’t like strangers around the house.”

“What?! But when did this arrive?” I asked.

“Yesterday afternoon. I told them it was for Cal, so they did a same-day delivery.”

“Why the hell didn’t you let me know?!” I fumed. I couldn’t set this up alone, at least not on time.

“I don’t work for you, Sebastian!” he said, dismissively. “I need to go; Cal needs his breakfast.”

What the fuck?

“I’m calling them to come back!” I yelled at his back. He just waved a hand at me.

Wait, Cal’s breakfast? I needed to be there. I didn’t have his measurements yet, but I could hit the ground running with his diet.

Despite the attention he needed around his belly area, Cal had an attractive strong body. He’d obviously been in good physical shape for most of his life. He mentioned that he’d neglected himself, I wondered what that meant.

If I only had eight weeks, then this was going to be a challenge. Exercise was without a doubt important, but I’d have to pay extra attention to what he ate.


“What do you mean, Cal can’t have pancakes?” Jasper said with a scowl. “They’re Margret’s specialty.”

I presumed that Margret was the person preparing Cal’s meals. She would have to become my new best friend.

“Listen, Jasper. I know you want to give Cal what he wants but I’m here to give him what he needs.”

For some reason, he found that funny and laughed in a high-pitched cackle before saying, “You know nothing about Cal.”

What the fuck was his problem?

“What’s for breakfast?” Cal asked, catching us squabbling in the dining room.

“Well, apparently nothing!” Jasper said dramatically. “Your fitness guru says you can’t have pancakes and poor Margret is waiting for instructions.”

Cal looked between the two of us and said, “Good morning, Sebastian.”

“Good morning,” I replied as calmly as I could muster.

“Jasper, Sebastian is here to do a job. I have complete faith in his abilities,” Cal said quietly.

Jasper immediately looked at his shoes.

“Sebastian, I thought that you needed to take measurements before anything else?” Cal asked with a stern look.

“I do but there was a misunderstanding with the equipment delivery. I will fix it ASAP, but I wanted to ensure you had a healthy breakfast.”

Jasper looked at me strangely as if he was surprised that I didn’t throw him under the bus.

“Okay,” Cal said, after a moment of silence. “Jasper, introduce Sebastian to Margret, then have my breakfast delivered to my office.”

“Of course, Cal,” Jasper said in almost a whisper.

I personally brought Cal his breakfast after a quick introduction to the mistress of the kitchen. Margret hadn’t been particularly happy with my disapproval of the contents of the fridge. I managed to convince her that I had good intentions, after which she agreed to discuss menus later during the day.

Cal gave his plate with egg whites, rye toast, and half an avocado a nasty look. He was happy that I at least didn’t deny him his coffee.

“Cal, I dropped the ball on the equipment delivery, but I’ll get it fixed. In the meantime, I was thinking that we would start you off with some cardio.”

“Cardio?” he asked, his gaze never leaving his laptop screen.

“The installation of the equipment should take about an hour, so in the meantime, we can go for a run, you can swim la…”

Holy fuck!

I looked out of the window as I mentioned swimming and recognized the pool! I was almost certain that it was the same one from the video I saw yesterday!

“Are you okay?” Cal asked.

“Yes, sorry,” I whispered.

“Sebastian, I’m not running around the block for everyone to see and in my current state, I am not swimming in front of my staff.”


“Sort out the problem with the equipment and let me know when you are actually ready!” Cal said strictly yet didn’t raise his voice.

“Of course,” I replied, knowing that I shouldn’t push further.


I found the office that I’d been in yesterday and went straight for the computer. Even though the equipment was my first priority, I simply had to double-check that video.

What the fuck?! Everything was gone! The browser history, the bookmarks, it had been completely wiped! But by who?

Jasper? The bodyguard? Or was there someone in this house that I hadn’t met yet? I no longer had any evidence, but I was almost convinced that Cal’s pool had been used for a taped gay orgy.

Okay, breathe.

Maybe the video was made before Cal moved into this place. Yes! That sounded like a more logical answer. Perhaps, I was just mistaken. Either way, I had more pressing issues to deal with.

I tried to remember how I found the fitness machines and eventually got back to the correct site. It would probably have been easier to ask Jasper, but I didn’t want to deal with him right now.

I called the number and had to go through the hassle of explaining that Mr. Furst had changed his mind about installation. They promised to come in forty minutes, but instead, they arrived two hours later.

I was pissed that we were starting so late, but Cal didn’t seem too bothered. Once the measurements were out of the way, I could finally get to work.

After a thorough warm-up, I put him on the treadmill for thirty minutes with an incline and let him release some stress on the punching bag before stretching. Before an early dinner, I had Cal lift some weights and do planks until he cried out in pain.

We had officially started our eight weeks, and I sincerely hoped this was going to go a hell of a lot smoother from now on.

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