Hot Dinner with Alpha - Book cover

Hot Dinner with Alpha

B.E. Harmel

Chapter 2


Brad had been teasing me for a long time. Our routines over the last two weeks had been making the days long and the nights short, and often our schedules hadn’t been compatible.

He had been teasing me since I was still getting ready, and undressing me with his eyes during the whole party. When he had gone to meet me at the bar, feeling his dick in my ass sent chills all over my body, making me completely lose my mind and immediately soak my panties.

How could I continue at the party like this?

I took advantage of our mental connection to use all our memories, and I saw him from afar go crazy with each second ticking by. I lost my breath when he pointed to the bathroom, and I walked there with all my gusto, feeling my heart jump at what was coming.

When I entered the small room, Brad came right behind me. He looked at me with so much desire that my logical thoughts got all lost. He kissed me, dominating me completely, and with him, I not only allowed it, but I liked it.

Brad turned me around, pressing me against the sink. Feeling his erection made me completely lose my mind.

“Fuck me.” The words escaped my lips, and I heard him groan before moving his hands down to the slit of my dress and pulling the piece up until the fabric pooled at my waist, leaving my ass completely exposed to him.

“Red lace, Alice?” he asked, giving me a slap that I knew would leave his handprint on my skin. He passed his hand right away, stroking me and making me feel the soft touch of his hands on me in the same place where I felt the blood accumulate and heat up due to the slap.

“These panties don’t mark the…,” I said, trying to justify myself, but he removed the fabric of my soaked panties with his fingers and slowly penetrated me with two of them, making me choke on my sentence and almost cum right there. My body was in such a trance that every fiber of my being was sensitive, every touch of him made me beg for more, and when his thumb found my clitoris, I let go a louder moan than I expected.

“Shhhh. Quiet, dear, no one can hear us,” he said, slowing down the rhythm of the circular movements on my most sensitive point, but this only made the tension build up even more.

I looked in the reflection of the mirror, and at the exact moment, I saw Brad disappear from the reflection. He knelt behind me and I felt his fingers hook into my panties and pull them down slowly. I moved my feet to take them off, but one of the straps was still attached to one of the heels I was wearing. His strong hands went around my thighs and pushed my legs apart, and one of his hands went to my back, pushing me further against the sink.

Then I felt his velvet and warm tongue running all over my entrance, and when he reached my clitoris, he sucked it making me moan from the back of my throat.

“Alice!” He stopped for just a few seconds to say my name.

I put my hand in front of my mouth, biting on it as he continued sucking and making circular movements with his tongue, leaving me completely panting. With each movement of his, I felt my core contracting, and electric shocks of pleasure being sent throughout my body. I was close, but I needed him inside me.

As if reading my thoughts, he stood up, and I turned to kiss him while my fingers opened the waist belt of his pants. Brad moaned as I held his rock-hard cock ready for me and positioned it at my entrance. I was so wet that it slipped from my arousal, but Brad lifted and rested me on the bathroom counter. He penetrated me with his entire length, making me moan again. I felt my walls open to receive him, and each movement gave me more pleasure than before.

The look of lust in his eyes held me there, while his moans came out soft and controlled, so no one else could hear. It made me think about all the people outside who had no idea what was going on in here.

Brad's thrusts were rhythmic and precise. When one of his hands slipped to my clitoris, he synchronized the movements, stimulating me with his fingers and his thrusts. Our breaths were heaving with pure desire; he was close and so was I. I felt my heart pounding and pumping pleasure throughout my whole body. I couldn't take it anymore, and the orgasm hit me while Brad kissed me, making me moan inside his mouth and muffle the sounds. And then he came too, letting out hoarse moans inside my mouth. I felt him pulsating inside me while I was contracting around him.

We had come together and it felt like nothing else in the entire universe mattered. Just the two of us.

Brad kissed me again and I just didn't want to go back to the party. He picked up my panties from the floor and handed them to me. I put them back on and tried to get ready so I looked at least presentable before I left this place, but all the lipstick had already come out of my mouth.

I watched him get dressed and adjust his shirt.

“I'm going to leave first. Wait a little, and you go too,” he said, hugging me one last time and kissing my lips. Opening the door, he says to me over his shoulder, “That was just a taste of what awaits you later…”

Damn, Brad.

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