The Rock Star - One-shot - Book cover

The Rock Star - One-shot

Chapter 2

I follow behind the security guard. I’ve learned that he’s Magnus’s personal security.

Apparently his job consists mainly of making sure Magnus is not stampeded by his adoring, vapid female fans.

I felt bad about leaving Alice, but she said if I didn’t go, she’d kill me, so that sorted itself out. “Here we are.”

We stop in front of the green room door. He opens the door for me. “Magnus will be here right after the encore, make yourself comfortable.”

I offer a smile in gratitude before he closes the door behind him. Outside I can hear the last song ending.

My heart beats in my chest, I look into the mirror to fix my makeup quickly before Magnus arrives, my hands shake with expectation.

From behind me, I hear the door swing open. I turn around as Magnus enters the room, a sheen of sweat covering his immaculate body.

“I’m glad you came,” he says as he grins. He strides toward me. As he gets closer I can see that he towers over me.

He doesn’t hesitate as he grabs me roughly by the hips, lifting me up onto the vanity.

His mouth eagerly finds mine, his tongue exploring and teasing me.

I let out a soft moan, pressing my body into his, running my hands over his sweaty body.

He pulls away, grabbing my neck with one hand and holding my gaze as his other hand explores, snaking its way in between my legs.

His touch is electrifying as I feel my pulse quickening. The moment his fingertips touch the growing wetness between my thighs, I melt.

“How are you so wet already?” he whispers into my ear, nibbling at my ear lobe as his fingers slide into me. “I picked the right girl tonight.”

Magnus reads my body like a book.

He presses me against the mirror with his full weight, his fingers still exploring the most delicate part of my body.

He pulls down the straps of my dress, exposing my bare breasts. He cups my breast, squeezing it gently as his lips trail down towards it.

Taking my nipple into his mouth, his tongue makes small circular movements, igniting my pleasure even more.

I grab him by the hair at the back of his head, indicating to him that I want more. I want all that he can give me. He smiles.

Taking my nipple between his teeth and biting down, slowly at first, but with the perfect amount of pressure.

I let out a cry of pleasure mixed with pain. Magnus doesn’t let me go, instead he applies more pressure.

I press myself against him, feeling how hard he is against my thigh. My breath catches in my throat as I reach down to grasp him in my hand.

His lips are on mine again, searching passionately with his tongue.

My body feels as though it is on fire, rippling with pleasure at the graze of his touch.

Just as I feel my body tensing, readying for the release I’ve been craving, Magnus stops. My eyes are still closed, but I whimper in desperation.

The last thing I ever want is for him to stop. “Look at me,” he commands. I open my eyes, looking into his ocean blue eyes, captivated in their power.

He still has a smirk on his face, he knows how much power he has over me at this moment.

I’d do anything he asked of me, anything to please him, and anything to have his hands on my body again.

He doesn’t break my gaze as he slowly lowers himself to his knees in front of me. His hands gliding up my legs until they reach my backside.

He pulls me forward brusquely, so close to his mouth that I can feel the heat of his breath on my inner thigh.

He softly bites into the fleshy part of my thigh, sucking on the skin and sinking his teeth in further still.

When he moves away, he’s left a beautiful mark behind. I shiver as the warmth of his breath tickles the wet heat between my legs.

He’s so close to me, I sense every shift in his breathing. I can hear the blood rushing in my ears, I can tell he’s teasing me, making me wait.

Just when I can’t bear it any longer, I feel the soft touches of his tongue on my clit. I gasp as Magnus makes slow, small circles with his tongue.

My hands go into his hair once more, holding his head in place.

The pleasure takes my body over in waves, sensual convulsions that I have no control over. Magnus knows exactly what he’s doing.

My body takes over as I begin to sway my hips in time to his movements.

The intense warmth builds from my core as I squirm with the pleasure he provides me.

Each flick of his tongue creates an overwhelming sensation, I can barely think straight, giving into his incredible touch.

Finally, I can’t control it anymore and my body feels the complete release of gratification.

Magnus continues to trail kisses up and down the most sensitive parts of my body.

When he pulls away, I can’t help but smile when I see he is more aroused than he was before. Now, it’s my turn to smirk at him. I hold the power now.

Leisurely, I stand up from the vanity table, my legs slightly shaking still.

I take a step towards him, quickly unzipping his pants and work to release him. My eyes go wide when I see the entirety of him.

Magnus senses my surprise, taking the opportunity to grab me by the waist.

He lifts me easily, carrying me to the plush couch on the other side of the room. He sits down with me in his lap.

He guides himself into me and then places his hands on my hips, guiding me slowly before allowing me to take over.

He sighs and lets his head fall back as he gives into his own pleasure.

I smile and place my hands lightly over his muscular body, carefully tracing the tattoos that cover his gorgeous body.

His breath becomes shallow as my movements quicken. I can feel that warmth building within me once more too.

I lean over his body, still pressing myself on him and moving rhythmically.

I run my tongue up the side of his neck, lick his inner ear, and suck on his earlobe.

His body tenses with the sensation as he lets out another husky moan. I can feel his muscles going taut, hoping for release.

I lean backwards and arch my back, making sure he feels all of me.

He puts one hand on my breast and the other on my opposite hip, holding me in place as he moves his hips in a pulsing motion back and forth.

I feel my own body give in to the feeling of euphoria once more.

His fingers dig into my skin as he does the same, releasing one last moan as he finishes.

He holds me for a few moments as he leans against my body, slowly recovering his senses. I find my own breath is still ragged, but steadying.

Our eyes meet and we both smile. Without words we know that this won’t happen again.

In just twelve hours he’ll be in a completely different city halfway across the world.

That knowledge doesn’t sour the afterglow, if anything it makes our short time together even more intense.

We both gather our clothes, putting each layer back on.

Magnus calls me a cab and we walk out of the green room, warmth still radiating off our bodies.

When we reach the cab outside, Magnus opens the door for me. Before I can climb in, he grabs me by the waist and turns me into him.

His mouth finds mine for the last time, his tongue roaming, wanting more. We both pull away at the same time.

I lower myself into the seat and he closes the door. He motions for me to roll down the window, so I oblige.

“Maybe I’ll see the next time I’m in New York,” he winks. I laugh. “Maybe,” I say. I smile to myself as the cab starts to move.

It has truly been a night to remember.

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