Erotic One-shot: No Feather, Baby - Book cover

Erotic One-shot: No Feather, Baby

S. Glasssvial


“It was by accident, I swear! I would never spy on you or invade your privacy! I thought you called out for me, so I walked into the bathroom, but it turned out you were only singing.”

Sammy’s face turned the color of a tomato.

“So, I’ve seen it, Sam. I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen your rolls.”

Sammy swallowed.

“But do you honestly think I cared about that while I got to see those round, sexy breasts?”

Sexy breasts? Or did he just say saggy breasts?

“All I envisioned was to push my dick between those round fluffy cushions and press them together. Or to suck on that round big nipple.”


“Men don’t see flaws as you women see them. I’m honestly so sick and tired of women complaining about their fat. I don’t mean to come across as rude but…you gals gotta stop with that shit.”


“I’m sorry, but it’s true. Men don’t see all that crap I always hear women talk about. Cellulite, rolls, bumps, and lumps? We don’t care, okay?” Mason said, squeezing at Sammy’s thighs.

“No, let me rephrase that; not all men care. Most of us don’t care. Of course, there are always men that do care, but if a man wouldn’t want you just because you have some dimples on your ass, you should send him home. And I can guarantee you, Sam, that I don’t want to go home.

“When it comes to the body of the girl I’m in love with, all I care about is that you take good care of your body. And you take good care of your body. You’re healthy, you do your hair, you dress pretty. You are pretty. And your body turns me on. I’m in love with you. I don’t care about flaws.”

“I…don’t know what to say…”

“In my life, I’ve had sex with thin girls, I’ve had sex with fit girls, and with fat girls. And I found them all hot and sexy. And you”—Mason leaned in and kissed one of Sammy’s big breasts, which was still hidden behind her chiffon blouse—“you are so hot and sexy as well. Whether you’re fat or thin, I like ~you.~”

Sammy’s heart almost burst. “You’re sweet.”

“Would you not want to be with me anymore if I lose my hair? Because my dad is as bald as a bowling ball. Guaranteed I’ll go bald in a year or five.”

“Don’t be silly, I don’t care about that,” Sammy replied.

“Well, now you understand me, then?”

“I’ll try. It takes time, I’m afraid.”

“Good.” He kissed her. “And I meant it when I said I wanted to see all of you, but if you don’t want it, I don’t want to force you. I just don’t want you to be insecure, babe. Because there is no reason for it. I can assure you that I’ve jerked off way too many times with that image of the shower in my mind when we were not around each other.”

“Jesus, Mason!” Sammy blushed. How was this guy always so honest about things?

“What?” He kissed her neck. “Don’t you believe me?” he whispered, his breath fanning against Sammy’s ear. “You smell good. I want to fuck you so badly right now, Sam… Can I take you to the bedroom? Or do you prefer I fuck you here on the couch?”

“T-the bedroom,” Sammy answered. “And…maybe we can try to… Maybe we can leave the light on…”

“Fuck, yes!” He stood up with her in his arms, happy like a kid who could go to the candy store.

Sammy giggled when she saw the veins popping on his forehead as he carried her. “Am I too heavy for you?”

“Well, you’re no feather, babe.” Mason huffed and puffed as he walked to the bedroom. “Fuck, yeah, you’re heavy.”

Sammy laughed.

“But I’m still heavier.”

“That’s because you are all muscles,” she said as they entered the bedroom.

Mason wanted to lay his woman down, but Sammy slipped out of his hands, fell onto the bed, and bounced right off till she fell to the floor with a loud thud.

“Jesus, are you all right?” Mason asked, quickly kneeling beside her.

Sammy was laughing hard. “Yeah. Yeah!”

“I’m s-so sorry, babe,” Mason replied, laughing too.

Sammy didn’t know if it was Mason’s kind words or the relaxing vibe after their giggles, but that day, Mason was rewarded with a sexy striptease. And while sweet Sammy found it less scary than she thought it would be, Mason found it fucking awesome.


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