Reed's Sex Academy 2: Hush Hush - Book cover

Reed's Sex Academy 2: Hush Hush

Rhea Harp

Chapter 6


I didn’t show up at the Academy for the rest of the week. I couldn’t. Not after what I’d done.

He’d seen me so…vulnerable. Naked on that desk where he worked all the time.

“Food is ready,” Mom announced, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“I’m not hungry.”

Facing her—and Theo—was the worst. They had never dared ask me if, during my time working for Arthur, I had ever slept with one of his targets.

They hadn’t asked about it, but I could tell they both assumed it was the case every time I came home late at night.

It had never been the case, though. Not until yesterday.

“You have to eat,” she insisted.

But, in response, I only dug my head deeper into my laptop, pretending I was too busy until she left.

Calvin hadn’t texted. Neither had Arthur. And I wasn’t particularly eager for any of them to do so. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if Calvin thought about why I hadn’t showed up. If he thought about me at all.

I certainly didn’t have the luxury of forgetting about his existence. Not when I was going through his accounting files and everything he didn’t want me—or anyone else—to find out.

At first, I looked for any big sums going out of the account and wrote down all the recipients.

But when I checked the amounts month by month, I realized the nine hundred thousand dollars he’d mentioned on the call with Levi was not a one-time thing. And that the recipients were never the same.

“Interesting,” I mumbled, fidgeting with my necklace.

I didn’t want to tell Arthur about it yet. I needed to find out who the money was being sent to and why. In my heart, I did hope that whatever Calvin was doing, it was illegal.

That way, it’d be easier for Arthur to get his revenge. And easier for me to not feel bad about having a play in it.

The one problem I had, though, was not being able to find any information online about those recipients. Only their names, and nothing else.

And perhaps the names would’ve been somewhat useful if they hadn’t all been acronyms. But BEC Corp and ROB Corp meant absolutely nothing to me.

Whoever created them must have known what they were doing. So that spies like me wouldn’t crack the code.

I loosed a sigh as the realization dawned on me: I had to go back.

I had to go back to the Academy and try to get answers, despite having offered myself on a silver platter for Calvin to enjoy.


When I entered the large dining area, lots of men and women were already enjoying their breakfast.

Lilah, whom I recognized, was there too. And in the back, at a small, round table, Calvin and the two men I saw a few days ago were having coffee—Clayton and Sebastian, I remembered.

Calvin didn’t see me when I approached his table. So I just stood there, behind his dark figure, inhaling the musk and bergamot emanating from his suit.

It was Clayton who looked at me that made Calvin aware of my presence.

Slowly, as though he didn’t appreciate being interrupted, Calvin turned to see me and simply gestured for me to take a seat next to him.

I obliged.

They talked about Levi, Calvin’s brother, and how they were surprised he sold the Academy once he got engaged.

To me, it just sounded like common sense. Why would he continue to run it?

I watched Calvin gulp the rest of his coffee and get up, nodding a silent see-you-later to the two men. I didn’t realize I was still sitting down until his voice loomed in the distance, ahead of me.

“Chop-chop, pet.”

I didn’t care enough to say goodbye to the others, so I just trudged after him without saying a word. Which was ideal, because he wasn’t saying anything either. We just walked in silence back to his office, where the memory of last week struck me once more.

“Is there a problem?” he asked when we reached the door, and he walked inside.

I shouldn’t do it. Shouldn’t get into that room with him again. Shouldn’t let him assume I’d come back for round two. Absolutely not.

“Look, Calvin,” I sighed, defeated. “Or…sir. Last week was a mistake. I know I said I wanted it, but upon further reflection, I realized how wrong it was. How unprofessional. I still need to do my report, so that’s the only reason I came back,” I lied. “But what happened that day… It simply can’t happen again.”

Calvin leaned against his desk, facing me. Lifting a brow, he finally responded.

“In other words, you’ve been thinking about it,” he drawled.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in front of me.

“About my fingers all up in your gorgeous pussy?” he continued.

“No! Not like tha—”

He cocked his head to the side, watching for any reaction on my face.

“Or about the way you begged me to fill you with my cock? Hmm?”

Heat spread across my cheeks as I struggled to keep my gaze steady.

“S-stop it!” I blushed, rushing toward him so I could… I didn’t know what I wanted to do. But my palm was definitely itching to slap that smirk off his face. “It was a mistake, and I did not think about it like that. I—”

“Oh yes. I get it, Reyna darling. You’re only here for your report. Isn’t that right?”

I blinked faster, as if I’d just been caught in a lie.

“Exactly.” I cleared my throat. “So can you please help me with that so we can get rid of each other already?”

His eyes lingered on the empty space on his desk, as if he were still imagining my naked body there, spread out for him to enjoy. When he turned his gaze back to me, he slid his hands in his pockets.

“Who said anything about wanting to get rid of you, pet? No. I have a much, much better idea for this little…arrangement between us.”

The light in his eyes flickered in a strange way at the last word, and I braced myself for whatever it was that he was going to propose.

“I’ll help you with that report of yours,” he continued. “I’ll answer any question you have—truthfully and in detail. I’ll let you join all my meetings and even my sponsor events, where you can talk to other Academy owners for more details, if you want to.”

“And in return?” I asked.

“And in return, I want to show you more of the training. You seemed to enjoy yourself the other day, when you saw Elena with her mentors.”

I gasped at the request and scowled at him, but the smirk on his face didn’t dissipate.

“You’d only have to watch. No one would bother you. And then, my favorite part,” he smirked. “You’d have to report back to me about the parts you enjoyed the most and the ones you didn’t.”

“W-why?” I stuttered. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I can. Now, of course, you’re free to decline and find someone else to shadow in their business. I’d be devastated,” he mocked. “But I’d let you go.”

I sighed, looking away and then back to him. He knew I wouldn’t quit. For whatever reason, he knew I wanted to shadow him and nobody else. I prayed in my head that he didn’t truly think I was a spy.

“So what’s it gonna be, pet?” He raised a brow, and I opened my mouth to answer.

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