Three. The Perfect Reckoning - Book cover

Three. The Perfect Reckoning

R.S. Aria



Scratching the back of his head, Ezra signaled Madison to follow him outside. Considering the state Liam was in, it was a good idea to give him time to rest.

Grabbing her phone— the only thing that she thought to bring with her after Ezra’s phone call— Madison and Levi followed her brother. They walked into a corridor of the hospital where Madison let out a sigh, and leaned against the wall. She crossed her arms over her chest and gazed with still-red eyes at her brother.

“So?” That’s all she asked as Levi took his place next to her and slipped his arm behind her back, pulling her closer.

“So, we are pretty sure the accident was arranged. We think Marcus, Ava, and Marta, of course, are behind it.”

“Why would they want to hurt Liam?” Madison asked, despite the lack of surprise in her voice.

“A few reasons, actually. First, of course, money. Since we found out who they are and more or less what they’ve done, let’s say they’ve stopped earning from our activity. I think once they realized that their bank accounts were empty, they started to investigate.”

“We think,” Levi chimed in, pulling her closer as he spoke, the feeling of his breath so close kept her calm, “that they found out we’re onto them and decided to act before it was too late. But what they don’t know is that it’s already too late,” Ezra added.

“What do you mean?”

“He means that if something were to happen to me or Liam, everything will go to the other brother and to you. After that, it will go to the twins and after the twins, to charity,” Ezra calmly explained, scratching the back of his neck.

“Which reminds us, you still need to sign some papers,” Levi said, rubbing Madison’s back to keep her calm.

“Sure, whatever you need me to do. I just…how do we know it was them?”

“Well, to start, Sam saw everything. She said that the car that crashed into Liam was empty, and she saw Marta and Ava.”


“Plus, we have good surveillance cameras, and Liam had one in the car, so we hope to have a better idea of what happened in a few days. In the meantime, we need to be very careful.”

“You think they’ll strike again?”

“Maybe. For now, we don’t want them to know we know they set it all up. We’re pretty sure they don’t know who Sam is. As far as they’re concerned, we all believe it was just an accident.” He paused and looked at Levi, who nodded.

“So, since they’re coming over shortly, we just need to pretend,” Ezra explained. “Although, I think it is a good idea if we don’t let them know yet what’s going on between the three of you.”

“I think that’s a good idea, too,” Madison said simply, giving the boys a sympathetic smile. “Anything else I should know?”

“Not for now. Just keep in mind that we can’t trust anything they say—and address them like you always have.”

“You mean ‘Isabel’ and ‘Nicolaj’?”

“Right, yes. You never called them mom and dad, did you?”

“Hmm…not that I recall. Not after that vacation in Italy, really.”

“Perhaps you already knew it.” Ezra’s eyes betrayed a deep sadness, a kind of sorrow unexpected and yet, somehow, liberating.

“Come on, let’s go and get some coffee.” Levi’s calming voice rumbled through his chest and the only thing on Madison’s mind was how much she loved all the men in her life.

“You go. I’ll stay with Liam. You know, in case they show up.”

“Okay. Call us if anything happens,” Levi said, bending down a little to kiss her soft lips before turning around.

“I will.” As soon as they left, she turned around and headed to Liam’s room.

Just as she entered, her phone rang.


“Hey.” Ethan’s silky voice instantly made Madison smile.

“Ethan,” was the only word she managed to get out. Suddenly all the tension of the morning seemed to hit her hard, choking her.

“I’m on my way there. My plane just landed.”


“Love, it’s noon.”

“God, I didn’t even realize how long we’ve been here.”

“I know. Have you seen them yet?” Ethan asked, referring to Marcus and Ava.

“No, but I’m not worried, the boys are here and you’re on the way, so I’m fine.”

“I’m truly sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me most.”

“Hey, stop it. I know that if you could have teleported here you would have. Just promise you’ll be careful on the way… I…”

“Don’t. Nothing will happen, I’ll see you at the hospital, okay?”

“Okay. I love you,” she whispered into the phone before hanging up. Less than seventy-two hours apart and she was already a mess without him.

“Mmm… is he on the way too?” a very sleepy Liam interrupted from under his bedsheet. How he ended up so tangled in them is unclear, probably another effect of the many drugs coursing through his system. Madison couldn’t help but smile, her tough big brother looked like a helpless little kid.

“Of course. It’s better if we all stick together…” Madison kept her voice low, yet sweet. She looked at her brother with worry and deep love.

“Where are Levi and Ezra?”

“They went to the cafeteria. We all need some caffeine.”

“I bet. I’m sure you haven’t been sleeping much lately.” There it was again, a dirty smirk spread across Liam’s face. Since when was he so open to her sex life?

“Liam! What’s gotten into you?” she asked, playfully slapping his arm. Sure as hell, the blush on her cheeks gave her away.

“Nothing, I just don’t think sex is a taboo anymore. I mean, you have two boyfriends.”

“Still, I’m not sure you’d be happy to know what they do to your little sister.”

“Now that I think about it, I really don’t want to know,” he said, frowning at her. The effect of the medicine must be finally wearing off.

Just as she was about to answer, a light knock from behind them made both siblings look at the door. There, with no emotion on their faces at all, the evil trio stood.

A woman in her late fifties, dressed in a casual black dress with short blonde hair hanging to her shoulder. Her blue eyes were utterly empty. Her meager curves sat well on her middle-aged frame. Ava.

A man with short gray hair and immense green eyes and far less muscular than Madison remembered him. Marcus.

And, lastly, a woman in her thirties with short brown hair, brown eyes that would look lighter if they didn’t hold such a dark secret behind them, and legs that seemed to go on for days. She looked right at Madison with an expression of disdain. And that must be Marta.

Let’s let the game of pretend begin.

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