Alpha King's Series: Beta Turned Alpha - Book cover

Alpha King's Series: Beta Turned Alpha

Breeanna Belcher

Age Rating


Beta Zade shows Flora that he may be the pack Beta, but in the bedroom, he is very much an Alpha.

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Chapter 1


“Why is it that I can never find Zade? What’s your mate got him doing this time?” I ask Asa, my best friend, with a playful tone.

Asa chuckles and rolls her eyes.

“Perhaps he’s hiding from a certain sex-crazed she-wolf. You’ve got five pups and you’re still insatiable! If you keep this up, his little soldier might just fall off!” she teases.

I raise an eyebrow at her. “There’s nothing ‘little’ about it,” I retort, a hint of sass in my voice.

Asa scrunches her nose and pretends to gag, playing along with the joke.

“Besides… Have you seen my mate? I can’t help myself when I see that hunk of a man. And his mouth! The things he can do with his tongue…”

Asa interrupts me with a swift hand over my mouth.

“Okay, okay. I get it. We all get it. We can hear you every night. Remind me to soundproof your bedroom twice over,” she laughs.

I grin beneath her hand and lick her palm.

Asa pulls her hand back and recoils. “Ew! What the hell, Flora! You’re not a child!”

I laugh and stick my tongue out at her, all in good fun.

“Just because you’re a mom doesn’t mean you have to act so mature,” I tease.

Asa playfully smacks my shoulder.

“I have to maintain some semblance of decorum, you know…” Asa says, putting on a mock-serious tone.

We share a moment of silence before we both burst into laughter.

“Says the Luna Queen who dragged her mate out of a war meeting to have a quickie in the bathroom,” I retort, sarcasm dripping from my words.

“Hey! That’s not fair! I was hormonal and pregnant and…” she trails off, pouting.

“And horny,” I finish for her.

I watch as her cheeks flush a deep red.

“Don’t act all innocent now,” I tease.

“We really need to finish setting up for the other pack leaders who are arriving tomorrow. Can you stop thinking about sex for two seconds and help?” She nudges me with her hip, causing me to stumble.

“Ugh, if I must,” I mock.

We head down to the practice grounds and are surprised to find our mates in the middle of a skin-form battle.

I watch as my mate lunges at Alpha Levi, but all I can focus on are the beads of sweat trickling down his chiseled abs, disappearing into the tantalizing v-cut of his lower abdomen.

A wave of desire courses through me, settling in my most sensitive areas.

I can’t help but lick my lips and let out a low, lustful growl.

Zade moves with the grace of a feather as he dodges attacks.

I whistle loudly from the tree where Asa and I are watching.

“THAT’S MY BABY DADDY!” I shout, cheering him on.

Both men turn their heads at my interruption.

I blow a kiss and wink at Zade.

His devilish grin breaks through his serious demeanor and I see his eyes darken with desire.

He winks back at me before turning to Levi and charging at him, hitting him square in the stomach. I hear the wind being knocked out of the Alpha’s lungs.

God, he’s so sexy when he’s like this. I rarely see him in battle, usually he’s stuck in a meeting or in the library.

Sometimes I wonder who wants me more, his wolf or him. It’s a match made in heaven. Zade may seem like the calm, level-headed Beta, but I know his other side. The side that makes me hot and bothered every time I’m near him.

People think I’m the one who’s sex-crazed, but they don’t know Zade like I do. He’s relentless, and as much as I seem to be the one in control in our relationship, that man takes dominance to a whole new level.

Sly dog.

My thoughts of our steamy encounters are interrupted by Asa’s cheers.

“Go Levi!” Asa shouts.

I watch as Zade is knocked to the ground by a powerful counterattack from Levi.

I wince at the sight.

“That’s gonna leave a mark,” I joke, knowing the wound will heal quickly.

We continue to watch as the men trade blows, each trying to pin the other.

It’s a rare sight to see the Alpha and Beta of the pack taking time to spar and joke around. Both men exchange playful insults and laugh.

Soon, the men call it a day and Asa runs over to Levi, winking at me before she leaves.

“Hey babe,” Zade calls out, grabbing a towel from his bag and wiping the sweat off his body.

I bite my lower lip as I watch, envying the towel.

“What’s with the face?” Zade chuckles.

I dodge the question. “I’m just disappointed I didn’t get to see Levi kick your ass.”

I wink and watch as his eyebrow shoots up.

“Is my mate cheering for another man?” he teases.

Zade wraps his arm around me and gives my ass a firm smack.

The mix of pleasure and pain sends a jolt through my body.

“No, Sir,” I reply, playing along.

“You better not,” he growls in a low, husky voice.

Zade grins mischievously and pulls me closer, planting a kiss on my lips that ends with a bite on my lower lip.

I let out a small moan, wishing he would take me right here, right now.

“You’re not playing fair,” I complain.

Zade smacks my ass again, harder this time, and smirks, not letting go.

“Too bad, mi amor. I have some paperwork to finish for the big meeting tomorrow. But I promise I’ll take care of you tonight,” he growls.

His words are filled with tantalizing promises and my knees go weak.

“If you don’t hurry up with your paperwork, I’ll just take care of myself. I’m sure I can do just as good a job as you,” I taunt.

Zade growls deep in his throat and without a second thought, he slides his hand into my pants and goes straight for my throbbing center.

“Oh, Papi,” I moan, closing my eyes and tilting my head back slightly.

“This is mine. Only I get to touch it,” he asserts.

His finger plunges inside me, ignoring the fact that we’re in broad daylight on the practice field.

I open my eyes and try to put on a stern face. “Then don’t be late,” I manage to say, even as his finger pushes deeper inside me.

Before I know it, his hand is gone. His eyes darken as he raises the finger he just used on me and brings it to his mouth, sucking off my juices with a groan.

“Vete a la mierda,” I hiss at him as he continues to suck his fingers while walking away.

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