The Billionaire's Love - Book cover

The Billionaire's Love

Kimi L. Davis

Age Rating


Alice may be having the best time of her life, but her troubles are far from over. When old enemies resurface and threaten the lives of those she loves, she knows she must do whatever it takes to save them, even if it means sacrificing herself.

As danger looms, Alice finds strength in the words of a loved one: "You don't need gold or diamonds to sparkle, Alice. You're a jewel on your own. A rare and precious jewel."

Determined to protect her loved ones, she faces the ultimate test of love and courage, while her partner vows, "Anyone who even thinks about taking her from me will suffer the worst fate known to man."

Subscriber only release.

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Chapter 1

Book 3

I entered the dining hall and saw my husband sitting in his usual place at the head of the table, swiping through his tablet. I rolled my eyes, marched over to him, and snatched the tablet from his hands.

“Enough of this,” I said and leaned against the edge of the table in front of him.

Gideon looked at me, and I could see the love in his sea-green eyes mixed with a tinge of frustration. My hands itched to run through his perfectly styled hair, but he had to leave for work soon and I couldn’t ruin his hair.

“I was just going through the news, little dove,” he said and gave me a sheepish smile when I shot him a hard look.

“We both know what kind of news you’re going through and now’s not the time for it,” I stated, keeping the tablet away from him.

He wound an arm around my waist and tugged me down on his lap. “There’s always time for that. I need to get this contract, little fairy. I can’t rest until I have it.”

I glared at my husband. “We both know you’ll get it. That doesn’t mean you don’t eat properly.”

He rolled his eyes in mock frustration, but I could see a smile tugging on his face. “I did eat. I’m waiting for Lola to bring tea.”

I shot him a pointed look before glancing at the golden teapot sitting in front of his plate. “You mean that tea?”

He followed my line of sight and gave me a sheepish grin that never failed to turn my insides into jelly. “I did not see that.”

“And that’s why I tell you not to have technology on the dining table.” I turned and poured some tea in his cup and handed it to him. “Here you go.”

“Thank you, little fairy. What will I do without you?” he said and took a sip.

I watched him focus on his tea and a familiar ache began pulsing through my heart. This man was the love of my life. I couldn’t believe we’d been married for seventeen years. It felt like yesterday he came barging through my flat, demanding I marry him. Time passed quickly, but one thing that didn’t change was our love for each other. And I was willing to do anything for this love. I was willing to do anything to protect Gideon and my family.

As he worked on finishing his tea, I strode over to the windows and peeked outside. I tried to feign nonchalance, but on the inside, I was simmering with tension.

“What are you looking for?” Gideon asked.

“No. I’m just watching the weather. I reckon it’ll rain heavily today. Make sure to take your umbrella. I’ll fetch your raincoat,” I replied and stepped back from the window and headed towards the doors when Gideon grabbed my wrist and pulled me down on his lap.

“You’re going to be late for work,” I told him, secretly loving the way his body surrounded me.

“I’m the boss. I can be late if I want,” he argued, and I rolled my eyes.

“Considering the size of the company thanks to you, you can’t afford to be tardy.” I tried getting up, but his arm tightened around me.

“I never said you could go,” he stated huskily before capturing my earlobe in his mouth, causing pleasure to snake down to my buzzing core.

“Gideon,” I moaned as he peppered kisses on my neck. “You’ll be late for work and I need to wake up Lily.”

“I woke her up half an hour ago,” he responded.

“You know…” I hissed in ecstasy as he bit down on my neck and sucked and licked the tender spot. “She doesn’t wake up that easily.”

“She’ll be starting secondary school in two weeks. If she doesn’t want to wake up, then don’t force her,” he said, and judging by the way he was holding me, I knew he had no intention of letting me go. No, he would take what he wanted and then he’d let go.

“We can’t raise our kids… Gideon.” I forgot what I wanted to say as he slipped a hand under my dress and pushed my knickers aside before caressing my swollen mound. I wound my arms around his neck as he pushed two fingers inside me.

“We can’t raise our kids like what, little dove?” He whispered as he pistoned his fingers inside me, fanning the flames of pleasure that would no doubt consume me once he was done.

“Sh—shut up,” I muttered, but it came out no louder than a whisper as I focused on the pleasure he was giving me.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek as he pushed me towards what I needed most right now. My body and heart were quick to surrender to his ministrations, but it was my mind that refused to let go. But Gideon was stronger; he always had been. So even though my mind was pushing a certain enemy to the forefront of my mind, Gideon’s love entered the arena and I could feel the two arch nemeses fighting for dominance. There was no doubt in my mind who would win, and when Gideon took over, that’s when I reached the peak and he flicked the switch forcing me to detonate.

A sharp cry escaped me as my orgasm pierced through me, making me lose touch with reality, and I couldn’t help but wish I could bask in this carnal ecstasy forever. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with the constant fear. I wouldn’t have to worry about the enemy.

I didn’t realize I’d closed my eyes until Gideon pulled his fingers out of me. I watched with heavy lids as he brought the fingers to his lips before slipping them in his mouth.

“What the fuck?! I told you to stop doing that.”

“Mhmm, delicious as always,” he said. “Sorry, little dove, but I can’t do that when you taste so sweet.” He flashed me a devilish grin that had me thirsting for something more than his fingers.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You’re the Devil, Gideon Maslow.” I growled while ignoring the heat flaming my cheeks.

He pecked my nose. “I’m your Devil, little fairy.” The mirth flashed out of his eyes. “Relax, little dove. There’s no one out there. It’s all over. You’re safe. Our kids are safe.”

I wanted to argue, but I knew there was no time for it. Gideon needed to get going, and I needed to deal with the kids.

“I know.” I tried to give him a reassuring smile, but I didn’t think I was very convincing. “And now you need to go. Your meeting starts in two hours, and you know this client is important to us.”

He sighed in resignation and nodded. “You’re right. And when will you be coming? The meeting cannot start without you.”

“You go ahead and get ready. I’ll be right behind you in an hour.”

Gideon allowed me to stand, and I helped him put on his suit jacket and returned the tablet to him. He gave me a tender kiss and told me he’d see me soon before walking out of the door. I watched him get in the car and drive away with the chauffeur. I waited for a text from the chauffeur, letting me know everything was alright, and it was only when I received it did I go upstairs to wake up Lily.

“Hey, you’re awake,” I said after knocking and entering her room.

Lily was sitting in front of the computer but she quickly minimized the window when she saw me and smiled, feigning innocence. I wanted to ask what she was up to but decided against it. She was growing up, and right now privacy was incredibly important to her. I didn’t want to be a nosy parent and have her distance herself from Gideon and me.

“Yes. Dad woke me up and I just couldn’t go back to sleep,” she said, rolling her sea-green eyes.

“Then why didn’t you come down for breakfast?” I enquired, eyeing the screensaver on the monitor.

“I didn’t feel like it. I had Anne bring me breakfast,” she said, her strawberry blonde hair swinging back and forth in the confines of her hair tie.

“It would be nice if you have breakfast with your family once in a while. Your father and I were waiting for you,” I said.

She rolled her eyes, and this time it was out of frustration. “We eat dinner together. And I just didn’t feel like coming downstairs.”

“You can’t always do what you feel like, Lily. Sometimes you have to do what others want.”

“Mum!” She dragged the word out in exasperation. “Please, don’t start now. It’s still too early for your life lessons. You can tell me in the evening. Right now I have some important work to do.”

“Have you made a list of the supplies you need for school?” I asked, as a way of changing the subject.

“That won’t take too long. I promise I’ll have it by the end of the week,” she said, giving me another smile, only this one told me she didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

I sighed and nodded. “Alright. You carry on. I need to go to work now. If you want to go anywhere you know—”

“Yes. Yes. I know I can’t go anywhere without a chauffeur. Nina will be coming over if that’s okay?” She looked at me while jerking her knee up and down.

“Sure. You girls have fun. And call me if there’s an emergency,” I told her before walking out of her room and coming face to face with Jack who smiled when he saw me. He was dressed in his school uniform, looking like a younger version of Gideon. He was already taller than me, and if his growth spurt continued, he might just be taller than Gideon.

“There won’t be an emergency,” I heard Lily say from her room, and my son flashed me a pointed look which I couldn’t help but return.

“Did you have breakfast?” I asked as he came over and gave me a hug.

“Good morning, Mum,” he said and kissed my forehead. “And not yet. I was hoping we could have breakfast together.”

“I would love to, but I’m late for a meeting and your father is waiting for me at the office,” I said, brushing the unruly strands of his hair.

He gave me a soft smile and nodded. “Maybe tomorrow then?”

“I would love to. Take care of yourself and your sister.”

“I have to go to school,” he said.

“Yes, I’m aware. Be careful,” I told him, and he nodded.

“I will, Mum. Have a good day,” he said.

I watched him walk down the stairs before I made my way to my room and got ready for the day. I decided to go with a silk blouse and a pencil skirt with my favorite pumps. It was while I was getting ready that my phone rang, and Gideon’s name flashed on the screen.

“Hello? All set?” I asked by way of greeting.

“Where are you? You know I don’t like my office without you,” Gideon replied.

“I’m about to leave. And I miss you, too.” I smiled as I swiped some lipstick.

“Are the kids up?”

“Yes, and they’ve had breakfast as well. Jack is off to school, and Lily’s having a friend over. So hopefully that’ll keep her busy until we come back. I’ll have Lola keep an eye on her.”

“Let her relax and have fun, little fairy. She’s growing up, and we need to start giving her some freedom,” he stated.

Under normal circumstances, I had no problem agreeing with him. But with the enemy lurking outside, I had to be careful. I couldn’t give my kids the freedom they needed right now. They might hate me for it, but I could live with it. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something happened to any of them.

“They’re growing up, but they’re not old enough to be by themselves.”

“Then they need to learn, don’t you think?”

“Yes. And you’re there to do that. Let me worry about them, okay?”

“I know you’re right, but I selfishly want you to focus on me and only worry about me,” he admitted, and I couldn’t help laughing.

“I do worry about you.” I worry about you more than you think.

“It doesn’t look like it because you’re still home when you should be in front of me,” he said, and I could hear the pout in his voice.

“Give me thirty minutes, and I’ll be with you.”

“Well, if you’re going to make me wait for thirty minutes, then I’ll have no choice but to make you wait for thirty minutes as well, little dove.”

My jaw dropped, and I could feel warmth pooling between my thighs. “What? What for? I’m getting ready so I can look good for you.”

“That’s not necessary when you’ll be sprawled naked on my desk five minutes later.”

“Gideon, stop it,” I said, my breath hitching as my mind translated his words into a beautiful, erotic painting.

“Thirty minutes, that’s all you’re getting. If you don’t show up in half an hour, then you forget about the meeting because you’ll be tied up on my desk for the rest of the day.”

Before I could respond, he hung up, and I had to put the phone down and placed a trembling hand over my erratic heart. Damn Gideon and his threats which he always followed through with. How could he manage to make me blush and squirm like a pathetic virgin even after seventeen years of marriage? Why couldn’t I do the same to him?

Once my heart calmed down, I focused on the rest of my appearance. As soon as I grabbed my purse, my phone rang once again. I thought it was Gideon, and I was about to disconnect it—as a form of defiance so he could make my punishment extra fun—but the name on the screen made me pause, and I answered.

“Tell me,” I commanded.

“Forgive me, Mrs. Maslow, but we still haven’t found anything,” he replied.

“You said you had a lead,” I said, adjusting the strap over my shoulder.

“It was a dead end. But we’re still looking. Something’s bound to turn up. I just called to keep you updated,” he responded.

“Thank you. But you need to find him as soon as possible. This is not okay, you’re supposed to be the best in the country,” I said.

“We’ll find him, Mrs. Maslow.”

“Make sure you do.”

I hung up and dropped the phone in my bag and released a heavy sigh as I stared out of the window overlooking the city.

Declan Pierce, where are you?

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