The Billionaire's Love - Book cover

The Billionaire's Love

Kimi L. Davis

Chapter 2

“This calls for a celebration,” Gideon announced, closing the door to his office and striding to the liquor cabinet, which was situated in the corner of the room. He pulled out a new bottle of champagne along with two flutes and sauntered over to me, handed me one of the flutes, and put the other one on the desk before popping the cork and filling them.

“Congratulations, Mr. Maslow,” I said, unable to contain my excitement at our success.

“Congratulations to you, Mrs. Maslow,” he replied before clinking the lip of the flute against mine. “Cheers!”

“It’s all your hard work.” I took a sip of the bubbly sweetness. “I can’t believe we got the contract, though I knew we would.”

He shook his head and took a gulp of his drink. “I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.”

“I’m mostly busy with the other company, so this one is all you, husband,” I stated. Gideon was serious about starting something of his own apart from Maslow Enterprises, and I was helping him build his legacy. This empire would be divided among Gideon’s siblings and their children, and my over-protective husband wanted his children to be secure. So he put me in charge of running and growing JAL Cooperation. But he wanted me to focus on the family business as well.

He stepped close to me, trapping me between him and the desk, and shook his head. “I would have to disagree, wife. You’re the one who found this opportunity.”

“I just told you about it. You’re the one who did everything, and now Maslow Enterprises will have the monopoly in the south,” I stated, taking another sip and setting the flute down on the desk.

“If it weren’t for you, then we wouldn’t even know such an opportunity existed. You definitely deserve credit, little peach. And I really do want to celebrate with you,” he said, his voice dropping to a husky tenor. I gasped as he tilted his flute and dropped a bit of champagne on me, the drops landing just above my cleavage.

“Gideon!” I cried.

“Oh no,” he said in mock regret and I saw his pupils dilate. “That’s a really expensive champagne. I can’t waste it, little dove.”

Before I could tell him to be careful, he leaned forward and kissed me right where he dropped the champagne. I gasped as pleasure arched south and ignited my core while my husband switched his lips with his tongue, licking at my skin.

“Mhmm, champagne is so much more delicious on you,” he said. “I want more.”

I couldn’t protest even if I wanted to. And I really didn’t want to. So when he picked me up and set me down on his desk, I didn’t fight it. And when he began unbuttoning my blouse, I tried to do the same to him but he stepped back and shook his head before pushing my blouse off me and dropping it on one of the visitor chairs. He did the same to my bra and I swallowed hard at the intensity in his eyes as he gazed down at my breasts.

“I also want to have champagne,” I whined, desperate for his touch.

“No.” He shook his head and strode over to the liquor cabinet and brought the bottle of champagne. “This is something I’m not going to share.”

“Why not?” I asked as he pushed me down so I was lying flat on the desk with my legs dangling off the edge. Gideon had a thing for shagging me on his desk. I couldn’t remember a desk in our possession he hadn’t fucked me on.

“Because I’m a selfish man, little fairy. And I never share,” he stated before spilling champagne over my breasts. He licked his lips, causing another dart of pleasure to hit my sex, before leaning down and clamping his mouth over my left breast.

“Gideon!” I cried as my back arched, pushing my breast in his mouth. He immediately wound an arm around my waist and secured my body to the desk and used his other hands to take a hold of my wrists and pin them over my head. His tongue ran over my swollen and aching breast, licking every drop of champagne before moving to the other one and giving it the same treatment.

“Absolutely delicious,” he praised and picked up the bottle and spilling some more on me, this time focusing on my belly button. I hissed and closed my eyes, unable to handle the erotic storm destroying my insides. This man was on a mission to incinerate me and I knew he wouldn’t stop until he made me lose my mind.

A moan broke out of me when his lips latched on to my belly button and he drank the champagne from it. Every stab of his tongue felt like a whip over my clit but I knew when or if he focused on my clit it’d push me towards insanity. Right now I still had control over my senses, however tenuous it was, but not for long. Gideon Maslow was a completionist, and if he was bathing my body in champagne, then he wouldn’t stop until I glistened from head to toe.

“I don’t think I’ll be eating or drinking anything else after this,” Gideon said, removing his arm from around my waist to pick up the bottle. “Oh, I forgot to remove your skirt.” He focused his eyes on me which now resembled a stormy ocean. “Don’t move,” he commanded before freeing my wrists and quickly removing my skirt and knickers. “Much better,” he remarked before pouring champagne over my heated mound.

“Gideon, you’re killing me,” I moaned as the cold drops sizzled over my clit, causing my hips to jerk while my mind screamed at me for more.

He chuckled and flashed me a devilish grin. “Your life and death belongs to me, little fairy. So if I’m killing you, then I’m doing my job.”

I kept my eyes on him as he spread my legs and stepped between them. He eyed my dripping core and licked his lips once again.

“Time for the main course, or should I consider it dessert?” He asked. Before I could respond, he leaned down and buried his face in my pussy, effectively destroying the last vestiges of sanity I was clinging on to. He devoured me as if he’d been starving and had no intention of letting go. I looked for a way to resist him, to fight him for control but gave up after a few seconds because I knew I couldn’t and I didn’t want to. Even after seventeen years, my husband was relentless in his pursuit of claiming me and he certainly wouldn’t allow any resistance.

“Gideon!” I cried when he flicked my clit with his tongue before wrapping his lips around it. He sucked on my clit, pulling an orgasm out of me so intense, it split my soul from my body. Pleasure shattered my nerves as the orgasm razed my system, pushing me towards a world where I wanted nothing more.

“God, you’re the sweetest heaven,” I barely heard Gideon say, reeling from the orgasm which left me limp.

He raised his head from between my legs and stood to his full height. I could see the moisture glistening on his lips and eyes sparkled with renewed vigor.

Gideon undid his trousers and I swallowed hard when my eyes landed on his engorged length. My mouth watered, desperate for a taste of him, but before I could do something, he positioned himself at my entrance and entered me in one swift thrust. We moaned in unison as my walls clamped snugly around him.

“This is dessert,” he said and groaned as he buried his neck in the crook of my neck. “My favorite dessert.”

I wanted him to move, but at the same time I wanted him to remain inside me forever. Inseparable.

“I love you, Gideon,” I murmured, running my fingers through his soft hair.

“I love you more, little dove,” he said, pulling out a few inches before thrusting back inside.

“I love you the most,” I stated with more force.

He shook his head as he pulled out and pushed back in, establishing a rhythm which immediately conjured a second orgasm inside me.

“I will always love you more,” he stated.

Pleasure saturated every breath I took, leaving me no choice but to surrender to my husband and his will. He called me his heaven but he was the true definition of it. He was the one who turned my life around and made it possible for me to have a future. No matter how much time passed, I could never forget what he and his family had done for me and my brother. Nico had a future because of him. And this beautiful, sexy man on top of me was mine.

We climaxed at the same time. I held Gideon close to me as he rode out his orgasm, hoping he could feel how much I loved him.

“Don’t leave,” I said as he began to pull out. I tightened my legs around him to keep him inside me.

He chuckled and kissed my neck. “I need to clean you up, little dove.”

“No! I like being your dirty girl,” I responded.

“Good heavens, I’m turning you into a fiend,” he growled and tightened his arms around me.

“I’m your fiend.” I giggled as he scooped me up and carried me into the restroom where he filled a tub of warm water and settled us inside. He quickly shampooed my hair and then began washing my body. However, when I tried to do the same to him, he pushed my hands away.

“No, let me wash you.”

“I want to wash you as well,” I said with a pout.

“You touch me and we’re never leaving this restroom,” he stated and I gasped as he played with my nipples.

“Why not?”

“Because I won’t stop until I’ve fucked you over every inch of this restroom. So keep your hands to yourself or I’m not letting you get out of this tub,” he warned and went back to scrubbing my body.


I cursed and swiped through the report the investigator sent me. It’d been ten years and there wasn’t a trace of Declan anywhere. People were good at hiding but this man was too good and I hated it. I needed him found and put behind bars. I couldn’t relax until I knew he couldn’t touch me or my family anymore.

With my eyes shooting daggers at the screen, I typed a harsh email to Jay; demanding him to work harder and find him within the next two weeks. I knew I was being irrational but I couldn’t help it. Jay and his team had been on my payroll for the past ten years. I’d debated firing him multiple times but he was the best. If anyone could find Declan it would be him. So I kept him around but I was at the end of my patience. My children were growing up. Very soon they’d be moving out and I didn’t want to send them out into a world where Declan roamed free. Abioye and Nico were already in America and not a day went by where I didn’t worry about their safety. I wanted to take matters into my own hands but I had too much on my plate right now. Not to mention, Gideon watched me like a hawk. If I went in search of Declan, he’d go ballistic and might just lock me in our room until I let him go.

Once the email was sent, I went back to the reports and tried to find something that would tell me Jay was close to finding Declan. They’d installed cameras in Declan’s residence but the house remained empty. Year after year, day after day I watched every room but there was nothing that could give me a clue as to where he was or if he would return. Jay was confident that Declan would return but I didn’t know when.

“Enough.” I jerked to the present at the sound of Gideon’s voice as he took the tablet from me and set it on his nightstand.

“I—I was just reading,” I muttered, unable to look him in the eyes.

“Reading about how Declan is still missing?” He asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“He’s still out there, Gideon. You know he is,” I said.

“I don’t think so, little dove. I think he’s dead,” he stated. “Think about it, it’s been ten years. If he wanted to come after us he would’ve done so by now. We hired the best investigators in the country and if they’re not able to find him, then it means he’s six feet under, because I didn’t allow them to unearth people.”

“He’s not dead,” I argued. “If he was there would be a body.”

He sighed and fixed his sea-green eyes on me. “Even if he’s not dead, he can’t hurt us anymore, so stop worrying. He has no power, no business.”

“Not having resources makes a man desperate, Gideon. And when a man has nothing to lose, all bets are off. So don’t underestimate him. We need to be vigilant,” I stated. “Did Abioye speak to you? Is Nico okay?”

Gideon smiled and pulled me to him, adjusting the duvet over our bodies. “Yes. He called me and we spoke for a few minutes before we left the office.”

“Why don’t I know about this?”

“Because you were busy being a doting wife and making tea for me in the office kitchen.” He kissed my cheek. “Both of them are okay. Nico also spoke to me but he has a major exam coming up so he had to study for it.”

“Right,” I said, my heartbeat slowing down to normal. “I’ll call him in the morning.”

“You do that. For now, you focus on me.” He kissed me hard and deep and slid over me.

“I’m always paying attention to you,” I told him.

“As you should,” he declared before sliding my nightgown off my body.

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