My Billionaire Sugar Daddy - Book cover

My Billionaire Sugar Daddy

A. L. Smith

The Agreement


“Sit,” Chase commanded.

His authoritative tone was hard to resist, so I sat on the sofa.

He sat down beside me.

I wanted to shift away, but the arm of the sofa prevented my escape. He was closer than before. I could make out every freckle on his face, his perfectly sculpted jawline, and pronounced cheekbones. My palms began to sweat as the seconds ticked by.

“Why did you ask me here?” I managed to keep my voice steady. I didn’t want him to see me uncomfortable, nor did I want to stay here longer than necessary.

“I have a business proposal for you,” he said, casually leaning back on the sofa.

“I am not a sugar baby,” I blurted out.

His laughter, a rich tone that vibrated through the sofa, instantly triggered a series of flutters in my stomach. “It’s not that kind of proposal.” He raised an eyebrow, a faint smile dancing on his lips as he watched me.

Damn, he’s sexy, I thought to myself in a moment of weakness before snapping out of it. I needed to focus on getting him to talk.

“Then what kind of business do you have with me?” I asked.

“I need someone to pretend to be my lover, and you seem like the perfect person for the job,” he replied.

I was taken aback by his proposal. Of all the things he could have asked of me, I was not expecting this.

“How do you know I’m the right person? You don’t even know me,” I questioned him, skeptical of his motives.

“You were clearly not interested in me when we met at the sugar party, and that’s precisely what I’m looking for,” he continued nonchalantly. “I don’t mean to sound arrogant, but that doesn’t happen to me often.”

I did find him attractive—very attractive—and my body responded in ways that unfortunately confirmed that. But he was right. I wasn’t interested in him romantically. He was arrogant and full of himself, nothing more than a pretty face to look at from a distance.

“Why do you need a pretend lover?” I asked, curious. There had to be a long line of people who wanted to be his real lover. Or…maybe that was the problem?

“That’s not your concern. Is the amount you were offered enough?” His eyes narrowed, watching my reaction closely.

“If I were to take the job, then yes. That’s more than enough for the year,” I replied.

He laughed again, that irresistible dimple showing as he did. “That’s your monthly payment.”

My mouth dropped open in surprise. Fifty thousand every month?! “I…I, um, haven’t even agreed yet.” I attempted to sound nonchalant but failed ~miserably~.

He rose from the sofa and walked over to his desk as though making such outlandish offers were a daily occurrence for him. He opened a drawer and pulled out some documents.

My heart raced as he walked back toward me with a confident stride.

He laid the papers on the table in front of me.

“What’s this?” I asked, peering at the papers spread out before me.

“Your two options,” he replied before doing something I didn’t see coming…

He walked over to the main door, took out a key, inserted it into the lock, and turned it.

I immediately stood up from the sofa. “What are you doing? You can’t lock me in here!”

“I can, and I have. This door isn’t opening until you make your decision,” he stated calmly.

I took a deep breath. I needed that money badly, but was it worth it? He said it was strictly professional, but why did I feel like there was more to it?

He moved toward me. I tried to step back, but the sofa was behind me, causing me to fall back into the same spot on the leather seat. When he reached me, he crouched down and placed his hand on the armrest next to me, trapping me between him and the table.

“I’m a businessman, Jade. I get what I want. And right now… I want ~you~.”

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

His voice was low and firm, his tone commanding yet unsettlingly calm as he continued, “Everyone wants something, and I am the one person who can get it for you. So, is it money? Or is there something else you desire? Whatever it is, I can and will make it happen.”

The man before me was intimidating, to say the least, but not in a violent way. Rather, it was in a persuasive manner. He could convince anyone to enter into the most absurd agreements—just like this one.

Though his voice remained steady, his words lacked comfort. They sent a chill vibrating down my spine, a stark contrast to the warmth I experienced when I first laid eyes on him.

He gestured toward two documents on the table. “Choose one, and then you’re free to go,” he said, tapping the papers impatiently.

He didn’t move as I picked up the first document, his presence a constant reminder of the escalating tension in the room.

I cautiously flipped it open, my fingers trembling slightly. It was a nondisclosure agreement. I stared at it, puzzled. Why would I need to sign this?

He seemed to sense my confusion. “If you decide to walk away, you’ll need to sign this. Everything we’ve discussed today stays between us.

“And if you break that rule… Well, let’s just say the consequences won’t be pleasant,” he said, a smirk playing on his lips.

I didn’t want to know what he meant by that ominous warning, so I chose to ignore it. I picked up the second document. It was a contract to become his “fake lover” indefinitely.

So, this is what I would have to agree to if I accept his proposal.

It was several pages long. I wasn’t about to sign anything without reading it thoroughly. I wasn’t born yesterday, I thought wryly. “I need to read this before I decide,” I said.

He nodded, rising slowly. He moved with a certain masculine grace as he crossed the room and settled into his seat behind the desk.

I read the document in silence. Chase never took his eyes off me. He watched me intently as I processed the information. Most of it was standard, such as “You cannot discuss this agreement with anyone without consulting Chase Winters first,” and so on.

But then I got to the last few pages…

1. You must reside in Chase Winters’s penthouse until your role is complete.

2. You must accompany Chase Winters to all events or gatherings when expected.

3. You are to act as a lover, which may include intimate acts and public displays of affection.

4. You must play your role convincingly.

5. You cannot engage in any romantic relationships while this contract is in effect.

6. You will be paid monthly at a time that suits you.

7. If you wish to terminate the agreement, you must give two weeks’ notice.

8. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in punishment.

It didn’t take me long to make up my mind.

I stood up, holding the document I had chosen to sign—and placed it on the desk in front of him.

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