Captured by the Mafia King - Book cover

Captured by the Mafia King

Tania Shava

Golden Key

Axel walked into the room a few steps and looked around casually. “Did you sleep well?” he asked.

Talia sprinted toward the open door like a panicked deer. As she was about to reach the threshold, she felt a hand go around her waist and pull her backward.

“Are you trying to escape, Talia?”

She remained quiet.

“Respond when I speak to you.” His low voice was more intimidating than if he had shouted.

“Yes,” she admitted. “I thought I could escape.”

Axel slammed the door with his free hand. He let go of her waist and turned her around so that she was facing him.

“Nobody—and I mean nobody—that I have selected to be mine ever leaves me. Understand?”

She nodded, sickened by the man in front of her.

“I have a proposition for you.”

Talia couldn’t speak. She stared blankly at Axel.

“Sit down, Talia,” he ordered her.

She backed up onto the bed, watching Axel walk to the chaise longue and sit opposite her.

“Are you going to hurt me?” Talia asked timidly.

“Is that what you’re afraid of?”

Talia nodded.

“I promise you that I will not hurt you if you are good.”

“Please let me go.”

He sighed. “Talia… I can’t do that. When I see something I want, I get it. When I saw you at that dinner, I knew that I had to have you. I want you.”

Talia started to tear up.

“Come on now. Don’t be sad.” Incredibly, he winked at her. “I have a little gift for you.”

He produced a golden key from his pocket and ushered Talia to the far side of the room.

Right next to the bathroom door was a hidden second door. It made a loud clicking sound when Axel pushed the key in.

On the other side of the door, the lights flickered on automatically, revealing a large closet, bigger than Talia’s bedroom at home.

The walls to her left and right were lined with clothes. At the far end of the room, the wall was covered with shelves of shoes and purses.

In the center was a glass display cabinet full of sparkling jewels.

Talia’s jaw dropped as she looked around in bewilderment. For a moment she forgot she had been kidnapped.

Then reality asserted itself, and she wheeled on him.

“Please. I can’t be bought. I need to get back to my life.”

Axel scoffed. “Your life? You mean to tell me that you would rather be waiting tables than be here?” His eyes were dark.

She could see there would be no reasoning with him.

She was his captive.

“Are you ready to hear the rules?”

Talia was silent.

“This will be your last reminder. Respond when I speak to you.”

His calmness frightened her, and she couldn’t tear her eyes from his.

“Yes,” she whispered.

He led her back into the bedroom. Someone had laid out tea and some cakes on the small breakfast table. Talia hadn’t heard anyone come in. His staff moved like ghosts.

“I thought you might be hungry,” Axel explained as they sat.

Talia shook her head.

Eating was the last thing on her mind.

Eat.” Axel placed a small tart on her plate and pushed it toward her firmly.

His words rang through her head.

I won’t hurt you if you’re a good girl.

She wondered what he would do to her if she disobeyed him.

He didn’t seem to be above violence, and he was too strong to fight off.

Would he tie her up and throw her in a dungeon?

She hesitantly took a bite. If she weren’t so scared, she might have enjoyed it more, but even in her distracted state she couldn’t help but savor it.

“I’ve brought you here to do a job for me,” Axel began.

“What is it?”

“Not yet. You have to earn my trust first.”

He handed Talia a piece of paper. “The better you follow the rules, the more freedom you get.”

Talia looked down at the list in front of her.

1) You are free to explore the grounds, so long as you stay with your chaperone.

2) You are not to attempt escape. Should you do so, the appropriate punishment will be administered.

3) If anyone outside the household asks who you are, you are to say that you are a member of my staff.

4) You are to stay in your room from the hours of 12 a.m. to 6 a.m., unless otherwise instructed.

5) You are to follow my every command, or else.

“Or else?” Talia’s heart was racing. What was this?

“You don’t even want to know,” Axel murmured, his lips barely touching her ear.

A shiver ran down her spine.

Her captor sat back. “I expect those rules are simple enough. And remember, Talia, my staff is loyal to me and only me. I have eyes everywhere.”

“More like cameras everywhere,” mumbled Talia sarcastically.

Axel slammed his hands onto the table.

“What did you say?”

Talia shrank back.

“The butler from last night,” Axel went on. “Remember him?”

“Yes,” Talia muttered.

“He will be your chaperone until further notice.”

Axel headed toward the main door, but Talia was too stunned to even try to escape.

“I’ll send someone up to help you get ready,” he said from the doorway.

“Ready?” Talia looked up at him, dazed. “For what?”

“We’re having a party tonight.”

“I’m not feeling very festive.”

“Have you forgotten the rules already? You do as I say. Or else.”


Talia had curled up on the bed, and in her terror and exhaustion, she had fallen asleep. She was woken up from her nap by the rattle of someone unlocking her door.

The door swung open, and two women walked in.

The older of the two smiled at her warmly. “Hey, darling. You must be Talia. I’m Helena.”

“Hey,” Talia greeted her meekly.

“We’re here to help you get ready,” Helena explained as she bustled to Talia and hugged her.

Talia was grateful for Helena’s kindness and relieved that she might have a friend in this place.

The two women got to work. Helena helped choose her gown, jewelry, and shoes while the younger woman silently styled Talia’s hair and makeup.

When they were finished, Helena led Talia to a mirror.

She had chosen an emerald-green floor-length gown with delicate straps. Her dark hair tumbled in curls past her shoulders, and her aquamarine eyes were huge and bright.

I look stunning.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

Talia’s heart sank.

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