“So, what do you think Max’s gonna think?” Vicky asked as she sat on my bed with her feet folded underneath her, devouring all of the cake that Nathan’s mom had send for me.
I stood by the mirror putting in my earrings, not caring that she was eating it all because I was just so excited.
“I don’t know, he’s not here anyway, so all I got to do is leave and come back before he gets home. My mom is on late shift tonight anyways.”
“Awesome! This will be so perfect!”
I spun to her. “Eye shadow or no eye shadow?”
Vicky pondered as she eyed my features. “No eye shadow. The natural the better.”
I giggled. “Facts.”
I turned back to the mirror and put on a little lipstick before turning to her again so she could look at the finished product.
I was wearing a black dress—a little cleavage was showing, as per Nathan’s previous instructions—and I had let my hair fall along my back.
Vicky beamed. “You look amazing!”
I gave a smile, which instantly vanished when we heard a car pulling up into the driveway.
Who on God’s Earth was that?
Vicky and I exchanged surprised glances.
I poked my head through my window to see Nathan hopping from his van into my yard and closing the van’s door shut.
I almost fainted! If Nathan was here, Max would surely be here without a shadow of a doubt, and I knew how much he wouldn’t agree with me going on a date with Brad.
Why were they home so soon?!
“Didn’t you say Sports Meet normally ends at nine thirty?” Vicky asked.
Sports Meet is where a lot of sports guys from our school meet up and chill and stuff. It normally ends at 9:30, but I had no idea what had happened today.
“Yes, normally, but I have no idea why they are back so freaking soon! Oh my God.”
“Calm down,” she coached, getting up from the bed. “Let’s handle this maturely and show your brother that we are not some pair of kids. You’re going to go down there and let him know you are going on a date like any normal girl your age.”
I took a deep breath. “Okay, you’re right, let’s do this.”
“And then the guy was like, ‘Whatever, I threw the ball first!’”
Max and Nathan giggled as they entered through the front door, laughing away at some lame joke, I should suppose.
When they saw me standing there all dressed up, they stopped laughing and ogled me from head to toe.
Nathan had a look of admiration in his eyes, but my brother? That was rage.
“And where are you going, Chels?” he asked, resting his sports’ bag on the couch.
“Uh…a date,” I hesitantly said, shifting from one foot to the next.
Max stared at me.
There was a small wave of silence.
He blinked. “With…?”
“Uh…” I swallowed. “Brad.”
Max instantly rolled his eyes. “You don’t listen, do you?”
“Stop being such a drag, Max, can’t you at least let me breathe a little?”
“Too much air and you’ll be upstairs crying on your bed over some douche who can’t love you properly. Why can’t you listen to me?!”
I sighed and glanced at Nathan. “Help me here?”
He cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair. “Uh, Max, just give her a little breather. She’ll be safe.”
I looked back at Max. “See? Even Nathan thinks it’s okay.”
My brother took a deep breath, and after a few seconds he said, “Okay, fine.”
I smiled. “Really?!”
He nodded. “Yes, but too much cleavage.”
Nathan subtly smiled, knowing I had taken his little advice.
I frowned. “This is the only dress I have that fits.”
I was lying.
He rolled his eyes. “Fine, just this once, whatever.”
I happily ran over and gave him a big hug, happy that he finally agreed.
He moved away. “Nathan, can you drop her off for me?”
Nathan nodded. “Yeah, bro, sure.”
“No drinking. No booze. You hear me? Or you won’t get this chance again.”
I grinned. “You got me.”
“Enjoy your night, Chels!” Vicky yelled from behind.
I offered her a smile. “I’ll text you.”
I hopped in Nathan’s van next to him as he started up the engine.
I thought convincing Max would be harder, but he had given in pretty easily. Maybe it was ’cause Nathan had given a small but relevant word in for me. He seemed to think highly of the guy.
I glanced over at him as I snapped my seatbelt. “Thanks for taking me there.”
“No problem.” He began to reverse out of my parking lot and onto the street. “Where is this date spot of yours?”
“Kab’s Burger, just a few miles down,” I told him.
He nodded. “Couldn’t he have picked you up? I mean, it’s a date, after all.”
“I guess he doesn’t drive,” I said, trying not to let the situation look bad.
“Brad Pinsley drives a red Camry SUV,” Nathan said.
Embarrassed, I ran my hand along my dress. “Oh…had no idea.”
So Brad drives but didn’t pick me up? Wow, he could have at least offered that courtesy.
Nathan glanced at me, then back at the road. He let out a breath. “Anyway, you look gorgeous tonight. I see you took my advice and wore your hair down, and your cleavage is on point. Not too much. Not too little.”
I smiled. “Well, I tried. Rate me out of ten?”
“I’d give you a nine point five,” he responded with a smirk.
“Really. What caused me to lose half a point?”
“Next time let a guy pick you up for a date. You shouldn’t have to take a bus there. That’s why I took half a point off.”
He glanced at me. “Know what you deserve, Princess.”
Suddenly I felt embarrassed because Nathan was right. Brad drove, and he could have offered to pick me up to make this a lot easier on me.
Nathan turned into the parking lot of Kab’s Burger, and I took a deep breath as my date was approaching. I had no idea what to say or do on a date because I had never been on one before.
Nathan killed his engine. “Well, here we are.”
I blew out my cheeks anxiously. “Yeah. Uh, thanks…”
I unsnapped my seatbelt as Nathan watched me and analyzed the nervous expression I was wearing.
As soon as I was about to open the door, he gripped my arm.
I turned my face to his.
He released me before letting out a sigh. “Do you know what to do on a date?”
“No idea. Could you give me some tips?”
“Well…” Nathan pushed his hair back from his eyes. “Basically, you don’t need to do anything but be yourself, that’s key.”
“Okay, brilliant, but what if he tries to kiss me or something?”
“Don’t let him.”
I made a face. “Are you serious? He’s my crush, why shouldn’t I?”
“You guys shouldn’t be making out on a first date,” he informed me. “That’s too fast. You should be getting to know each other first.”
“Woah.” I stared at him, slack-jawed. “For a player you sure know the decent rules.”
He chuckled. “No, I am serious. No kissing, no touching. If he tries that, take it that he’s a douche.”
“Okay,” I breathed. “Noted.”
“Should I stay until you’re through?”
I shook my head. “Nah, you can leave. I’ll take the bus home.”
“Let Brad drop you,” Nathan instructed. “Or I am going to puncture his liver the next time I see him at school.”
I laughed. “Fierce.”
He leaned over and looked me in the eyes. “I’m serious, Princess.”
His eyes showed genuineness, as if he was really planning on puncturing Brad’s liver if he didn’t drop me home. Wow.
I swallowed. “Uh, all right. I will get him to drop me home. See you.”
He nodded. “Enjoy your date.”
I gave him a small smile as I opened the van and hopped out, giving him one last wave before walking away and entering Kab’s Burger.
I took a seat at the far back and waited for Brad to enter.
A minute turned to thirty minutes, then thirty minutes to forty minutes, and yet still no sign of my date.
I checked my watch, and it said 7:40. We had agreed to meet at seven, but he still hadn’t shown up.
I began to think that maybe he forgot the time and was thinking we agreed on eight. So I waited a bit more, dabbling a little more foundation on my face and ordering a drink, since my throat began to get dry.
9 p.m. came and still no sign of Brad. I let out a sigh of frustration. It seemed I was being stood up. I couldn’t believe it.
I twirled my straw in my lemonade drink as I glanced around at the loving couples and group of friends at different sections of the restaurant.
They were laughing and snapping pictures, yet here I was, sitting alone, pitifully waiting for a guy that may never show up.
Suddenly, my phone rang, and I answered swiftly.
“Oh, hey, Kelsy, it’s Brad—”
“It’s Chelsy, actually,” I corrected, holding back the anger and disappointment in my voice.
“Oh yeah, I knew that, slip of the tongue. Look, I won’t make it tonight, I have some urgent issue that just came up.”
I felt my whole world crash.
I swallowed hard and took a deep breath so I didn’t end up breaking down over the phone.
“But I will make it up to you. I’m very sorry, okay? Are you still there now?”
Yes, you dickhead!
I sucked in a breath and rested a hand on my forehead. “No. Um, I left.”
“You did?” he asked, a bit surprised.
I didn’t want to seem too pitiful still being at the restaurant when he hadn’t shown up for hours. I would seem too desperate.
I nodded. “Yes. I figured you weren’t coming, so I just left…”
“Oh. I am really sorry, okay? I’ll make it up to you another time.”
“Um, I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
Before he could wait for my response, he hung up in a swift moment.
I sighed and got up, pushing my chair back and holding back the tears that were near to spilling.
I hate boys.
“Ready to order?” a waitress asked, walking over to me.
I shook my head, refusing to utter a word in case I started crying.
I made my way out of the restaurant and began walking to the exit of the grounds. I let the tears fall finally, since it was nightfall and no one was watching.
Or so I thought.
I jolted when someone gripped my wrist to cease my steps.
I turned my face to see Nathan, his brows shaped with sympathy. His face was like a passer-by who had stopped to assist an injured dog on the sidewalk.
Shit. He was the last person I wanted to be seen by after being stood up by a guy I bragged about to him. I mean, he kind of warned me.
“Are you okay?”
I pulled my hand away. “Yeah…I just—I just kind of wanna go home. Can I take a bus this way?”
My voice was shaky since I was still crying, and I gestured to move off again when he held on to my hand.
“I won’t let you take the bus, P. Come on, I’ll take you home.”
There was silence as we drove. The only things that could be heard were my silent sobs and the sniffing of my nose.
Nathan reached up to his dashboard and fetched a box of tissues, resting it in my lap.
I let out a breath. “Thank you…”
He just nodded. “I kind of suck at comforting,” he began, “but all I can say is don’t take him not showing up as a sign that you’re not pretty or attractive enough or any of those delusions you girls put in your mind when you don’t get the guy of your dreams.
“Because it’s all a lie. You’re worth so much more than this.”
I took the tissue out and wiped my eyes. “You give very comforting advice to me. That was deep. Thanks.”
“I’m not saying it just to say it, Princess, all right? I mean it.”
I nodded and flipped a damp strand of hair from my eyes. “Okay, Nate, I know.”
I glanced over at him. My tears had finally stopped falling for a while. “I thought you left though.”
“Yeah. Well. I knew something like this would happen, so I just parked around the back and waited to see if the piece of shit would show up.”
“Oh. That’s fortunate,” I said before looking down at my hands, my mind replaying what had just happened.
I felt the tears near again, but Nathan spoke, pulling me from my thoughts.
“I know just what will make you feel better though.”
“What would that be?” I asked. I watched as Nathan took a detour and drove off the path that led to our houses.
“Where are we going?” I questioned, looking around.
He smiled. “You’ll see.”
I leaned back in my seat. “Great. Got stood up, now I’m about to be kidnapped. Did I murder someone in my past life?”
Nathan laughed. “You know, maybe you did. You have a nasty temper, Princess.”
I giggled. “When it comes to you.”
He glanced at me, then at the road before using a hand to hold his chest dramatically. “Woah. I am so hurt. Those aren’t words to say to your knight in shining armor.”
I laughed and playfully hit his shoulder. “Whatever.”
Nathan drove to the entrance to a beach and parked. We got out and made our way onto the shore and sat on the sand.
The sea was pretty, and actually, I needed this to clear my headspace.
“Woah. This is your idea of a cheer up?”
He nodded and crashed next to me. “The sea is the perfect place to calm your spirit. It can relate to how you feel right now. Rage. Rush.
“Then you feel a sense of calm, then the thoughts come back and you’re roaring again. Rough and unsettled. But I want you to try to forget tonight. Like it never happened. Let the sea vent for you.”
I looked over at him. Seeing Nathan in this light was interesting. The calm, encouraging Nathan. He was amazing and mature and everything a girl would want.
The moonlight gave his features a glow, and I realized how cute he was and how attractive he could be when he wasn’t making out with some girl’s face. Subtracting his failure to commit, he was perfect. He was…
He looked at me and found me staring.
I looked away quickly and awkwardly, coughing and dusting sand off my legs as I attempted to change the mood. “Wow, had no idea you could be this cheesy hopeless romantic.”
He laughed. “Nice guys finish last, am I right?”
“Wrong. You’re not entirely a nice guy, are you?” I teased.
He leaned back on his palms, a smirk playing on his lips. “What do you think?”
“If I wasn’t your best friend’s little sister, would you do this for me?”
He bit his lower lip. “Yeah, I would. As matter a fact, if you weren’t my best friend’s little sister, you wouldn’t even be in this position right now. Crying over some dick.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Why? Would you go puncture his liver?” I laughed a little.
“Nope,” he said, a serious look on his face. “I would snatch you first.”
I gulped.
He said the words as if they were easy and weren’t a big deal. Did flirting and making girls red come easy to him? I literally felt my cheeks getting warmer and warmer as Nathan stared into my eyes.
He needed to stop looking at me like that, for Christ’s sake!
Quickly, I broke eye contact. “You need to stop doing that.”
I heard him chuckle. “Doing what?”
“Mm-hmm. You know what I mean.”
“I don’t. What do you mean?” He sat upright and rubbed his fingers together. “You meant, me looking at you?”
“Yes,” I said, meeting his amused gaze. “That little look in your eyes, like I am a conquest or something.”
He laughed, throwing his head back, as if what I said was really funny.
“I can’t help it. It comes naturally. Does it bother you?”
“Take a guess.”
He smiled and let out a breath. “It shouldn’t, right? Unless you’re lusting.”
I gasped. “Lusting?! Oh come on. Over you? Wow.”
“Yeah, very impossible.”
Nathan smiled. “Okay, okay. I’m hurt and my ego is greatly bruised, but let’s let this conversation go.”
I nodded. “Good idea. Had that in mind as well.”
He smiled.
I looked back at him. “Don’t tell my brother about me getting stood up tonight, okay?”
Nathan nodded. “I have always been the type to mind my own business, so that will come easy.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks.”
I took a deep breath. “This sucks though, I got all dressed up just to get stood up. Sucks to be me right now.”
Nathan rested a comforting hand on my shoulder. “You’re young, you have your whole life ahead of you. You’re just learning.”
I looked at him. “Yeah. You’re right.” I forced a smile.
He stared at me, both of our gazes shifting from our eyes to our lips.
There was a weird silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but I could feel an unusual sexual tension. This happened for a few seconds before I noticed Nathan blink and look away, letting out a breath. “I think we should head home now.”
Feeling the tight atmosphere, I nodded quickly. “Uh, yeah, we should.”
“Uh, thanks for tonight,” I said with a smile as I pulled the door of his van open and hopped out.
He smiled. “Sure thing.”
“Well, good night. I truly enjoyed myself.”
He nodded. “Glad you did, Princess. Don’t go crying on your bed tonight. Think about the words I said to you: you’re worth so much more.”
I smiled. “Thanks.”
As Nathan drove off to his side of the block, I began making my way up to my doorstep.
When I entered and closed the door behind me, Max was just exiting the kitchen, holding a glass of milk. His hair was ruffled, and he was wearing a tank top and PJ pants, as if he was about to go to bed.
“Oh, you’re back,” he said. “Nathan gave you a lift?”
“Yeah, he did…”
I added a smile to my response, hoping he hadn’t noticed I was crying earlier because of being stood up by Brad.
He took a sip of his milk. “Enjoyed your little date?”
“Yeah, it was…okay,” I responded.
He gave a small nod. “Okay. Just be careful, a’ight? I still do not support you two, but I can’t control you either. Love you. Good night.”
I smiled. “Love you more, punk.”
He gave me a smile before turning away and making his way up the stairs to his room.
I let out a sigh as soon as he vanished. If Max even found out that I got stood up tonight, he would definitely not give me this chance of freedom again.
I got dressed in gray shorts and a T-shirt before I lay on my bed later that night. All I could think about was what had happened earlier.
The way Brad stood me up was painful, but I recalled Nathan’s bit of advice about not crying tonight and sucked it up.
The way he had come to my rescue was quite admirable. I guess he was not entirely a heartless player.
I found myself smiling as I turned on my side and peered over at his room lights. They were on before he switched them off and his room became pitch black.
I closed my eyes and brought the covers up to my chest, hoping the next day was not as disappointing as today.