“Look what I’m holding!!” Vicky said excitedly while I stood at my locker taking out my English textbooks.
“What’s that?” I asked, looking at the flyer in her hand.
She grinned. “Elizabeth Cole is having a senior party, and she’s free-passing the first fifty students who get there first. And it doesn’t involve her friends, since they have gotten a direct invitation.”
I closed my locker and turned to her. “Okay, and so are you suggesting we go?”
She grinned. “Yes. Brad’s gonna be there, and Max too. Don’t you think we could take the night to confess how we feel?”
I sighed. “Yeah. Except my brother may not want me there. Plus, Brad didn’t text or call yesterday, so I am kind of thinking of backing off.”
Vicky made a saddened facial expression. “Really? Awwww, this sucks. Why hasn’t he called?”
I shrugged. “Maybe I am not his type.”
Vicky frowned. “No way. You’re pretty and smart, you would be anybody’s type.”
“Thanks, Vee, but what if I don’t seem that way from a male’s point of view?”
“But Nathan said you were, remember?”
I almost laughed. “Are you honestly taking Nathan serious right now? Don’t. He doesn’t mean a word he said.”
I doubted Nathan truly found me sexy. He was just in a little hormone-troubled moment at the time. That’s all.
Vicky rested both her hands on my shoulders. “It’s okay, give him time. It’s still early.”
I forced a smile. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
I sat in class as it was about to begin. Mr. Johnson, our English teacher, began jotting his class objectives on the board when a familiar build walked into the classroom.
I looked up from my notebook to see Nathan strolling in, holding a small covered plate in his hand. I could hear the girls making nervous and smitten whispers at his presence.
Vicky poked me on the arm. “What the hell is Nate doing in tenth-grade class?” she whispered.
I shrugged.
“May I help you, Mr. Sharles?” Mr. Johnson asked, turning away from his board and focusing his attention on Nathan, who was scanning the classroom as if looking for somebody.
Sure hope it isn’t me.
I kept my head down to avoid eye contact at all costs.
“I think he is looking for you,” Vicky whispered.
“He is not.”
I stole a small glance with my head still hung, and our eyes immediately connected. He smiled, and I cursed inwardly and looked down at the ground.
“Yes. Uh, can I give this to Chelsy Holmes?” he asked, a wide grin on his face.
Mr. Johnson looked from Nathan to me, then back at Nathan. “Okay, make it quick.”
He began moving over and I heard the class gasping as their heads followed his journey over to me. I swore I heard Amanda hiss from two chairs away.
I looked up at his smirking face. “What is it, Nathan?”
I glanced around to see the whole class watching us.
“Make it quick, everyone is watching,” I whispered impatiently.
“My mom says to give you this,” he responded, and handed me the small plate in his hand that was wrapped in a clear bag.
“Thank you,” I mumbled, pulling it from his hand. “But this could wait until lunch.”
“I won’t be here at lunch or after school, I have Sports Meet.”
“Okay. Thanks regardless, Nate.”
He smiled. “I can’t take you home after school because Max and I won’t be around. You can handle taking a bus with Vee, right?”
“Yeah, I am not five.”
“Mr. Sharles and Ms. Holmes, please wrap it up, I have a class to teach,” Mr. Johnson droned as he placed his hands on his hips impatiently.
“Sorry, sir!” Nathan called out. “See you later, Princess.”
He glanced at Vicky. “Hey, Vee.”
She smiled. “Hey.”
He gave me one last glance before he quickly made his way out of the classroom.
“So he came all the way to your classroom to give you a slice of cake?” Vicky asked as we walked down the hallway, heading to lunch.
I shrugged. “His mom promised me yesterday, so I guess he wanted to deliver it before he ate it all down.”
She giggled.
I smiled. “You know, I think something is wrong with me.”
“Hmm? What do you mean?”
“Well, yesterday I went by Nathan’s room alone, right, and he said something and I—”
“Chelsy Holmes.”
A familiar squeaky and nasal-sounding voice forced Vicky and me to look up from our conversation. We stopped abruptly when we saw Amanda approaching us.
I sighed.
“So how can you explain Nathan coming to you in our class?” she asked, folding her arms angrily. “Are you going to still insist that nothing is going on with you two?”
I rolled my eyes. “Look, I already told you—”
“Just friends, huh? Just neighbors. Yet still he calls you Princess!” she snarled. “And the most hurtful part is you’re not even a princess, you’re far from one! You’re not even the beast in ~Beauty and the Beast~, neither are you the frog in The ~Princess and the Frog~. You are far worse.”
Vicky hissed. “Why do you assume everyone likes Nathan? He’s not the only guy in the whole school.”
“Mm-hmm, then who do you like?” she asked, her brows raised. “Who do you like then, Chelsy Holmes?!”
As if that is any of her goddamn business.
“That would be me,” a male voice said.
We turned our faces to see Brad Pinsley approaching us.
I froze. Oh my God.
“Actually, Chels is my girlfriend,” he stated as he came to a stop in front of us. “Is there a problem here?”
Vicky smiled.
Amanda swallowed and flipped her hair from her eyes. “No. I was just leaving.”
She gave me a nasty glare before turning away and leaving.
I looked at Brad. “You really didn’t have to do that.”
He smiled and tucked his hands in his pockets. “No. I have to. Especially after getting home so late and tired yesterday that I forgot to hit you up.”
I smiled.
“I want to make it up to you,” he continued quickly.
Vicky almost squealed as she subtly poked me excessively in my side in pure excitement. It hurt, but dang, who cared?! Brad was the only thing that had my interest right then!
“Do you want us to go out for some burgers tonight?”
I couldn’t believe this was happening! Brad was asking me out!
I opened my mouth to speak, but no words were coming out.
“Um… Uh…”
“Yes!” Vicky said. “Yes, she would love that.”
Thank God for Vee.
I smiled. “Yes. Yes, she’s right. Yes I would.”
He gave a small chuckle. “Okay great, is seven okay?”
“Yes, it is perfect!”
“Perfect. Uh. Kab’s Burger, all right? See you there.”
He smiled before giving Vicky a small nod and walking away.
Vicky and I almost screamed in excitement as soon as he vanished out of sight.
How much greater could this week get?!