Touch  - Book cover


Anna R. Bennet

Own Your Feelings


Nicole just texted me saying she wants to talk. Shit. I love this girl to death, but talking is not our thing, so what the fuck does she want? I text her back saying I’m in my office and that she could come by.

I don’t really want to talk. It’s fucking Sunday. I should be by the beach relaxing, but my mind is elsewhere. I’m not even here to do any work. I’m just sitting here looking at my smudged, sweat-stained paperwork.

My fucking desk. It still smells of her.


Why does this shit bother me so much?


Em is out on that tour with the Pascoal Villa tenants and hasn’t texted me with any humorous remarks yet, so I guess she’s stuck with a vanilla kind of couple. Those are no fun.

Walking into Alex’s office, I remind myself of the promise I made to Em, so I won’t be telling Alex about that other motherfucker. I still think he should know, though.

I close the door, and Alex greets me with that smile of his that makes all the panties drench. But as much as I love that cock of his, that’s not what I’m here for now.

He leans back in his chair and puts his hands behind his head.

“Are you growing a beard?” I ask, thinking he’s gonna look even better than he already does.

He crosses his arms and shrugs. Oh, boy, this player is really off his game.


She does not have the “I want to fuck” look, so I guess there is something she really wants to talk about.

We’re not good at talking. I mean, yeah, we’re good friends, always honest with each other, and we have fun even when we aren’t fucking. But serious talking? Nah, we don’t do that.

She comes around the desk, sits on it, and clears her throat before speaking.

“You’re in big trouble, mister,” she says matter-of-factly. She’s looking straight at me.

“Is this about the fun we had last Friday night? Not sure how that could get me in trouble.” I chuckle.


I jump off the desk and move to a chair on his right, dragging it closer to him.

He knows that as soon as I start talking, there’s no way I’ll allow any sort of interruption, so I’m giving him time to say whatever he wants to.

I take advantage of the fact that he mentions our threesome with Amelia, and bam! I give him that look that says, “You better be taking notes because I’m only gonna say this once.”

“I love you, Alex. I’m not in love with you, though. And I know you feel the same way.”

“Okay,” he says before apologetically raising his hands as he realizes he shouldn’t interrupt. Let a girl talk, jeez!

“Sex with you is out of this world, and having sex with you and Amelia last Friday night—oh boy, I don’t even have a way to describe how good it was.”

My words are making him smirk, and he exhales through his nose. Now, I know what I’m about to say next is going to change his mood completely, but there’s no way I’m letting him keep lying to himself.

“I savored every single minute of our threesome—don’t get me wrong—but I’m just wondering why you went for Amelia?”



If you know Nicole, then you know that she already knows the answers to most questions she asks.


Why Amelia? Other than the fact that my chest was about to explode when I saw them walking up the stairs toward my office? That shit was messing with my mind.

And at that moment, Amelia started coming on to me, and I just had to get rid of the urge to go upstairs, grab her and take ~her~ home with ~me~.

It could have been any other woman at that point, but Amelia was right there.

“Because I knew she would be down for it,” I may not be telling the truth, but at least I’m not lying when I answer.

And it didn’t hurt that she’s the same height as her, same boob size, same hair color. Amelia was even wearing a white dress, too.

She didn’t look as good as her, but as long as she didn’t speak, I could actually picture her instead of Amelia.

“Cut the crap, Alexander. You’re not doing yourself any good if you keep bottling your feelings up like that.

“Do you think I would ignore the fact that you called out Emily’s name while fucking Amelia from behind?”


She heard me say it.



I cannot believe he’s standing in front of me, thinking he can lie to me.

You little bastard!

“Seriously, Alex? I’m not just your fuck buddy. I am your friend.

“And as your friend, let me tell you that you better get your shit together because if you want her to see you as more than just a best friend, fucking me or any other woman is not the way to go.”

I say it playfully, but Alex knows I’m dead serious. He opens his mouth like he’s about to say something, but I’m not done with my friendly advice yet.

“And stop giving her the key to this office so she can come here and fuck another guy. I swear to God, I don’t know how you can be an expert at seducing women, but then your IQ drops to zero when it comes to Emily. Jesus!”

I slap the back of his neck to make sure he gets my point.

“Fucking hell, Nic!”

“You’re welcome. Now go on and buy me lunch.”


“Can we just pretend that this conversation never happened?” I beg as we head out for lunch.

“No fucking way, mister. You’d better own your feelings.”


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