Heir to the Alpha - Book cover

Heir to the Alpha

B.E. Harmel

Chapter 3

He towered over me, his brown hair and eyes a perfect match. His jawline was sharp and defined. His eyes, narrow and brown, seemed to wrap around me in a way I’d never experienced before.

Suddenly, they sparkled with an extra glint, and I didn’t have time to fully take them in.

My wolf took over, her eyes replacing mine to gaze into his. The joy I felt was so overwhelming that I couldn’t help but smile, one of those smiles that makes your cheeks ache. His scent washed over me, reminding me of freshly cut wood, strong and invigorating.

In an instant, I lost control, and my wolf took over. The next thing I knew, I was on all fours, staring at his wolf form. Even as a wolf, he was breathtakingly beautiful.

I felt like I was floating, my breath stolen away.

Was this really happening?

In the distance, I heard the alpha’s voice proclaim, “Mates, may your love endure.” His voice stirred something deep within me. Even with my mate right in front of me, the alpha’s voice elicited a reaction.

I did my best to ignore it. So, when my mate’s wolf gestured toward the exit, signaling for us to leave the room, I followed without hesitation. I was here to find a mate, not to get tangled up in confusing feelings for the alpha.

We made our way outside, toward the forest. The music gradually faded until it was quiet enough for conversation. Lounge chairs were strategically placed and adorned in the outdoor area.

They were draped with robes, ready for new mates to slip into once they returned to their human forms.

As we left the lounge area, I watched my mate transform back into his human form and reach for a robe. I followed suit. I was still facing away from him when he whispered in my ear.

“Hello, mate,” he murmured, his voice the most alluring I’d ever heard.

His lips brushed against the tip of my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

“Hello, mate,” I replied, turning to face him with a smile.

My mate moved closer, his hands cupping my face before he returned my smile. He looked deep into my eyes, then pulled me close and kissed me. In that moment, my world stopped.

Nothing else mattered. My universe was in his kiss.

I parted my lips, inviting him in. His tongue gently explored mine, the kiss growing more passionate and hungrier. My heart pounded, and my legs felt weak.

He led me to a sofa in the lounge area, sitting with one leg crossed over the other. A small fire flickered in front of us, casting an orange glow on his handsome features. When his eyes met mine, he smiled broadly, leaving me breathless.

I returned his smile and moved to sit next to him on the sofa.

“May I know my mate’s name?” he asked as I settled in next to him.

“Scarlett Byron,” I replied, grinning.

“Byron? Are you related to Ronald?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

“Daughter,” I responded, my face scrunching up at the thought of him knowing my father.

“I’m one of the pack’s lawyers. I’ve worked with your father a few times, he’s practically my boss,” he said. “Mathew Conson. Nice to meet you, Scarlett.”

His smile was breathtaking, almost stealing my breath away. We chatted for a while, and all the while, my heart felt like it was about to leap out of my chest.

“I’m going to get a drink. Do you want anything?” Mathew asked during a lull in our conversation.

“A glass of champagne, please,” I replied, smiling.

He stood and headed toward the bar. In his absence, I tried to gather my thoughts, but I was in such a state of euphoria that it was hard to think straight. I watched as Mathew returned, a glass and a bottle of vodka in his hands.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was so handsome weaving his way through the crowd. I thought I saw him exchange smiles with another girl, sparking a twinge of jealousy in me.

But I reassured myself it was probably a colleague. I considered asking him about it but decided against it.

When he sat down next to me again, his eyes widened, and he put a hand to his head.

“Scarlett, I forgot your champagne,” he exclaimed, looking genuinely upset. “If you want, I’ll go and get it,” Mathew offered.

“No, it’s okay,” I reassured him. His company was better than any glass of champagne.

After more conversation, Mathew tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. His touch sent electric shocks across my skin. I wished it would never end.

“Shall we go to my house?” Mathew asked, and my heart skipped a beat.

I hesitated before answering. But wasn’t this what I wanted?

So, I nodded and smiled. Mathew returned my smile and led me to his car.

No sooner had we stepped inside his house than Mathew wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close. The electricity between us was palpable. He kissed me so passionately that I was left breathless.

He scooped me up and carried me to the bedroom. As he set me down on the bed, I looked into his bright eyes. I could tell his wolf was close to the surface, and he was consumed with desire.

Mathew’s hands were quick as they slid over my robe, pulling it down and revealing my body. He kissed me again, his lips moving to my neck. My heart pounded, and I felt a wetness between my legs.

I was so turned on, I wanted to feel all of him.

Was this really happening? Was I about to lose my virginity to my mate, right here and now?

For a moment, I felt self-conscious, naked in front of him. But he was my mate, my love.

I had never done this before, but I felt ready. Or at least, I thought I was. When I helped him remove his robe, and his erection sprung free, I wasn’t sure what to do.

A blush crept up my cheeks, but Mathew didn’t seem to mind. He swallowed hard as he looked at my body. His desire for me made my body respond in kind.

I felt like I was on fire, and only he could extinguish it.

Mathew’s lips met mine, his bare skin pressing against mine, our love wrapping us in its warmth. His kisses trailed down my neck as he aligned himself at my entrance. I could feel him sliding in, fueled by my anticipation.

But as he pushed farther, a sharp pain shot through me with each movement. I gripped his shoulders tightly.

“Take it slow,” I whispered, unprepared for the discomfort.

“I haven’t even gone all the way in.” Mathew frowned, a hint of surprise in his voice.

“Wait, are you a virgin?” His question hung in the air, as if the idea was preposterous.

I didn’t answer, instead, I averted my gaze, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over me. This wasn’t how I’d pictured my first time.

“I was saving myself for my mate,” I admitted, still unable to meet his eyes.

He didn’t seem bothered by my confession.

“All right, they say it hurts a bit at first, but try to relax and enjoy it,” he suggested, pushing in a little farther.

I tried to relax. I kissed him, but the pain returned, sharper this time. I let out a moan, but it wasn’t one of pleasure.

Mathew seemed oblivious to my discomfort, continuing his rhythm. Eventually, a hint of pleasure began to seep in, but before it could fully blossom, he abruptly withdrew and climaxed on the sheets beside us.

“Wow, that was amazing,” he sighed, collapsing next to me.

I was left bewildered, unable to comprehend how this could be considered amazing, or why people craved this so much. The pleasure I’d heard so much about was absent.

But Mathew was my mate, and I loved him. I nestled into his shoulder, seeking comfort.

He gently pulled his arm away.

“Sweetheart, I have a shoulder injury. You can’t lie on it like that,” he said, turning his back to me.

I felt a pang of hurt. I’d thought he’d feel the same way about me as I did about him.

I turned away, falling asleep in a state of confusion. This wasn’t how I’d imagined it.

I woke up, my surroundings familiar. Then the memories of last night flooded back. In my teenage fantasies, I’d imagined spending the day after the ball with my mate.

I’d even swapped shifts at the hospital to make it happen. But reality was a stark contrast to my dreams.

I opened my eyes to an empty bed. Mathew was already getting dressed. I hastily pulled the sheets over myself, suddenly self-conscious.

“Hey, sweetheart, I have some work commitments today,” Mathew said, buttoning up his shirt.

I understood his subtle hint. I needed to leave. I began to rise from the bed.

“Okay, I’ll go,” I said, reaching for my robe on the floor.

Under different circumstances, I might have asked for one of his T-shirts to wear home, but I didn’t know him well enough for that.

But he was my mate, right? He was supposed to ensure that I’d share my life with him from now on. But he didn’t even suggest it.

As I awkwardly slipped into my robe, I mustered the courage to ask him for a ride home.

“Sure, I can drop you off. It’s on my way to work,” Mathew said.

The drive to my house was filled with silence.

“We’ll talk soon. Maybe we’ll see each other tomorrow,” he said, stopping the car in front of my house and handing me a business card with his number.

What was going on? I wanted to tell him that as his mate, he should treat me better.

But then Mathew pulled me in for a kiss, our lips crashing together. The familiar sparks of passion ignited, reminding me of our connection.

“Okay, sure,” I said, once the kiss ended. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I watched his car drive away, a sense of confusion settling in.

I knew there was a spark between us.

But something felt off. This wasn’t how it was supposed to feel when you found your mate.

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