The Quarterback's Biology Lesson - Book cover

The Quarterback's Biology Lesson

V.J. Villamayor

Age Rating


Dive into a steamy short story about a quarterback and his biology tutor!

Who would have thought the star quarterback would need a lesson in biology? Naomi certainly didn't when Beau first asked for her help. As their unlikely friendship blossoms over biology lessons, Naomi and Beau find themselves exploring more than just textbooks.

Their study sessions take a heated turn, blending academia with undeniable chemistry. Naomi, with her gentle and teasing manner, awakens a new side of Beau that has nothing to do with the football field.

Will their connection lead to more than just good grades, or will it remain a thrilling but temporary distraction?

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Chapter 1

The Quarterback’s Biology Lesson

“Open your stance a bit more… Pperfect. Now, push your hips back just a tad…”

Naomi could feel the sweat beading on her forehead and a warmth spreading through her as her breath hitched.

Beau’s voice was like smooth, rich caramel, whispering instructions in her ear. His rough, callused hands barely grazed her inner thighs when he suddenly shouted, “Hut, hut!”

Naomi tightened her grip on the football, snapping it up between her thighs and into Beau’s waiting hands. He stepped back and launched it down the field like a rocket. They both paused to watch the ball sail across the field, and Naomi couldn’t help but be impressed by the distance it covered.

“Nice!” she praised, not turning to face Beau, but instead keeping her eyes on the retreating ball. She needed a moment to collect herself, and Beau didn’t need to see the blush that was surely coloring her cheeks. This was just a friendly…whatever it was…between two… What were they exactly? Classmates? Friends? Or something more?

What had begun as Beau shyly asking for her help with Biology 101 last semester had evolved into this strange game of “have you ever tried this?” between them. Last week, Naomi had dragged Beau to karaoke, something she was personally offended he had never experienced, and today he had insisted she stay for his football practice. He wanted to teach her how to “snap the football.” Something she initially thought was ridiculous…until she realized how close they would be.

Her body warmed again at the memory of his hands on her hips, guiding her into a lower squat, and his fingers waiting between her thighs. And then there was Beau himself, towering over her petite frame, his body heat enveloping her every time he leaned in to whisper instructions.

A shiver ran down her spine, despite the baggy sweater she wore.

“Hell yeah! Nice throw!” Beau’s voice brought Naomi back to reality. “What do you think, Naomi?”

Beau’s enthusiastic question snapped Naomi out of her daydream, and she quickly turned to face his wide grin.

“Umm, it was a really good throw?”

Beau chuckled and rolled his eyes. “I’ll take that as a huge compliment coming from you.” He picked up a small towel and wiped the sweat from his face. After practice, they had stayed behind for another half hour, with Beau patiently teaching Naomi how to snap the ball. Over and over again. Not that Naomi was complaining, but she was feeling a bit…flustered.

“Come on, short stuff, let’s go. I need to grab my stuff from the locker room, then I’ll give you a ride home.”

As they walked side by side, Naomi found herself stealing glances at Beau. He was undeniably attractive, with a natural charisma that drew attention wherever he went. They made their way toward the men’s locker room, and Naomi was about to sit down outside when Beau looked at her quizzically.

“What are you doing?”

“Umm, sitting down? To wait for you?”

“Naomi, there’s no way I’m leaving you out here by yourself.”

Naomi looked around the nearly deserted stadium. Despite it being late, nearly six o’clock according to her phone, there was hardly anyone around.

“What do you mean? I walk home by myself all the time. I’ll be fine. Go ahead and shower or whatever and I’ll wait out here…ah!”

Before she could finish her sentence, Beau had grabbed her hand and was pulling her into the men’s locker room.

“Nope! Don’t care! There can be some real creeps out there, and I’m not taking any chances. Just humor me, I’ll be quick.”


Naomi glanced around the locker room. It was surprisingly clean and organized, though there was a distinct masculine scent in the air. Compared to the crisp, cool air outside, the locker room was warm and humid, the lingering moisture from the team’s earlier showers still hanging in the air. They walked through rows of lockers until Beau stopped. Naomi took the opportunity to remove her baggy sweater and tie it around her waist, leaving her in a thin, tight tank top.

Beau opened his locker and grabbed some toiletries and another towel, then nodded toward the showers. “I’ll be quick, all right, Naomi?”

Naomi shrugged. “It’s seriously fine. I can just go home now, I still have studying to do anyway. Our biology exam is coming up…remember?”

Beau cursed under his breath and ran a hand through his hair. “Shit…yeah that’s right. I have so much studying left to do. I don’t know how you do it, Naomi. I suck at biology. I can’t seem to remember anything. Give me a new play to run on the field and I can do it, easy… But biology?! No way, you can keep that.”

“Why don’t you come over after this then? We can order pizza and study together. Besides, if you fail this exam, I’m the one who looks bad!” Naomi laughed, shivering in mock horror.

Beau rolled his eyes and disappeared around the corner toward the showers. “Can I say hell yes to the pizza, but please no to studying at the same time? I actually can’t stand seeing all those pictures while trying to eat.”

Naomi laughed, the sound echoing off the locker room walls. It had been a pleasant surprise during their first tutoring session to discover that Beau got queasy at the sight of biology diagrams. The layers of muscle, organs, diseases…all of it made him squirm. A smile tugged at Naomi’s lips as she remembered.

The sound of the shower turning on brought her back to the present, and it suddenly hit her that Beau had brought her into the men’s locker room and she was, hopefully, alone while he showered. As in…he was naked.

Naomi’s mind seemed to short-circuit. How did she, a quiet, studious girl, end up in this situation? The first thought that came to mind was to peek. But no, no, no! That was a terrible idea. Bad Naomi! She mentally scolded herself for the bold thoughts that were so quick to surface. She should leave. This seemed highly inappropriate, sitting alone in a men’s locker room. Anyone could walk in and accuse her of…of…

Naomi sighed. She had no idea what they could accuse her of, but it couldn’t be good. She stood and grabbed her bag, ready to leave, but knew she couldn’t just disappear without letting Beau know—he was oddly protective like that.

“Hey, Beau!” Naomi called, trying to get his attention. No response. The shower was still running, and she assumed he just couldn’t hear her over the sound of the water. “Beau!” She called again. Still nothing.

Bag slung over her shoulder, she crept closer to the corner where Beau had disappeared earlier, her eyes closed. The sound of the running water grew louder, as did the humidity from the shower area. As she neared the corner, she covered her closed eyes with her hand, then poked her head around the corner.

“Hey, Beau?!”


A deep male voice caught her attention, and she turned her head toward the sound. Naomi wasn’t sure if it was a response to her calling Beau’s name, or just a random grunt.

She called out Beau’s name again, but the deep masculine grunt sounded again, and without thinking, Naomi opened her eyes and peeked between her fingers in the direction of the sound.

Oh, it was Beau, all right. But he was oblivious to Naomi calling his name. Through the steamy haze of the showers, Beau’s muscular silhouette was a vision of slick, bulging nakedness. His head was leaning forward against the tile wall, the hot water cascading down his back, over his head, and dripping down his face. His arm was moving rhythmically in front of him, his hand gripping his engorged cock.

Naomi’s voice faltered, and suddenly the heat wasn’t just from the locker room’s humidity, but from her flaming cheeks. She felt warm, breathless, and dizzy. Her hands remained plastered over her face, despite the clear view through her fingers, and she couldn’t suppress the shaky, breathless sigh that escaped her lungs. Another deep, masculine grunt and moan erupted from Beau, his bicep flex quickening, and Naomi was jolted out of her daydream.

She spun around and tried to make a quick exit from the locker room, but her bag threw her off balance and she stumbled forward, catching herself on the side of an empty locker. While she was fortunate not to knock herself out right then and there, the force of her stumbling into the empty locker caused the locker door to slam shut, loudly. Naomi wasn’t sure what was louder: the echoing slam of metal on metal, or her furiously pounding heart.

“Naomi?” Beau’s voice was deeper than usual, but thankfully still distant. The shower turned off, and he called her name again, louder and closer this time.

“Shit!” Naomi muttered to herself before straightening up and, as quietly as she could, sprinting toward the exit as quietly as she could.

The cold air hit her heated skin as Naomi finally escaped the locker room. Her heart was hammering in her chest, which was heaving up and down rapidly as she tried to gulp in the crisp air. Surely, if she inhaled enough air, it would clear her head of the montage replaying in her brain! She had just seen Beau pleasuring himself. Naomi swallowed hard. She had never seen a guy do that before… Sure, she’d seen a penis or two in biology, but this was clearly not the same.

“Naomi?!” Beau’s faint shout came from inside the locker room, and Naomi cleared her throat before yelling back toward the doorway.

“Uh… yeah?”

Beau suddenly appeared in the doorway, a navy towel hanging low on his waist and bare everywhere else. Oh my… “Geez, you scared me—”

“I had to pee.”

Beau blinked at her abrupt interruption.

“So…yeah, I left to…pee… Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”

Beau’s eyes scanned Naomi’s face then trailed down her body before goosebumps dotted his torso as a gust of wind blew through the entrance. “Oh, right… Well, I’ll get dressed and be out here in a jiffy.”

Beau vanished back into the locker room, and Naomi let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding.

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