The Quarterback's Biology Lesson - Book cover

The Quarterback's Biology Lesson

V.J. Villamayor

Chapter 2

Naomi usually caught the bus home, but today was different. Beau was giving her a ride since they were studying together at her place, so she didn’t bother to put her sweater back on. On the way, Naomi ordered a pizza—pepperoni, naturally—for delivery. The pizza place was swamped and apologized for any potential delays, but Naomi and Beau didn’t mind.

Beau was no stranger to Naomi’s apartment, having studied there with her on multiple occasions. As soon as they stepped inside, he dropped his bag on the floor and flopped onto the couch, burying his face in one of her throw pillows.

“Make yourself at home,” Naomi said, rolling her eyes.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Beau’s mouth. “Your place is just so cozy. It’s like you. Small, warm, welcoming, good to look at…cozy!”

Naomi was placing a couple of glasses of lemonade on the coffee table when she shot him a sideways glance. “Good to look at?” She scoffed, not quite believing him. She sat cross-legged on the floor in front of him, booting up her laptop and arranging her textbooks and notes so Beau could see them too.

“You know you’re good-looking, Naomi. Don’t play coy.”

Naomi blushed. She didn’t know why her cheeks were turning into a heat map over the past couple of hours, but she was hyper-aware of Beau ever since their time on the field earlier. She cleared her throat and leaned back against the couch.

Beau rolled to his side, bringing him closer to her, and Naomi felt the light brush of his warm breath across the back of her neck. “You know that, right?” Beau pressed on.

Naomi was glad she hadn’t put on her baggy sweater, because the room was warm, and getting warmer. Beau’s voice was relaxed, deep, and husky. It was almost as if she could feel the vibrations of his voice tickling the damp skin of her nape.

“Well, I know I’m no gremlin.”

Naomi’s laugh was only half-hearted, but the her squeak of surprise was genuine when Beau threw a heavy arm over her shoulder and pulled her back into an awkward half-hug.

“You’re definitely no gremlin, Naomi.”

“I…uh…I didn’t realize you were a hugger, Beau.”

“Naomi, I had my hands between your legs just this afternoon. I think a hug between friends is less invasive.”

And that did it. She was wet. She was wet, hot, and between the warm heat of his body and his gravelly voice, she was basically putty in his hands. “You can’t say things like that, Beau! That sounds so much more crude than it actually was!”

Another bodily shift behind her and Beau tightened his half-hug while he maneuvered his head to rest against her shoulder. “Crude, huh? That’s just friendly touch. Part of the game and all.”

Holy moly… Naomi felt like she was about to explode. She felt like Beau was practically curled around her and the heat emanating from him was almost suffocating. Yet, she didn’t want him to let go or move away.

“Unless…this is bothering you?” he continued.

Naomi turned to look at him, any air that was left in her lungs left in a silent rush when she realized he was a hair’s breadth away. Forget the heat she was soaking in from him; she was breathing in his air. The sounds of the street outside slowly faded, and all she could hear were their heavy breaths. All she could smell was the mint he’d eaten in the car and the faint smell of his body wash. All she could feel and see was him.

Beau’s voice was deeper than usual when he whispered once more,. “Is this bothering you, Naomi?”

His eyes slowly roamed down to her lips and she could almost feel his light touch graze across them. His thumb stroked her shoulder sending rivers of goosebumps across her heated flesh and she felt her mind scatter. What was he saying? She couldn’t concentrate. Couldn’t focus.

“Umm…what?” Naomi was dizzy, almost drunk on theis moment they were in.

Beau tightened his grip around her shoulders and brought his forehead to hers. “Is me being this close bothering you?”

“I don’t know…,” Naomi breathed. How was he expecting her to answer rationally? Her laptop currently had more brain cells working than she did. Despite her answer, she tilted her head to run the tip of her nose across his in a gentle stroke.

“Do you want me to move away?”

Naomi was no longer paying attention. Her eyes had slid closed, and she was lost in his scent and body heat. Her nose skimmed across his cheekbone and down his jawline, stopping just below the hollow of his ear. Her eyes lazily opened, and she could see his racing pulse beating wildly below the skin. Was she doing this to him? This was Beau… He was a quarterback and charming as hell with everyone. There were so many more pretty girls he hung out with and yet there was proof, barely inches away from her face, that he was as affected by her as she was by him.

“Do you know what tachycardia is, Beau?” Naomi whispered in his ear.

“Wh-what?” Beau roughly whispered in response. She didn’t blame him for his surprise atbeing surprised by her sudden change in topic.

“Tachycardia is a medical term for a heart rate over one hundred beats per minute.”

“Okay? I don’t really understa… Naomi…what—”

“Let me count your heart rate,” Naomi almost purred into his ear. She leaned forward and gently placed her lips against the racing pulse at his neck. She didn’t miss the quick, short breaths coming from him as she refocused herself by counting his heartbeats with her lips. Beau’s fingers tightened into her shoulder and he was gasping almost like he’d completed a play on the field.

As the minute ticked by, Naomi couldn’t help parting her lips slightly, her tongue easing out. Just a little taste, she told herself. It was like she couldn’t help herself. She allowed her tongue to flick between her lips and a strangled sound came from Beau once more.

Finally, Naomi’s lips let go. “Definitely tachycardia.”

Her eyes connected with Beau’s and found them dilated, dark, and completely focused on her.

“Teach me something else…” He breathed heavily.

“Your pupils are dilated,” she whispered. “Pupils dilate to allow more light into the eye. It can be caused by many things…”

“Such as…?”

“Bright lights, drugs, emotions…”

Beau’s eyes dropped down to Naomi’s lips again. “Emotions like…?”


Beau’s hand was starting to drop down, sliding across the skin of her arm. “I don’t feel that…”


He reached above her elbow at the edge of the couch and began to trail around to the front. “Definitely feel some…excitement.” He gulped.

“And…arousal…” Naomi’s breathing hitched when his hand came around and his thumb grazed around the heavy swell of her breast. Her nipples were no match for the humble bralette she wore under her singlet. They peaked forward, hard and aching for attention. A low moan, so soft, came from Beau that if Naomi hadn’t been directly in front of him she wouldn’t have heard it.

“Definitely.,” Beau gulped again. “Definitely feeling aroused.”

It was like he was on uncharted grounds. He was moving at such a tender gentle pace that Naomi felt like throwing herself at him just so she could feel him on her. She had never felt so wound up; her arousal was stretched so taut she could snap at any given moment.

Beau’s thumb slipped over her nipple, feeling, playing, teasing. As he continued, Naomi’s eyes fell shut and her head fell back to the couch against Beau’s chest, giving him a better view of what he was doing to her.

“Talk to me, Naomi. What else happens to your body when you’re aroused?” He palmed her breast; it was not too small and not too big, and it fit perfectly in his hand.

“I…I can’t think…!” Naomi was gone. She could not even think anymore, ,caught entirely lost in the feelings of his touch.

“I know your tight nipples go hard,” Beau groaned. “I know your voice sounds sultry as fuck.” He brushed the spaghetti strap of her singlet down, baring her shoulder, and did the same on the other side. “I know your breathing hitches and shortens, like you’re out of breath.”

He was moving behind her now, changing his position. He dropped a lingering kiss to her shoulder, then her neck, and sucked—hard. Naomi cried out in surprise and arousal. Why did that send zings of tingles straight to her core?

“Beau…,” Naomi moaned.

Beau abruptly guided Naomi to sit on the couch in front of him. With both of them leaning back against the plush cushions, he gently lowered the top of her tank top and bralette. A groan escaped his lips as he cupped her breast, his hips instinctively pressing forward against her.

Naomi was acutely aware of his arousal. She questioned asked herself why she wasn’t putting a stop to this. They had a solid, albeit unexpected, friendship. Sure, he was handsome and she was attracted to him, but was she willing to risk their bond?

His mouth was now on her neck, and he was, lost in his own pleasure, his hand caressing her full breasts while his other hand traced the curve of her waist and the edge of her sweatpants.

“Are you wet, Naomi?” His voice was a blend of rough and sweet, a masculine purr. If she wasn’t already aroused, which would be a blatant lie, his words alone would have her soaked.

“Maybe…,” Naomi murmured. Maybe it was okay to give in. She wanted this. Why was she resisting?


“Why don’t you…find out yourself?” Naomi felt a rush of liberation. She felt desirable and sensual. She was incredibly turned on, and she couldn’t care less about the potential fallout.

Beau groaned behind her, almost painfully, and pressed his hips against her again. His thick, hard cock throbbed against her butt. “Fuck…can I?”

Naomi’s head rested against Beau’s shoulder and with her eager nod, he nipped at the same spot on her neck that she had licked him at, just below the ear. The room was heavy with sexual tension, and she was nearly panting, her bare breasts rising and falling with each labored breath. Beau’s hand slipped under the waistband of her sweatpants and panties, and across her aching pussy.

“You’re. So. Fucking. Wet.”


Beau traced her slick clit, his lips finding and sucking her neck again.

“Ohh, yesss…!”

He moved his fingers faster and harder, his other arm holding her hips down when all she wanted to do was arch up to seek something, anything from him that her body was craving, yearning for! His fingers slid down and circled her entrance, dipping slightly before plunging in. A choked cry escaped her, and yet he still held her down against him as he steadily increased the pace of his fingers. They pounded, stroked, and circled within her, and with one more stroke and a hard suck on her neck, Naomi exploded!

Black spots danced in her vision, her breath caught between a strangled scream and a gasp; she hadn’t even realized her hands were tangled in Beau’s hair behind her. Beau didn’t stop, though he did slow his fingers, almost as though he was rewinding until he eased out of her and circled her clit once more.

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