Decisions of Desire: Fiction or Fantasy - Book cover

Decisions of Desire: Fiction or Fantasy

Skyla Rae

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Harper always dreamed of being the heroine in a romance novel, and her fantasy blurs with reality when her own novel is adapted into a film. Upon meeting Walker, the man of her dreams, she quickly realizes the addictive nature of desire—irresistible and consuming. Walker, with his wealth, success, and charm, has always been able to get what he wants, but meeting Harper challenges his notions of passion and longing.

As their connection deepens, both must navigate their evolving feelings. Will Harper and Walker's story be a fleeting fantasy or a lasting romance?

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22 Chapters

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Chapter 1

Chapter 3

Chapter 2

Chapter 4

Chapter 3
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Book 1: Fiction or Fantasy


Fiction is literature that portrays invented events and characters. Fantasy is the act of imagining, particularly those things that are impossible or unlikely. People say there is a fine line between fiction and reality. Then does that mean there is a fine line between fiction and fantasy? Or even fantasy and reality?

Metal crashed onto the concrete, jolting me from my thoughts. I glanced up from my laptop at the crew rushing toward the set. Part of a lighting rig was crumpled on the floor just outside the fake break room of a bar.

It was still hard to believe I was really here.

“What the hell happened?” Removing her headphones, Kelli jumped off the director’s chair. She checked that the actors were okay and then talked with one of the set heads.

I had been in disbelief when my agent called about someone wanting to adapt my book into a film. Was there a chance that my fiction could turn into reality?

I watched in awe at the unfolding chaos around me. Makeup artists hurried to touch up the key actors. Not that there was much to touch up. Asher and Lily were already flawless in their everyday lives. They were in great shape, good-looking, and captivating. It was one of the main reasons they were perfect for the roles as my main couple.

What happens when the lines between my stories and my life become blurred?

Writing and reading had always been what took me away from my everyday life, from reality. It allowed me to capture the worlds and characters I could only dream of.

Will my dreams and desires materialize into my reality?

On set, the costume coordinator helped readjust Lily’s clothing, or lack thereof, for that matter. They were shooting one of the many steamy sex scenes in the movie. I had no idea why, but Kelli insisted on having me there to get my opinion. I found it hilarious.

Was I the one who wrote the story? Sure.

Had I ever had a sexual experience like the one being filmed? Definitely not.

But that was the purpose behind these stories. It was a way to immerse myself in a world I wouldn’t normally encounter.

Wasn’t it?

“All right, everyone. Let’s try this again. Asher and Lily, back in your positions, please,” Kelli yelled as she walked back and stood next to me before continuing with the scene. She leaned over to me and asked, “So, what do you think?”

This particular scene took place in the back seat of a car in my book. However, the studio believed filming it that way would be too difficult. Now, the setting was the break room of a bar.

If I was honest, there wasn’t a huge difference between my story and this one. Mine started in the break room and then moved to the car scene. Plus, what was I going to do? Argue with the people who were paying to make this happen?

“I think it’s shaping up to be great!” I said.

Kelli smiled and nodded before getting back in her chair.

“Here, Harper.” She handed me a set of headphones. “Come listen.”

I eagerly snatched them up and put them on. I had never listened and watched through the screen until now. The little preview of what would be on the silver screen was exhilarating.

Lily, or should I say Tessa, sat on a countertop. Asher played Wyatt, who leaned toward her, encircling her with his arms. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open. Wyatt playfully brushed his lips against hers.

“Tessa,” he whispered her name before lightly licking her top lip.

He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. She slid toward the edge of the counter. With his body between her legs, she melted into him. He gripped her jaw before invading her mouth, kissing her with a passion and desire that made my knees weak.

He growled as he bit her lower lip. “I want you.”

She began to rock and rub herself against him. “Wyatt, please. I need you inside me.”

My skin became hot.

Am I blushing? What’s wrong with me? I wrote this, for fuck’s sake.

He yanked her shirt over her head and groaned at the sight. “Fuck, you’re so sexy.”

He tightly held onto her hips and forcefully pulled their bodies together. They both moaned as she began to grind against him again. He reached up and grabbed her neck. With a light grip on her throat, he pushed her back to observe their movements.

The image alone was all it took to turn me on. I embarrassingly clutched my thighs together and resisted the urge to look around and see if he was on set today.

Desire is described as a compelling feeling of wanting or wishing for a specific outcome. I was always writing about it, but I had never actually experienced it. At the start of all this, I wouldn’t have believed it was even possible for me.

People say there was nothing quite like the intoxicating high of desire. That once you got a taste, it was impossible to give it up. I never understood that.

Until I met him.

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