Avenge - Book cover


R.L. Burchett

Chapter 3


My parents were shocked when I got up the next morning. My mom fretted about how to change my hair back before the other packs arrived.

It seemed important that my wolf’s nature was kept secret for now, but neither would tell me why. We found a temporary dye that managed to cover the dark color, but it only turned the bold red streaks to a pale pink.

I came down to breakfast in a simple dress, sitting as my mom placed another tray laden with a breakfast feast on the table.

“I want you both to eat up. We’re meeting with the alpha and luna of the Black Rose Pack in a few hours,” she said, hurrying back to the kitchen.

I nodded, piling my plate high with eggs and bacon.

“Maybe you’ll finally meet your mate today, princess,” my father whispered.

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t deny the excited flutter in my chest. We continued eating in comfortable silence.

The doorbell rang as I was walking the dishes to the kitchen, and I felt Aella stirring inside of me. The low murmur of voices in the living room caught my attention, but it was the scent that made me drop the glass in my hand.

I breathed in the aroma of chocolate and coffee—a heavenly combination that sent my senses reeling. My mother’s concerned voice broke through my daze.

“Ciana, are you all right?”

“The smell,” I replied, sniffing deeply.

“Oh boy,” she said as my feet took off toward the source of the scent.

She followed behind me.

The voices grew louder as I got closer, and when I turned the corner into the living room, I found the alpha and luna of the Black Rose Pack sitting on our sofa, their two sons standing off to the side.

The delightful aroma was coming from one of the young men. He towered over me at six feet tall, his dark T-shirt and jeans hugging his muscular frame. His hair was blond like mine used to be, but his eyes were a deep, forest green. When he looked at me, my heart skipped a beat.

“Mate,” we said in unison.

He flashed me a toothy smile, making me blush uncontrollably.

“Allow me to introduce my daughter, Ciana Anderson,” my father said, breaking the moment. “Ciana, this is Alpha and Luna Black of the Black Rose Pack.” He gestured to the couple sitting on the sofa.

“And these are their two sons,” he added, waving a hand at the two men. “This is their eldest son, Andrew, and their youngest son, Ethan.”

My heart fluttered at the sound of his name as he stepped forward and took my hand, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it.

“Pleasure to meet you, Ciana,” he said.

“Nice to meet you too,” I managed to say, unable to tear my gaze away from him.

“Our son, Ethan, is due to become the pack’s beta once Andrew takes over as alpha,” Luna Black said, smiling at her youngest.

A scowl flashed across Ethan’s face, gone as fast as it appeared. He smiled at his mother and older brother.

“That’s only if I don’t become part of Ciana’s pack. She does outrank me. Then I’d be alpha. Who would look out for this big lunk then?” he said, playfully shoving his brother on the shoulder.

“We have a meeting to attend, son,” Ethan’s father interrupted.

“I know, Dad,” he groaned. “Ciana, I have business to attend to. Perhaps we could get to know each other better this evening?” Ethan asked with a charming smile that sent shivers down my spine.

“Okay,” I replied, unable to stop smiling.

“See you later,” he said as he turned and walked away with his family.

My mother showed them to my father’s office, and my dad gave me an excited thumbs-up as he followed them. As the door closed, I let out a squeal of delight, mind-linking Jackson.

Get to the treehouse now!” I shouted as I rushed out the front door.


Jackson was waiting by the time I arrived.

“Ciana, what’s wrong?” he asked.

“I found my mate,” I said excitedly.

“WHAT!” Jackson exclaimed.

“Yeah, he’s the visiting alpha’s son. From the Black Rose Pack. They came to talk with my father. I smelled him and I just knew! He’s in Dad’s study with his family talking business, but he wants to see me later,” I explained.

“That’s odd. Most wolves can’t stand to be apart from their mates until they’ve claimed them, especially an alpha,” Jackson pointed out, but I brushed off his comment.

“Well, he’s not an alpha yet, so that’s probably why. Besides, I want to get to know him before we do all that mating stuff. Like my parents did.”

We sat in the treehouse talking about my future mate for over an hour when my father’s panicked voice suddenly echoed through our pack’s link.


“Oh shit. Dad sounds really mad,” I said to Jackson nervously. “How long have we been gone?”

“Not that long. He’s just your typical overprotective father. Come on, we’ll head back. It can’t be that bad,” Jackson reassured me with a chuckle.

I linked to my dad to tell him we were on our way, but he didn’t respond. My brow furrowed. He always responded, even if he was mad.

A knot twisted in the pit of my stomach, warning me that something was amiss. Even my wolf could sense the unease in the air and bristled with tension.

The walk back was tense and quiet. Even Jackson seemed to feel uneasy.

As we approached the path to the pack’s land, I saw something out of the corner of my eye, heading in the opposite direction, but when I turned to look, nothing was there. I froze, feeling the urge to turn and follow whatever it was, but I didn’t. I heard a faint voice call out.

Turn back.

I didn’t recognize the voice, but it sent a chill running down my spine.

“Ci-Ci, something wrong?” Jackson asked.

“Jackson, go back to the treehouse. I have a bad feeling,” I whispered urgently to him.

“What? Why?” he questioned, looking at me with concern.

“Please, just trust me. When everything is okay, I’ll link you,” I pleaded.

“Okay, Ci,” he agreed before turning and quickly running back toward the safety of our hidden treehouse.

I continued on toward our pack house—the worried feeling in my stomach growing with each step.

“Please let everything be okay,” I prayed as I approached.

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