Yes, Mr Knight - Book cover

Yes, Mr Knight

Natalie Roche

Under the Mistletoe


“Wow,” Mason looked me up and down, a perfect smile on his lips.

I blushed so hard that my face was probably as red as that stupid dress.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him. I crossed my arms in front of me, trying to hide how revealing the dress was, but all that did was push my boobs together even more. Mason just stared right at them, unashamed.

“What, I can’t be here?” he challenged.

“In a women’s dress store, by yourself?” I took off the stupid Santa hat. “Kind of suspicious.”

“I’m not alone.” He nodded towards another closed curtain. “She’s changing.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “I see.”

Mason shrugged, stepping closer. His massive frame loomed over me, and I felt so exposed in my skimpy Christmas dress.

“You look amazing,” he said, his voice deep like the rumble of thunder.

A shiver of pleasure ran down my spine, but I tried my best not to show it. “This dress isn’t for you.”

“Who said it was?” Mason’s eyes glinted with mischief. “But if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you picked it out just for me.”

“As if!” Before I could tell him off further, the rattle of curtains opened, and a bombshell brunette walked out wearing the tightest dress I’d ever seen. Mason glanced at her and smiled, turning to leave without another word. Before they disappeared around the corner he shot me one final glance and winked.

Arrogant jerk.

But I noticed something strange. Mason was usually always with hot blondes, but this girl was a brunette? I frowned. What was up with that? And why did I care?

“Oh my gosh, that’s the one!” I turned to find Carmen squealing with approval, a few other dresses draped over her arm. She stopped short when she noticed my expression. “Oh, it’s not that bad. Did something happen?”

I sighed and caught a glimpse of Mason’s broad shoulders as he left the shop.

“Nothing. Nothing at all.”


I walked into Knight & Son feeling...still uncomfortable.

In the end I’d begged Carmen not to make me wear the costume and she’d lent me a red dress, which showed more cleavage than I’d realized.

She had pouted about it, of course, but she won either way because I still looked like a slut.

Harry had gone all out with decorations, catering, and a drinks table.

The music was loud and things were pretty wild—exactly the reason I hated things like this. Reminded me of being in a nightclub, and I really hate nightclubs.

“Jamie! You came!”

Harry walked toward me with his coat over his arm. “I didn’t think you would.”

I smiled. “I changed my mind. You look very festive, Harry.”

His shirt was red under his black suit. He also had a Santa Claus hat on his head and some tinsel around his neck.

He chuckled. “The girls did that to me, they’re quite persistent. I was just leaving for the night, actually.”

“Oh.” That was a real shame, as he was literally the only person here that I liked. “Already?”

“I’ve been here for a couple of hours, and I’m too old to party. You look stunning, go enjoy yourself.”

I smiled. “Okay!”

I’ll last an hour and then I’ll leave.

I’m sure I stand out like a sore thumb, and not in a good way—more like an awkward way.

“I left a little something on your desk, just a happy-holiday gift.” He leaned in and whispered, “Enjoy your night, darling.”

Harry left, and I was alone with people I didn’t really know, some of whom I didn’t like.

I guess when you don’t really make conversation with the people you work with, you don’t really get to know them.

I walked through the crowd of coworkers dancing and having a good time, and grabbed a tall glass of red at the bar just to loosen myself up.

Lord knows I need it if I’m going to stay awhile.

“Oh, you came!”

I turned around and there she was.

Tall, blonde, humongous fake tits.

Be polite, Jamie! ~Be the nice girl your parents raised you to be.~

I smiled. “Jen! Hi!”

“You must have decided to come last minute, you don’t look very festive.”

She looked me up and down, showing how much she disapproved of my outfit.

“Nice to see you showing a bit more skin than usual.”

“Um, thanks…I guess.” I looked away, feeling a bit awkward.

“I spent the whole day at the salon preparing for tonight. Nails, hair, makeup.” She moved her hands down her skinny frame.

“Good for you.” I knew it was weak, but I didn’t quite know how to behave around her. I didn’t know what our relationship was.

I drank the last of my wine and was ready to leave. I’d lasted almost an hour and that was long enough for me.

It was still early; I could meet Carmen and Ethan for drinks at Lacey’s.

I walked through the crowd when I remembered the present Harry had left on my desk.

I didn’t want to leave it behind, so I walked toward the elevator where security were standing by the doors.

“No one allowed up, miss.” The man in the fitted black suit was standing looking sharp.

Damn, the night-shift security are so cute and well-attired.

“Harr—I mean, Mr. Knight left something on my desk. He said I could go up and get it before I leave. I’m his assistant.”

He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

“Well, why don’t you give him a call and he’ll tell you? I’ll literally be up and back in five minutes, you can even mind my bag. It has everything: credit card, money, phone, makeup—”

He sighed. “All right, go ahead. Five minutes or I’ll be coming after you.”

He pressed the button for the elevator, and the doors opened.

I stepped inside, turned around, and smiled at him. “Thank you.”

When the elevator doors opened again, I walked toward my desk, enjoying the quiet from all the music and noise.

Just like Harry had said, there was a small gift bag on my desk, looking pretty.

I don’t really like taking gifts from anyone, but since it was Harry, I didn’t want to say no.

I looked in the bag and pulled out an adorable small box.

I opened it up and saw a very expensive-looking pearl bracelet.

It was gorgeous, of course, and it was too much. I would feel bad taking this from him.

“You didn’t wear the costume.”

I heard Mason’s voice.

I snapped the box shut and turned around.

He was sitting behind his desk in his office, door open, looking straight at me.

How did I not notice he was there?

“Mr. Knight! I didn’t see you there.” My words came out a bit panicked.

Mason got up from his chair and walked toward the door. “By the look on your face, I gave you a fright.”

I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear nervously. “I didn’t know anyone was up here.”

“Then why are you here? I told security not to let anyone up.”

“I, er, asked nicely. Your father left something on my desk, and I came up to get it.” I placed the cute box back in its bag.

“A gift? That’s a first for an employee. He must like you.”

“Well, he is a nice man, and I like working for him. But this is too much. I plan to give it back.”

I worried what he thought of me. I didn’t want him to think I was the greedy type.

“Don’t do that. He wouldn’t have given it to you if you didn’t deserve it.” He stood with his hands in the pockets of his pants. “So what happened to that costume I saw you in?”

I folded my arms as a barrier between him and me. “I decided not to wear it.”

He sighed. “Shame.”

Was this his way of hitting on me?

I was determined not to allow him to use me like he did everyone else. His good looks wouldn’t get him anywhere with me.

He was looking at me again, up and down, head to toe, with those brown eyes of his. Then he chuckled.

“You know I don’t care about Jen, don’t you?”

Of course he doesn’t. I’m sure it’s someone else by now. A woman every hour.

I was surprised there wasn’t a woman half-naked in his office now.

I avoided the question. “I...thought you would have been at the party.”

He sighed again. “Were you looking for me? I don’t really do Christmas. Haven’t done so in years.”

Well, it was a party, and I’d heard the man liked to party. I’d figured the whole thing was his idea in the first place.

I wonder why he doesn’t do Christmas?

“What are you thinking?”

“Er...that I should go, actually. It’s getting late and I’m meeting my friends for drinks.”

I snatched up the gift bag.

“Ditching the office Christmas party.” He clicked his tongue off the roof of his mouth. “You’re forgetting something.”

“What?” I asked. Being alone with him was making me nervous. I wanted to leave before he intimidated me more.

His eyes darted above us.


I looked up and saw the mistletoe indeed hanging over us, then at him.

“I thought you didn’t do Christmas?”

“You look good in red, Jamie. And mistletoe is the exception.”

Mason moved a bit closer, taking a gander at my sweetheart neckline.

“Mr. Knight.”

He placed his palm on my cheek, his fingers fanned out, his thumb caressing.

Then his face moved toward mine for a kiss I wasn’t expecting. A kiss I didn’t want.

But I found myself...allured. Unable to move.

His mouth got closer and I could smell the spices of rum. As he pressed his lips to mine, I could taste them too.

What the hell is going on?

Mr. Knight—my boss—was kissing me, and I was letting him.

And it wasn’t a kiss of tongue and passion. It was a pressing of lips—very soft lips, might I add.

No, Jamie! This is so wrong. You have to end this now.

“There you are, miss,” a voice called.

I pulled back with a fright, practically shaking in my red strappy heels.

I looked toward the security man as he walked closer.

“Five minutes, I know—”

“It’s all right, Gavin. Miss Harris is okay to be up here,” Mason said.

Gavin nodded. “Right. Sorry to disturb you both.”

Hold on there, Gavin. I’m not another one of Mr. Knight’s girls. I’m not staying here to do God only knows what.

Imagine the filthy things he’s into…

I knew it was only a kiss under the mistletoe, but I had a feeling he wanted more from me.

I looked at Mason, who stood cool and collected in his expensive workwear.

“I should really get going, I’m meeting my friends.”

“I can give you a ride. You shouldn’t be out this late all alone.”

“That’s all right, I’ll be fine.” I was completely mortified that I had let him kiss me. “Good night, Mr. Knight.”

I turned and walked toward the elevator.

Come Monday morning I knew he would have no professional respect for me whatsoever. That was gone the second he’d kissed me.

Bad move, Jamie. Bad fucking move.

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