I Didn't Belong to You 3: It Didn't Matter To Me - Book cover

I Didn't Belong to You 3: It Didn't Matter To Me

Elfy G

Chapter 3


A month passed, and I didn’t hear anything from Michael. I tried to fight against it, but deep down, I missed him more than I should.

I knew how to pick them.

First it was Finn, and now Michael.

Kristen, Jamie, and I were at a restaurant, drinking some coffee as we waited for Juliet to join us. Knowing Juliet, she would drink tea.

I had felt bad after I learned what had happened to her. Instead of sleeping with Michael, I should have been there for her.

On a positive note, Travis and Juliet had decided to move in together. I was happy for her.

I looked at my friends around the table. They all had happy lives that they shared with someone. I decided to put on my fake smile so they wouldn’t notice how I felt like I was crumbling.

“Look, girls. Look who’s finally made it.” Jamie pointed at Juliet, who was walking toward us.

Kristen stood up from her seat to greet Juliet. “Finally. At least you didn’t cancel on us tonight.”

I have to act normal so Juliet won’t suspect anything.

I was making a big deal out of nothing. Never in the past had I shown an interest in her brother. So why would she suspect anything now?

Take a breath, and let’s do this, I told myself.

“So, Travis has finally decided to share you with the world.” I wiggled my eyebrows, teasing her.

She chuckled at my words.

“So, is he good in bed?” Kristen was curious to know.

Good question.

Jamie gasped. “Kristen!”

“What?” I added. “He’s slept with all those women—ouch!” I stared at Jamie. “Jamie! Why did you kick me?” Then I realized what I had said.

I looked at Juliet. “I’m sorry, Juliet. I don’t know why I said that.”

Way to go, Lauren. I scowled at myself.

Juliet waved her hand. “It’s okay, Lauren. We all know Travis’s past. As for how he is in bed… Well, I don’t kiss and tell.” She cleared her throat. “So, Kristen, how’s your pregnancy?”

“You’re no fun,” I complained.

Juliet scoffed. “When you have a boyfriend, we can talk about your sex life.”

Her words knocked the air straight out of my lungs.

That would be so wrong on so many levels, I thought as images from last month flashed before my eyes.

Michael lay on top of me, placing his hands on my knees and spreading my legs wider before positioning himself between them. While one of his hands slid up my thigh, I could feel his huge member pulsating with desire.

“Ahh!” I moaned, feeling him enter me.

He’s so big. Fuck!

My whole body felt alive as desire pulsed within me with each thrust. He bent down to capture one of my erect nipples in his mouth as he kept pounding into me.

Releasing my nipple, he placed his arms on either side of my head. “Do you love this, Rain? Do you love having me fuck you?”

He pulled out of me completely before pushing back inside my folds…

Yes, I loved it when he fucked me, and that was the problem.

Kristen coughed. “Yesterday, Will and I found out the baby’s gender.” She had a big smile on her face and was glowing with happiness. “We are having a boy.”

I was not a lesbian, but I could kiss her right now for changing the topic.

“Congratulations!” Juliet got up from her seat and kissed Kristen on the cheek. “I’m so happy for you both.”

I tapped one finger against my lower lip. “Since Kristen is my cousin, he’s going to be my first cousin once removed.”

Juliet shrugged. “I don’t care if I’m not related by blood; I’ll be an aunt as well.”

I was happy to be with the girls. It helped distract me from thinking about Michael.

Okay, that was a total lie because I couldn’t seem to get him out of my head.

It surprised me that Michael was affecting me more than Finn ever had, and that’s saying something since I had had a thing for Finn for so long before he married Jamie.

Oh boy, I had something in common with Finn now. He was married to his best friend’s little sister, and I had slept with my best friend’s little brother.

Juliet was texting someone on her phone. From the way she was smiling, we all knew who it was. With everything that had happened to her, it was a relief to know that Travis was taking care of her.

“Is that Travis? Tell him to leave you alone. No boys allowed.” Kristen smirked, looking at Juliet.

Juliet let out a chuckle. She typed one last thing before setting down her phone and rising to her feet. “If you’ll excuse me, ladies, I’m going to freshen up.”

“Wait for me. I’m going with you.” Jamie followed Juliet to the bathroom.

Now that I was alone with Kristen, I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore. I had to tell someone what had happened.

I let out a sigh. “Kristen, a month ago, I did something stupid. I slept with Michael, Juliet’s little brother.”

She widened her eyes. “What?”

“I slept with Michael,” I repeated.

“How? When? Where?” She was lost for words.

“A month ago, Michael came to my place. One thing led to another, and we did it. Juliet doesn’t know. She’ll flip out when she does.”

“You think? She practically raised him.” She shook her head.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I know, and I feel awful.”

She tilted her head to one side. “Do you have feelings for him?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. All I know is that I miss him.”

Kristen placed her hand over mine, giving it a squeeze.

“Tonight isn’t the time to talk about this. Juliet will come back any minute. Why don’t you come to my place, and we’ll talk about this more?”

I nodded. She was right. It would be better to talk about this another time.

“Is everything okay?” Kristen asked Juliet and Jamie as they returned from the bathroom.

Jamie smiled at her sister-in-law. “Don’t worry. I’m fine.”

I cleared my throat. I was dying to ask. “So, how’s your brother doing?” I asked Juliet.

Kristen gave me a look, while Juliet frowned at my question.

Shit. Me and my big mouth. I really should learn to keep it shut.

Juliet was still staring at me suspiciously. “Last time I heard, he was fine.”

“So, Jamie, when will it be your turn to have children?” Kristen distracted us with her question. “It would be so cute to see a little Finn running around.”

Thank you, cousin. I owe you big time.

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