Soul Sisters Book 2 - Book cover

Soul Sisters Book 2

S.L. Adams

Chapter 3


I gazed hungrily into those mesmerizing blue eyes, memories of being inside that delicate body flooding my brain, threatening to create an embarrassing situation in my pants.

“And we meet again,” Barney said, smiling at Mandy.

Mandy was the girl he was going on about?

My Mandy.

She’s not yours, buddy. Fucking her in a bar bathroom doesn’t grant you ownership.

“Uh, hello,” she stuttered, smiling weakly at my nephew.

“How do you know Barney?” Vada asked, watching the scene unfold with an amused smirk.

“We met earlier,” Mandy explained.

“Ohhh,” Vada laughed. “Now I understand why you disappeared for so long.”

I chose a chair that allowed me to stare at Mandy. Apparently Barney had the same idea, grabbing the seat next to me. I tried to read over the menu, but all I could think about was her.

Why was she on the cruise?

How did she know Vada?

Was she looking to find herself a harem?

Why else would a single girl come on this cruise? And you had to be invited.

Stop staring at her before someone notices.

Mandy was nothing like our late wife. Kim was a natural redhead, tall, big-boned, and outspoken as all hell.

The girl I fucked in the bar bathroom was tall as well, but that’s where the similarities ended.

Mandy had a thin build, and she was a natural blonde, with skin as white as the pearl onions nestled around the slab of beef on my plate.

I never saw her tits, or even felt them. That’s how much of a pig I was that night. I pushed up her skirt and yanked down her panties, delighted to find a soaking wet pussy waiting for me.

Whatever Mandy was lacking in the chest, she made up for with the pink beauty between her thighs.

And she was so fucking tight.

Oh, how I wanted to nail that pussy again.

But I didn’t get her number, or even her last name.

My brothers and I shared a wife for twenty-five years. Kim had only been gone eight months when I met Mandy.

There was no way we were ready for another relationship. And I had no interest in venturing out on my own.

I caught Vada staring at me with a knowing grin. I never gave Mandy my last name, so how the hell did Vada know about us? But clearly she did.

That girl couldn’t be trusted to keep her mouth shut. She was a lot like Kim. Vada said whatever popped into her brain. I would have to speak with her in private as soon as possible.


“I think I’m gonna head up to the hot tub,” Travis said, grabbing his swim shorts from his half-unpacked suitcase.

“You planning to finish unpacking at some point tonight?” Troy inquired.

“We’ll see,” he replied with a shrug.

We may have been triplets, and it may have been impossible for strangers to tell us apart, but our personalities were as different as they came.

Travis was laid-back. He didn’t get too excited about much. And he was a slob. Troy was a neat freak, which meant lots of clashes, especially when the three of us were sharing a ship cabin.

Our boys were old enough to have their own cabins, and my daughter was bunking with some girls from another family.

I definitely wasn’t laid-back. I had a temper. And I wasn’t the pig that Travis was, but I didn’t get all bent out of shape over shit like Troy was getting about the suitcase.

“You need to finish, so we can put the suitcase away,” Troy insisted. “We’re gonna be on this boat for sixteen days. There has to be some kind of organizational system in here.”

“This isn’t your kindergarten class,” Travis said.

“Or your arts and crafts room at home,” I added, not missing an opportunity to rib my brother about his feminine side.

I swear, that dude should’ve been born a woman. If I hadn’t seen his cock in action, I would’ve sworn he had a pussy between his legs.

But when it came time to make love to our wife, his manly side came out.

Kim loved to fuck. She was an insatiable woman. It was a good thing she had three husbands to keep her satisfied.

I blinked back tears, like I always did when I thought about her. But she wouldn’t want us to cry and wallow in our grief.

It’s time to move on, boys. Find yourself some pussy, and make some other woman as happy as you made me.

“Are you guys coming to the hot tub?” Travis asked.

“I promised Stephanie I would go with her to a musical tonight,” Troy said. “It starts in thirty minutes.”

“I think I’ll pass,” I said. “I wanna go for a walk and explore the ship.”

“Suit yourself,” he said.

I overheard Vada and Mandy making plans to go to a nightclub. My ship exploration would start there. I flipped on the television, bringing up the map of the ship.

“Fucking hell,” I muttered.

There were three different nightclubs. And they weren’t close together.

I lucked out, finding their group in the first one I checked. And Barney was there, his hands all over Mandy while they danced to a slow song.

I loved my nephew. He was like a son to me. But that didn’t mean I wanted him anywhere near Mandy. Barney was only interested in one thing.

I spotted Vada standing alone by the bar.

“Well, well, well,” she drawled when she spotted me walking toward her. “Look who showed up. Why am I not surprised?”

“I need you to keep this under wraps, Vada,” I requested.

“Keep what under wraps?” she asked with feigned confusion.

“You know exactly what,” I sighed.

“Been in any bar bathrooms lately, Tyler?”

“Very funny.”

“I won’t say a word.”

“Thank you.”

“They’re really hitting it off,” she said as we watched Barney and Mandy dancing.

“Barney’s not looking for a relationship,” I said, “just a warm place to put his dick.”

“Nothing wrong with that,” she laughed.

“What’s her story?”

“You mean you didn’t exchange life stories before you fucked?”

“It was only supposed to be a one-time thing.”

“Since you didn’t exchange numbers or last names, I guess you met your goal.”

“Why is she here, Vada?” I demanded.

“I invited her.”


“Because she’s going through a rough patch, and she met the requirements to come as a single woman. So I gave her the ticket.”

“What happened to her?”

“She lost her job, Tyler.”

“At the underwear store?”


“How come?”

“Because of you.”


“Her boss saw her flirting with you on the security tape.”

“And she fired her?”


“That’s bullshit!” I barked.

“Sure is,” she agreed.

“I feel terrible.”

“I hear you’re packing quite a large pork sword,” she whispered.

“Excuse me?”

“Mandy was limping the day after you fucked her. She said you were well-hung.”

“That’s, um, interesting,” I chuckled.

“I think so.”

“Listen, can you do me a solid, Vada?”

“Maybe,” she said with a sly grin. “Depends what it is.”

“Can you give me Mandy’s cabin number?”

“I don’t know, Tyler,” she sighed, pursing her lips. “What do you want it for?”

“I just want to talk to her.”

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt. She’s in 1002.”

“Thank you, Vada. I owe you one.”


I stepped off the elevator on deck ten and headed to the port side. The corridor was empty as I made my way to the far end.

What if Barney was in there with her?

What if she wouldn’t let me in?

I took a deep breath before raising my hand and knocking lightly on her cabin door. Footsteps sounded on the other side. She opened the door slowly, a mixture of shock and uncertainty on her face.

“What can I do for you, Tyler?” she asked. “Or I assume you’re Tyler. Your brothers would have no reason to come to my door.”

“Yes, it’s me. I was wondering if we could talk.”

“Uh, sure. I guess.” She opened the door the rest of the way, allowing me to enter.

“Were you in bed?” I asked, my eyes roaming over her attire. She was dressed in a pink hoodie and plaid pajama pants. My eyes flicked to the bed. The covers were pulled back.

“Yeah, but I wasn’t sleeping.”

“I’m sorry.”

“What did you want to talk to me about?”

I rubbed the back of my head. “I’m not sure,” I admitted.


“This is really awkward,” I said with a nervous chuckle.

“Kind of,” she agreed.

“What’s going on between you and Barney?”

“Nothing. We’re just hanging out.”

“Knowing Barney, he’s hoping to get laid.”

“Aren’t all men hoping for that?”


“Okay then,” she snorted.

“I’m sorry you lost your job because of me.”

She narrowed her eyes, frowning as she folded her arms over her chest. “Did Vada tell you that?”


“I bet she gave you my cabin number too, didn’t she?”

“She didn’t give it up easily.”

“Yeah right,” she sighed.

“Are you okay, Mandy?”


“Have you found another job?”


“Maybe I can help you find something when we get back to Miami.”

“I don’t want or need your charity,” she snapped. “I get enough of that from Vada.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“You didn’t.”

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you after that night,” I whispered.


“Why do you seem surprised by that?”

“I didn’t think I was that memorable.”

“You were definitely memorable,” I rasped.

“As were you,” she admitted softly.

“I kinda feel bad, though.”

“About what?”

“I fucked you on a counter in a public washroom.”

“I enjoyed it.”

“It was a quickie. I could’ve done so much better if I had more time. And a bed.” I glanced over her shoulder at the bed before pinning her with a hungry stare.

She swallowed noisily, her tongue darting out to moisten her luscious lips.

I stepped forward, reaching for her tiny waist before I pulled her into my arms, claiming her mouth with a bruising kiss.

…A deep, demanding kiss that left little room for doubt about where this was headed.

“Do you want me to stop?” I whispered.


“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure,” she panted. “I want you to take me to bed, Tyler.”

I covered her mouth, my tongue plunging past her lips while my fingers found her hoodie zipper and slid it down to reveal a tiny tank top underneath, her nipples poking through the thin material.

She moaned hungrily into my mouth, our tongues tangling as I slid the sweater down her arms. I pushed the tank top up and over her head, revealing an exquisite set of small breasts.

“You’re beautiful,” I murmured.

“They’re too small,” she said, chewing on her lower lip while I gazed at her tits.

“They’re perfect for your body, honey.”

She gazed up at me, heat burning through the lingering vulnerability in her eyes as she pushed my T-shirt up, her delicate fingers roaming over my abs.

I yanked the shirt over my head, walking her backward to the end of the bed while I devoured her mouth with another round of scorching kisses.

I pushed her pants over her hips, surprised to find she wasn’t wearing any panties.

“You’re a naughty girl,” I whispered, grazing her neck with my lips and teeth.

“I can be,” she agreed, reaching for my belt buckle.

She slipped her hand inside my shorts, stroking my rigid shaft through my boxers.

A feral groan escaped, originating from deep in my throat while I fought the urge to throw her down and slam my dick inside her. That wasn’t how I wanted this to go.

I nudged her onto her back, shoving my shorts down before I climbed on top of her with just my boxers between my throbbing cock and her sweet, sweet pussy.

She thrashed around, grinding her hips against me while I rubbed my cock between her legs.

I lowered my head to her breasts, licking and sucking both of her pert, pink nipples, her moans of pleasure filling the cabin.

It occurred to me that the walls were very thin on cruise ships, but I was beyond the point of caring. I was dying to get a taste of her pussy.

I trailed a path of light kisses over her flat tummy, pushing her knees wide apart with my shoulders.

Mandy had a beautiful pussy. I didn’t really get a good look at it the last time. She kept a neat little triangle of light blonde hair on her mound, with tiny heart tattoos on either side.

I hadn’t known what the hearts represented the first time I saw them. But I looked it up the next day. The pink, purple, and blue were a symbol of bisexuality.

And now that I knew Mandy and Vada were friends, the pieces were falling into place.

Vada was quite open about her bisexuality. It was a sore spot with Evan. But she took her vows with three men, so I assumed that meant she’d given up that part of her life.

“What are you doing?” Mandy asked with a nervous laugh.

“Looking at you,” I murmured, glancing up at her.

“I feel like I’m at the gynecologist or something.”

“What?!” I laughed, a wild roar erupting from deep in my chest.

A shy smile spread across her face, followed by a stream of girlish giggles. “Sorry,” she snorted. “I’m such a loser.”

I ran my finger between her puffy lips, coating it in her juices before bringing it up to my lips. “Mm, delicious. Does your gynecologist do that?”


“That’s good.”

I lowered my head, parting her delicate folds with my tongue. She tasted like pineapple. Sweet and refreshing. The two Bahama Mamas she downed at dinner probably had something to do with that.

I happened to love pineapple, so much so that we opened a pineapple-themed restaurant on the island where we lived.

And we grew the pineapples on our property. Everything in the café was made with fresh pineapple from our garden.

Mandy’s pussy was exquisite. Her swollen clit emerged from her warm flesh, a throbbing beacon signaling that I’d grazed long enough. The owner of this heavenly meadow needed to cum.

I circled her tiny pearl, teasing it with light strokes while she squirmed around underneath me. Her knees trembled, her back arching as both of her hands grasped the sheet.

I lapped at the sweet nectar of her arousal before delving into her tiny opening.

She grabbed the back of my head, her fingers digging into my scalp while I fucked her with my tongue.

I brought my hand to her hip and held her still when I licked up her slit to rub her clit with the rough tip of my tongue before I sucked it hard.

She released a strangled cry, her body vibrating with a powerful orgasm while her juices flowed from her slit. I pushed two fingers inside her, wondering how I ever fit my dick in that tight space.

Mandy was so tiny and delicate. And there was nothing tiny and delicate about me. I was a big guy, from head to toe, and everything in between.


I wiped my face on the sheet and grabbed a condom from my pants pocket.

The day I met Mandy, I purchased my first box of condoms in twenty-five years. I wasn’t planning to hook up on the cruise, but I brought them just in case.

I sheathed myself before kissing up her belly, stopping to feast on her nipples as I braced myself over her. She gazed up at me, her crystal-blue eyes shimmering in the dim glow of the bedside lamp.

Mandy’s eyes were the first thing I’d noticed about her the day I met her at the lingerie store. They were absolutely gorgeous. But so sad…deep oceans of unhappy emotions.






What happened to her?

I didn’t really know anything about her.

But I wanted to know.

I was drawn to this mysterious young woman.

I lowered my head, engaging her in a long, sweet kiss while I positioned myself between her legs.

She lifted her hips, a tiny whimper rolling off her chest when I slid my shaft inside her tight heat, stretching her open with my substantial girth.

“You feel so good,” I whispered, kissing across her jaw and down her neck while I moved in and out of her with slow, gentle thrusts.

She locked her thighs around my hips, rocking her pelvis against me. I picked up the pace, stroking hard and deep as our bodies slammed together.

“Harder!” she cried, her fingers digging into my ass. “I wanna be on top!”

“Sure thing, baby,” I grunted, flipping onto my back.

She climbed on top of me, impaling herself in one fluid motion. I watched in awe as my cock disappeared inside her body.

The vagina was an amazing thing. My dick was bigger than her wrist, but her hungry pussy swallowed it like it was nothing.

I braced my hands on her hips, driving deep while she bounced up and down on my cock. She grabbed her tits, tugging hard on her nipples, her eyes squeezed shut while she lost herself in the pleasure.

Reaching between her legs, I pinched her clit roughly, giving her exactly what she needed.

She released a short, shrill yelp, her body vibrating violently while her pussy tightened around my cock. I flipped her on her back again and dragged her to the edge of the bed.

She thrashed around, still in the throes of her orgasm when I spread her legs and hammered her with a series of fast, hard thrusts.

I came with a guttural roar, holding her hips still while my balls filled the condom with a supersized load.

I knew I should pull out before my dick went soft, but her pussy felt so good, I wished I could just stay there all night.

She opened one eye, peeking up at me with a shy smile.

I brushed her sweaty hair from her forehead before pressing a soft kiss on her lips. “I’ll be right back,” I promised.



I slid slowly out of her body, grabbing the condom and tying it off as I headed into the bathroom.

What now?

Do I leave?


I have no idea what I’m doing.

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