Secret Wolf Book 2 - Book cover

Secret Wolf Book 2

Enola Forfatter

Chapter 3


I was in a meeting with my dad when a mind-link came through.

Jake, are you busy?

It was Bonnie. My dad and I were almost finished. I wondered what she wanted. I knew she was training with Sophie.

It depends, what is it?


I almost felt the hesitation through the mind-link. She continued.

I don’t know if it’s good news or bad news, but I think you should come here.

I furrowed my brow. What was that supposed to mean? I knew there was nothing wrong with Sophie—I would have felt it through the mate bond.

Can you be any more cryptic?

Just…come here. We’re at the obstacle run.

That piqued my interest. I cut the mind-link.

“Dad, we’re finished, right?”

He nodded.

I stood up and left the pack house. As I walked toward the obstacle run, I reached into my mate bond with Sophie. If anything, she seemed excited.

I was almost at the clearing. I heard numerous voices. Multiple pack members had gathered at the clearing.

When I walked into the clearing, I saw what was going on—it was a competition.

This was nothing special. As wolves, we are pretty competitive, so we do this all the time. But as soon as I saw the two participants, I felt a bit misled.

Did Bonnie really want me to see how she beat Sophie at the obstacle run? I looked on from a distance. Bonnie was ready to start.

I heard a whistle, and a blonde wolf ran toward the obstacles. The sound of her paws was soft, but fast.

I waited for her to appear—Sophie. The silver wolf that waited at the finish line drew my attention. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her.

She was such a beautiful wolf. No other wolf in my pack had a silver coat. And no other wolf in my pack had those glowing green eyes.

“One minute ten,” one of the trainers shouted.

I hadn’t even noticed Bonnie come back. Wow, she was fast. I normally did the run in just under a minute, but that wasn’t fair—alphas and soon-to-be-alphas were much faster than your average wolf.

Bonnie was one of the fastest wolves in our pack.

My beautiful silver mate was up next. I could feel she was a little nervous. She was focused and ready to start. I heard the whistle, and she was gone.

I closed my eyes and let my ears follow her. I heard her paws clawing the ground. I already knew she was fast, but an obstacle run was a completely different challenge.

Her pace was steady and light. I heard her crawl under the first obstacles. Then she jumped over the next ones. She dodged the obstacles that were in her way.

Then it was silent for a moment. She was in the ropes, and before I could blink, she was at the wall. She didn’t hold back.

She jumped against the first tree, then higher up to the next one. I waited for her to touch the tree a third time, but instead, I heard her land behind the wall. She already was over it! I couldn’t believe my ears.

She ran toward the arena. She circled it once, twice, and then she was on top of it. My mouth fell open. Sophie left the arena and took the last obstacles with ease.

“One minute one,” I heard the trainer say.

The surrounding pack members cheered. She’d just set a new record. She was the fastest she-wolf in our pack.

Now I understood what Bonnie had said to me earlier. Was this good or bad news? How was it possible that an untrained wolf set this incredible time? We really needed to know where she came from.


I was amazed—I’d beaten Bonnie! I finished the course to the sounds of cheers. The pack members looked at me with pride in their eyes. I felt myself glow.

Suddenly, I sensed Jake’s presence. I looked up and saw him standing by the edge of the clearing.

I ran back to the tree where I’d left my clothes. I changed back into my human form and dressed myself, then I ran to Jake.

“Did you see that?” I yelled excitedly.

Jake smiled and opened his arms for me.

I smacked against him. His deep laugh vibrated through my body.

I looked up at him. His mouth was smiling, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“What is it, Jake?” My own smile faded. “Aren’t you happy for me?”

“Of course I’m happy for you.”

“Why do I have the feeling that something’s wrong?”

He averted his eyes for a second.

“Jake, tell me.”

“Listen, I really am happy for you, but it is a bit strange. My best-trained pack members could set a time like yours. You’ve never done this course, and they’ve practiced for years. It’s just…strange.”

“I’m not normal? Is that what you’re saying?”

He grabbed my face softly. “Sophie, don’t panic right away, and I won’t either. But I do think it’s wise that we find out where you’re from. It could help us understand your…abilities.”

I nodded.

His mouth was just inches away from mine. “For what it’s worth, I think you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen flying over this obstacle course.”

I smiled at him. “Thank you,” I whispered shyly.

“Join me for a swim in the lake?” Jake asked with a hoarse voice.

I cocked my head. “Only a swim?”

He squinted. “You’ll find out.”

“In that case, you’ll have to catch me first.” I turned around and walked into the forest. I stripped and changed into my wolf.

I heard a branch snap. Jake’s big black wolf stared at me with golden eyes. I stared back at him. We stood there for minutes. Jake moved one paw a little bit, and that was the sign for me to take off.

I pushed myself to run as fast as I could. I knew Jake was faster, but I’d become stronger and faster with the day. I heard him right behind me. He nipped at my paws. I let out a playful growl.

We were almost at the lake. It was on our pack grounds, so we knew there were no humans. I took a huge leap and landed in the lake.

Jake followed. As soon as he surfaced, I dove under. I changed back into my human form, and I swam back to the top. Jake had already changed too.

The water was great. He swam to me and took my hand. He led me to shallow water. Jake grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up to kiss him.

I let my tongue glide over his lips. He opened his mouth to let me in. Slowly, I entered his mouth, and I felt him harden under water.

I teased his tongue with mine. He growled softly. I broke the kiss and looked at him, my head slightly tilted.

I lowered my head toward his shoulder until my lips touched the place where I’d marked him. I let my teeth scrape over it. He moaned.

My lips closed over the mark, and I sucked hard. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me off him. His eyes were almost golden. His wolf was just below the surface.

“Are you trying to make me crazy, little one?”

I flushed and smiled. I loved to tease him. Roughly, he claimed my mouth. He bit my lower lip. The kiss was full of passion. He left my mouth and scraped my jaw with his teeth. A shiver ran down my spine.

His lips found his mark on me, and he sucked on it. I felt more and more aroused. He bit softly, not breaking my skin. I almost couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed his hair and pulled him up.

He looked into my eyes. “So gorgeous,” he whispered.

He pulled me onto him, and I wrapped my legs around him. He dominated my mouth with his tongue. My breathing got faster. He pushed his hardened shaft between my folds but didn’t enter yet.

He teased my clit with his smooth head. I moaned in his mouth. I felt his lips curl into a smile.

I rocked my hips to increase the pace, but he grabbed my ass and held me in place. He pushed my shoulders backward, and my upper body floated on the water.

He held me up with one arm on my back. With the other hand, he massaged my breast. He pinched my nipple, and then his hand drifted toward my stomach.

With featherlight touches, he finally reached my clit. His thumb teased it by making slow laps around and over it.

He drove me completely crazy. I let one of my hands travel to my folds. I needed to increase the friction. Instead, he grabbed my hands and pulled me up. We were nose to nose.

“Impatient as always,” he moaned against my lips. He pulled me up a bit and positioned himself. I felt him push against my entrance. He kept looking in my eyes.

Softly, he let himself glide into me. As soon as he was completely buried inside, he held still.

“You feel so good, Jake,” I said under my breath.

He rocked his hips slowly. He never broke eye contact.

“Keep your eyes on me, my love. I want to see you.”

I nodded slightly.

He kept this pace for a while—slow and teasing. The tension inside me grew. It almost hurt.

“Please, Jake,” I whimpered.

Suddenly, he thrust hard. I gasped for air. He went faster and faster. I almost couldn’t bear it anymore.

He still held my gaze. I saw his teeth grow slightly. His eyes became a bright golden color. He thrust deep inside me.

My head fell back, and I closed my eyes. A hard moan escaped my mouth. I felt Jake’s teeth sink into my soft spot. My orgasm came as a tsunami. He kept going and showed me no mercy. I held on to him.

He released my soft spot and looked into my eyes. His were filled with lust.

I felt my teeth grow, and I pulled myself to his shoulder. I bit hard. He thrust into me one more time, and I felt him release inside me. I let his shoulder go and put my head on it.

“The Goddess surely knew what she was doing when she matched us.” Jake smiled at me.

I kissed him softly. “She sure did.”

Suddenly, Jake gazed into the distance. He was getting a mind-link.

I waited patiently until he was back with me. I cocked my head.

“I’m sorry, my love. Duty calls, I’m afraid.”

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